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Living on Less


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09:39 / 13.12.04
I think that's the student loans trap - offering people thousands and thousands of pounds of loans when they're in a situation completely removed from the world of work and repayments. "What's another grand?" Ten and twenty thousand don't sound that much different.
19:32 / 13.12.04
in the US, at least, it's worth mentioning the widening gap between rich and poor, the death of the middle class, and stagnation or outright losses in wages in real dollars.

my girlfriend was listening to NPR last week and apparently the biggest segment of people with major credit card debts are apparently lower-middle-class families with children, who have been economically slaughtered over the past few decades, and basically need credit just to close the gap at the end of the month and pay the bills. essentially, for a whole group of the working poor, credit cards are all that get them from Week Three to the first of the next month.

(1 week's shortfall in expenses) X (12 months per year) X (interest rate) = indentured servitude

my girlfriend is convinced that within a decade or so, the Wal-Marts and the like of this country will be paying their employees in company scrip.
19:45 / 13.12.04
That's not so unbelievable really. Working at WalMart, where else can you afford to shop?

One of the major perks of working for GSK in the US (as I did, yes, I know) is that you get free GSK drugs as well as massively discounted healthcare. Didn't mean much to me but if you're ill, have family who are ill etc, it's very important.

Perks are becoming more and more significant... perhaps moving towards a barter economy?
ibis the being
02:02 / 14.12.04
my girlfriend was listening to NPR last week and apparently the biggest segment of people with major credit card debts are apparently lower-middle-class families with children, who have been economically slaughtered over the past few decades, and basically need credit just to close the gap at the end of the month and pay the bills. essentially, for a whole group of the working poor, credit cards are all that get them from Week Three to the first of the next month.

Oh God, how depressing. Add kids and that could be me. I just have to hope my business gets me into the black soon.
04:28 / 14.12.04
If you smoke joints, switch to using a bong.
King of Town
20:39 / 15.12.04
If you smoke joints, switch to using a bong.
I like your practicality. All types of smoking are so expensive, it makew me wonder how people think its worth it. Is it mostly the addiction?
ibis the being
20:45 / 15.12.04
Here's another idea, if you're on good terms with your parents - consider asking for a loan from them that you will repay at a lower interest rate than any bank or card is likely to give you, and draw up official paperwork to hammer home your commitment to repayment. A friend of mine has an ugly amount of credit card debt from her reckless youth - meanwhile, her mom does well in real estate and was just able to buy a new house. The mom decided to take out a home equity to fully pay off my friend's credit card debt. Now my friend continues to make regular payments, but is actually chipping away at the debt rather than just staving it off.
18:35 / 16.12.04
that bottom feeder essay reads a bit like dr. bronner's soap.
modern maenad
08:45 / 17.12.04
Great news. (?!?!) Have been accepted for consolidation loan, so on cusp of destroying mastercard and entering new era of prolific non-spending. What would be the most appropriate fate for the little bugger - death by scissors, or something far more inventive.....??? (note that by blaming piece of plastic for all past fiscal excess I have seamlessly bypassed any sense of guilt or personal responsiblity - superb).
Scrubb is on a downward spiral
09:12 / 17.12.04
What would be the most appropriate fate for the little bugger - death by scissors, or something far more inventive.....???

Fire! Fire! There's always something deeply satisfying about burning things, assuming that it doens't give off hideous toxic debt-causing fumes as it smoulders.
09:16 / 17.12.04
Just a word of caution that a consolodation loan is not a panacea - it depends on your circumstances and the various interest rates your existing debts are levied at... Your bank is usually a good port of call for advice on how to reduce your debt level.
modern maenad
09:24 / 17.12.04
sleazenation - thanks for words of caution, but its OK - I've gone for a low interest internet based loan, and the interest is way less than I'm paying at the moment (I'll be paying less over five years than I forked out in the past 12 months!!). Also, by taking out a five year loan with relatively low monthly payments, there's enought left to still have a life and not need to revert to credit for the last two weeks of each month. Its not perfect, but its better than it has been.........yay.

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