I laughed a lot at series four but couldn't help thinking it was slightly disappointing. The second series, for me, represents a high water mark for comedy - it was like every line, look and situation was engineered to perfection, and there didn't seem to be quite that level of quality control in the fourth series. It seemed lazier, or like the script editor didn't have the guts to turn round to the writers and say 'this isn't quite there yet'. So while it had great moments, it didn't quite get there - lines like "Super hans tried to sexually assualt me" "Cuh! Super hans" seemed a bit... lazy and obvious. Like having Mark's schoolgirl crush turn out to be a sort of serial adulterer, when it would have been much more painful and funny to have her genuinely liking Mark, or her husband being a pretty unimaginative school bully type with an annoying laugh, when previous one-off characters have been much more original. It seemed like the obviously talented writers were kind of settling for less, like the scripts for each episode were still one draft away from perfection.
But, even with the show coasting it bit it did still have some marvellous moments. |