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Fuck the South


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Bastard Tweed
03:12 / 14.11.04
Thanks, Sally. As someone who was born in Virginia, raised in Texas, and paid constant visits to family in West Virginia; I've been trying to word that for hours. And goddamwell EVERYONE I know in all three respective states voted Kerry (or at least Anti-Bush).

Pointing out that we live in a state where our votes didn't even particularly count only adds insult to injury.
Bastard Tweed
03:19 / 14.11.04
Lord Morgue
04:40 / 14.11.04
Well, even in the Conversation, it seems I'm the only one here not allowed to be flippant when we're discussing such weighty themes as LVX's fridge, and beanie babies. Was that you, Flyboy?
8===>Q: alyn
06:39 / 14.11.04
Dear Southern Barbelith,

You're absolutely right, it feels real bad to be taken out of the driver's seat and then blamed for the accidents. Political screeds and diatribes are a shitty way to do business. But I dunno. It seems to have worked for the other side; I'm writing this from Jew York, you know, where all the welfare cheaters live. Maybe you and yours have to start living down this image, the way we Bluemericans live down ours.

Anyhoo. What is this, Cernobog? I've heard that same story from friends in Florida. Where did these Bush votes come from, then? Could it be!?!
08:18 / 14.11.04
Look, I live in Santa Cruz, California. I went to Kresge College at UCSC. We fucking invented Political Corretness(Tm).

Really? When?
10:18 / 14.11.04
SO not normal to be up at 5:00 AM talking about political correctness...

I found a decent paper about the term: it's a Word doc, I downloaded it okay. If you look for instances of usage (that are conceptually more like what fridge says), this goes really way back... but I think that what we are talking about is this meme that came up in the 80s? The paper refers to Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Stanley Fish, Catherine R. Stimpson, et. al. as PC advocates, which is what I remember. Being Californian by marriage, I've no doubt that Santa Cruz was a hotbed of PC advocacy at this time. I also remember a conversation, in the late 80s, with my sister who was doing grad english at Michigan, and I used the term PC & she politely winced and said something like Most people aren't saying that anymore...

By now, I'd think the term "political correctness" is long past its sell-by date. But you know, I'm pretty used to this being thrown out by the right & this is the point when you know the debate is at an end. But I feel actual sadness when I see this poor destroyed term coming back at me from the left, it feels like self-immolation.

I've no objection to further analysis of the socioeconomic factors that might support or refute the method and intention of the original posts. I was simply surprised that folks felt it necessary to do so. It's just a rant in the heat of the moment that some guy threw out there because he was pissed off at the shameful hoisting of democracy by BushCo.

So your position is that this was just some funny venting, about which nothing more needs to be said? I don't object to the funny venting part --you don't know me, but my own sense of humor is very, very harsh. But there's always a basis to humor, I think. Like when something makes you laugh hysterically because it's so terrible, or because it's so true. It may not be something that you question yourself, because you know the meaning of your own laughter --instinctually, if not rationally. All of your beliefs and experiences that motivate and mitigate your laughter. But when you get a group of people together like this, they don't necessarily know what everybody's laughter means. And the more sensitive the subject is --if you're from the South, or if you think that the conceptual division of the U.S. into Red and Blue is exactly what's wrong with this country-- the more people are going to raise points & I think that's what people are getting at.
17:37 / 14.11.04
I suppose that Melanie Philips is also a nice woman underneath all of that bile.

(superstitiously crosses self) Look, there're some things you don't say, EVEN. IN. JEST. 'kay? (looks worriedly around for apocalypse)
19:24 / 14.11.04
Is Melanie Philips the short-haired Nazi who biles for the Mail?
19:34 / 14.11.04
(looks around even more nervously) Yes, yes, but let's not mention her name out loud again, ahall we?(hurries indoors, fearfully)
We're The Great Old Ones Now
19:40 / 14.11.04
Look, I live in Santa Cruz, California. I went to Kresge College at UCSC. We fucking invented Political Corretness(Tm).

I'm reasonably sure that was Antioch when they instituted the Consent Form - but there appear to have been sound cultural reasons - namely an insane amount of sex.
20:02 / 14.11.04
According to a (very plausible) letter in the Guardian, the phrase "political correctness" was first used by the British Left (mild variety) to take the piss out of other, more Stalinist, comrades who'd come back from (pre-Glasnost) Russia all full of vim, vigour and red spunk. 'twas a lefty in-joke, apparently. Which, obviously, WENT MAD!!!
Lord Morgue
02:01 / 15.11.04
Told you. Also I might point out now Johnny K. has returned, it's just like the NAAAHHHZIS. And next Barbelith will DIIIIIEEEE.
You see, Haus? Strike my posts down and they will only become more powerful than you can imagine.
07:52 / 15.11.04
And another thread is shown that Morque's only topic is himself, which would be a problem even were Morque not as a subject so dull.

Morque, the fact that your contributions are not only tolerated but celebrated by some of our less intelligent members is a reflection of the need for any society to have a group to be the bottom end of the bell curve. Your role as a bell-end is vital but also traditional. There have always been stupid people on Barbelith, and generally they entertain themselves and each other wonderfully. I have no doubt that you believe your contribution to this trend is somehow exciting and iconoclastic. Have fun with that.
09:17 / 15.11.04
According to a (very plausible) letter in the Guardian, the phrase "political correctness" was first used by the British Left (mild variety) to take the piss out of other, more Stalinist, comrades who'd come back from (pre-Glasnost) Russia all full of vim, vigour and red spunk

It's an answer, certainly. *However*, that is in a commisarial context - that is, one could be "politically incorrect" as a ranking member of the Communist Pary in Russia in the same way that you can be "liturgically incorrect" as a ranking member of the Church of England. The genesis of the phrase is also variously and apocryphally attributed to the Frankfurt School, Mao's China etc, but in each case with a different contextual usage...

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