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I Need a LOT More Vodka


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12:25 / 03.11.04
Oh, and next time I say, No rituals tonight, Keggers...Make certain that there are no elections on and I haven't been swimming in vin rouge.
unheimlich manoeuvre
12:27 / 03.11.04
The corporate government remains in Washington, whether it's Democrat or Republican.
13:06 / 03.11.04
Graffiti I saw on my way to work this morning:

2 + 2 = 5
2 + 2 = 5
2 + 2 = 5
2 + 2 = 5
2 + 2 = 5
2 + 2 = 5
2 + 2 = 5
2 + 2 = 5

8===>Q: alyn
14:07 / 03.11.04
Sorry to be tiresome, for those who've seen this on my lj, but as I said it bears repeating:

We don't kill slaves.

This is a rescue mission.

14:28 / 03.11.04
1. Kerry won! I'm so happy, yay, Kerry's the president, let's move along. (it worked last time, didn't it?)

2. Can Kerry just be president of the states he won? I want to see how long Bush can sustain a war, backed by the economy of the United States of Bumfuck Egypt.

3. Somebody get me pregnant. I want to have an abortion while I still can.
Nobody's girl
14:29 / 03.11.04
Gypsy Lantern
14:37 / 03.11.04
News just in: After a recount, outsider candidate George Clinton swoops in with a landslide presidential victory.

George W Bush conceded defeat graciously, as he told reporters: "George Clinton is a good guy and he'll do a good job. I mean, we all know how good he was in Parliament, just think what he could do with four years in the White House."

Bootsy Collins was unavailable for comment.
14:37 / 03.11.04
I am be perfectly honest.
14:44 / 03.11.04
Fist John Peel, now this. Shit. Everyone in tthe 'states - damn
ibis the being
14:46 / 03.11.04
Listen, people, you've got it all wrong. There's no "stupidity" in the faith-based community, because you're not supposed to think. Just believe.
14:50 / 03.11.04
News just in: After a recount, outsider candidate George Clinton swoops in with a landslide presidential victory.

You're our piece of the rock, and we love ya C.C.
Gypsy Lantern
14:50 / 03.11.04
"Fist John Peel" ?
15:02 / 03.11.04
The Republicians have got his corpse...

no, it was a typo.
15:09 / 03.11.04
Ha! Ha!

That's what Kerry gets for being a total idiot.

Kerry dissapears in October. Well, late October. Not a peep from him appears. I mean, he was campaigning but were all the tough ads?

bin Laden appears in a videotape.

Does the Kerry campaign quickly run an ad composing solely of that moment from the Bush press conference in 2002 where Bush said that bin Laden wasn't important and wasn't on his mind?

No, the Kerry campaign totally failed to do that.

Did Kerry make a smart comeback at Bush when Bush said that Kerry voted against the bill that would've provided 87 billion dollars of support for our troops?

No, Kerry said that he had made a mistake in voting against that bill!

Oh, what hilarity. He should've said: "That bill failed to pass a Republican controlled Congress. Why did all those Republicans vote against it?"

This would've made Bush and the Republican party look really bad.

Did Kerry do that?


Did Kerry use the fact that Bush gained support of Putin and the prime minister of Italy (forgot his name) to attack Bush by saying that the 2 people who just began to support Bush are known for taking total control over their respective country's mass media? Nope.

Did Kerry point out that we're supporting a Saddam Hussein like dictator in Uzbekistan?

Whoops. No he didn't.

So what did Kerry say about Bush?

Uhm... I don't know. AND THAT'S THE DAMN PROBLEM!

So once again:

Lionheart says:

No big surprise. Kerry lost because he ran an idiotic campaign.
15:10 / 03.11.04
...but now Bush can't blame Kerry for the results of his (Bush's) actions.
8===>Q: alyn
15:13 / 03.11.04
Sure, and he didn't meet charges of his "flip flopping" on the war with footage of himself, speaking to the Senate before the infamous vote to grant the president unusual war powers, outlining all of the problems that came to pass.

That stuff is all too complicated for campaigns the way they are currently run. Campaigns are run on narrative, not analysis. No amount of information could've changed things.
15:24 / 03.11.04
"Ex-KGB agent Putin and former oilman Bush have forged a close relationship that Russian opposition to the U.S.-led war in Iraq has not derailed and have been united in the struggle to derail Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda movement."

(from CNN)

ibis the being
15:58 / 03.11.04
16:03 / 03.11.04
Well, here we go...

It's WW3

Say, does the initial "W" in George W. Bush, stand for war? It does now.
ibis the being
17:25 / 03.11.04
Hey, listen everyone, there's hope. P Diddy's going to kill all those kids who didn't vote.
17:30 / 03.11.04
My, my. We do live in interesting times, don't we?

I can't believe people voted for him.
Alex's Grandma
17:57 / 03.11.04
Kerry just now, live on TV:

" America is not just great, but it is good. "

Okay, now I may have misunderstood the point he was making, of which to be fair I only caught the tail end, but still,

What an absolute tit.

Really, how can the silly bastard SMILE like that, when his efforts have let down not just half of his country, but most of the rest of the free world as well ? Couldn't he at least look a little ashamed ?
18:13 / 03.11.04
Sure, and he didn't meet charges of his "flip flopping" on the war with footage of himself, speaking to the Senate before the infamous vote to grant the president unusual war powers, outlining all of the problems that came to pass.

That stuff is all too complicated for campaigns the way they are currently run. Campaigns are run on narrative, not analysis. No amount of information could've changed things.

He actually did meet charges of flip-flopping by explaining his positions. He then went to crucify himself by saying that some of those charges were correct.
Bed Head
18:18 / 03.11.04
Oh, God. Victory speech.

I’m having difficulty accepting today is happening. I mean, really. I don’t think I’ve ever understood the world less. This makes no sense whatsoever. It’s an overwhelming, popular victory. It’s terrifying to think that this guy’s morals have been endorsed. It’s downright evil.
18:29 / 03.11.04
God knows Kerry would hardly have made everything fine and dandy, but voting him in would've stopped - or at least slowed - the rot, introduced some potential for negotiating change. Bush's re-election is a disaster, an absolute fucking disaster. There's no redeeming feature here, none.
18:32 / 03.11.04

Seems someone has the right idea.
19:11 / 03.11.04

Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
19:21 / 03.11.04
I want to sit at home and read books and play like Spider-Man in the classic issue where he says "I've had it! Go ahead and hurt yourselves, kill yourselves, I just don't care anymore!"

But, like with most things, I have to fight that urge. Those of us who really want an America we want to live in are goign to have to quit bitching and start fighting. We have to do like the right-wing did in things like Air America Radio, The Center For American Progress and gay rights groups. We have to tell people that WE are the compassionate ones, and that we represent the values of America.

We have to keep them from taking our country away from us and turning it into Rapture Land. Protesting won't work, it scares people off. We have to beat them at their own game and support the people who believe as we do.

There was an amazingly good thing from the election last night, and that is that Barak Obama won HANDILY in Illinois. His style of politics is the wave of the future.

Dammit, Paul Wellstone told us that the future belongs to people who have passion and work hard to make our country better. Let's cry in our beer for a day or so, and then marshal our passion and work hard!
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
19:27 / 03.11.04
I that Bush has won, we'll be protected from terrorist wolves who want to use stem cells to take Bibles from us.

So we have THAT going for us.
20:01 / 03.11.04
Really, the only people who by now don't realize how the deck is stacked either don't care or are just too fucking stupid.
20:21 / 03.11.04
I'm fairly confident, or at least hopeful, that the Democrats had the sense to cheat back this time. I guess the Republicans are still just better at it.
ibis the being
21:15 / 03.11.04
I just want to post the text of nightclub's Craiglist link -

Dear Ohio,

I am a Captain in the United States Army from Asheville, NC. I am writing you from one of the few internet hookups we have available to us from our foward operating base here in Western Iraq. I'd like to thank each and everyone of you. Now that you've voted the way you did, I can look foward to many more years of aggression, war and death. Thank you. When I signed up, I had no idea I'd be fighting for no-bid contracts, and I had no idea my friends would be dying for them. But since I am a soldier I must do the bidding of my commander in chief, who in turn does our bidding. I cannot express to you how happy I am. It's such a great feeling to know that your life is on the line so that a bunch of fucking idiots can feel better about the price of gas. Thanks Ohio! If I get fragged by an IED or get one in the head, I'll make sure to tell Jesus that all you fucking losers jumped around and praised his name while sending young men and women out into the field to lay down their lives for coporate greed and the bidding of a skewed religious ideal. Thanks Ohio. While you're feeding your fat fucking faces and priding yourselves on how fucking retarded you are remember this: Jesus=Magic.

Nice to fuck up the world. Thanks. And I can't stress this enough... FUCK YOU.
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:38 / 03.11.04
well. I'm

aware that I'm commenting from a relatively safe distance. (and yes, I do know that this affects me directly, but i'm feeling for the people who's country this actually is)

But am swinging between horrified, angry, upset,crashed and trying to focus the energy on figuring *what I can do* and for the rest, combine Bedhead and Ganesh's posts.

23:05 / 03.11.04
Being busy for the early part of the day helped me avoid thinking about it all (and, weirdly, absolutely none of my work colleagues made reference to the election; nor did I, it was as if there was a collective unspoken agreement not to acknowledge it) but since I came home, it's settling on me, like fallout.

At the moment, I'm mixing slightly-petulant anger directed at the more fundamentalist end of the American Christian spectrum (some of which I've recently discharged on Cross and Flame), helplessness and fear. I suppose I'm seeing their "faith-based" worldview - more concerned with men loving men, "moral" contamination and illusory fear of the Other than with neocon-inspired mass-murder predicated on a lie - afresh, less as a scary crackpot minority than a fucking terrifying influential mainstream.

The worst thing is a dejection that's leaving me pissed off but tired and lethargic. It's making me look inward to the UK, with a sort of isolationism of my own - y'know, 'America's intent on becoming a fucked-up right-wing theocracy and there's nowt I can do; best stick to my own little adjunct-nation instead'. Depressingly parochial, but what else can we, in the UK, actually do?

23:17 / 03.11.04
Absolutely this won't cheer anyone up, but I thought I'd include a little narrative I emailed to a friend that I'll call:

My Day of Hell in Clark County Ohio!

or, "Yes, you should be afraid."

I spent 13.5 hours outside, mostly in the rain,
yesterday, from 6:15 AM to 7:45 pm (it rained probably
10 of those hours), as a poll rep for the local Dems
in Springfield, OH.

I was basically just sitting there, way more than 100
ft away from the polling location, with a Kerry sign
and some democratic candidate slates, but I was still
harassed and pestered by republicans who were
offended, OffendeD!, by my presence.

First, I had to move three times because the head
ballot judge, inside, was really incensed that I was
there at all, and she repeatedly moved me on down the
line until I was no where near even the parking lot.
Although I was well within my rights to be there, the
Dems decided not to press the issue.

Then came the passers by. One woman told me it was
"immoral" for me to be there. A man finished a racist
and homophobic rant with an eyebrow raised and a "you
better be careful." Long meaningful glare.

Someone called the police and said (falsely, of
course) that I was yelling obscenities and threatening
voters. So I had a nice chat with a really great cop,
who had no patience for their complaints, and took
down my description of the evil homophobe who had
harassed us.

A woman in a car drove past and screamed: "John
Kerry is a Baby-Killer."

Another man came by and took pictures of me with his digital
camera and said he was going to report me to the Board
of Elections.

I also experienced some lovely acts of kindness--a
woman brought me homemade cookies and a big 24 oz. cup
of hot coffee from a convenience store when it got
cold as night fell. A man in the early morning hours
offered to buy me something from Hardee's. A
girlfriend of mine joined me, latte in hand (well,
let's just confirm all those "blue state" stereotypes
. . .), and was just going to stay a couple of hours
but she stayed with me for six hours. She went out
and bought us soup when the lunch was late.

A male colleague, Steve, who was also volunteering for
the Dems, came and joined me that evening for two
hours, since I'd called in about the harrassment,
which was typically more aggressive when there was
only one of us there. The temperature kept dropping;
he got blankets from his car and brought me a bottle
of water.

I couldn't have sat there all that time without that
support. Honestly, it was actually just really hard
for me to just sit there and take in all that hatred.

So, as we sat there shivering (it had been warm all
morning, but it was really getting cold and we were
damp through and through), Steve asked me, "Do you
think it did any good to sit here all day?" I said I
wasn't sure. Did it get any more voters? Probably

The thing that kills me, that I still can't believe,
somehow, is that just sitting there-just SITTING
there--beside a sign, brought out such virulent anger
in so many people. A kind of deep rage, or, at best,
a friendly-talking spitefulness like the man who
smilingly assured me he was reporting me to the Board
of Elections. A kind of barely suppressed violence.

It might have been wiser to just walk away. To leave
it to them.

I said to my friend Steve, when he asked, "I'm not
sure what this was worth. If it had been less rainy
it might have been more possible to talk to voters; as
it stands I'm just not sure if it was worth . . . " I
searched for a word. "The pneumonia?" he suggested...

(Had to laugh at that.)

That's my story. I'd love to think it was all the fault of the Guardian's Clark County campaign . . . .

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