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Barbe-quit 2


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18:55 / 28.10.04
no fags twenty days

vegetables taste good

out demon out
Mourne Kransky
22:14 / 28.10.04
Don't talk to me then. I've been on the wagon, off the wagon, on again with a guilty smile on my face for at least the last year. You will be my exemplar, lovely nicotine-free Kit-Cat, and I want you to be dominatrix-severe next time in the George, and I will forgive you for not bumming any fags off me. You must look really smug and breathing-easy while I cough and splutter and pretend to Miss Cherry Bomb and Sir sleazenation that I haven't had a fag for weeks, sorry days, *cof* several hours*. Tomorrow I shall start the campaign afresh...
22:25 / 28.10.04
GL's assesment of why we smoke is good, but might I also suggest you consider the stimuli that causes your nic-fit?

When I quit I realized that I used smoking as a means of distancing myself from the things that were causing me stress and discomfort:

A) No smoking in the office. Getting pissed at a coworker/boss/job/computer? Gee, I have to go outside, away from the stimuli, and smoke.

B) No smoking in the home. Getting frustrated with the Significant Other? Gee, I have to go outside, away from the stimuli, and smoke.

C) No smoking in the club (USA). Wanna chat up the cutie/conspire with a cohort/pass juicy gossip/visit with a fried but the music is too loud? Gee, I have to go outside, away from the stimuli, and smoke.

I found figureing out a non-smoking way of doing things I'd been using as a crutch for helped me get past the craving.
No star here laces
02:16 / 29.10.04
I've gone 3 months without a fag now. My top tip is to give up on the same day as a work colleague (ideally one who is also a friend) that way you see each other every day, keep tabs on your progress and can go for cigarette-free tea breaks together and bitch about your craving.
09:28 / 29.10.04
Tomorrow I shall start the campaign afresh...

How's the campaign going, Sick Boy?
10:48 / 29.10.04
Well, actually, I only do smoke when I go out during the night. It's weird, people chatting about craving, as I've never actually felt that urge to light up. I get all the benefits and none* of the drawbacks!

*except lung cancer! Yay!
11:10 / 29.10.04
I've been managing to cut down AND save loads of money by going on to rollies. True, it makes you look like a spiv, but I find there's something gratifying in being involved with the construction of your fag. It helps you bond with it, and strike up a relationship, which I think makes it, ultimately, easier to end the relationship. If you think of cigarettes as something you're personally invested in via their actual becoming, you can anthropomorphise them into banishment.
Whale... Whale... Fish!
11:23 / 29.10.04
I too have been *trying* to give up with no success. In the past couple of years I've tried patches and nicotine gum with no avail. Cold Turkeying doesn't work as I crack within a few hours. My addiction is absolute.

I really want to give up though and I am trying but it doesn't work. I've started seeing a medical student, and she suprisingly enough, hates smoking. As a result of my addiction I have no money, my clothes smell and I hate being addicted to something so shitty and I don't actually enjoy it but the itching in my frontal lobe gets so bad when I have no nicotine. I think I'll speak to my doctor when I see him in a couple of weeks...

Has anyone tried Zyban? How does it work? What does it do? Does it help?
Jack The Bodiless
11:24 / 29.10.04
Doing drugs makes it awful tricky to not smoke cigarettes. Being off your tits is not a recipe for willpower a-go-go.
Alex's Grandma
11:43 / 29.10.04
I'd like to take issue with this lung cancer business. While it's obviously true that it's a risk, the figures would appear to suggest that only 50% of smokers will die of related illnesses, including not just cancer, but heart disease, bronchial problems, etc, so, y'know, it's hardly inevitable. The foolish optimism of the smoker who thinks he or she can avoid an early painful death isn't really that statistically different from that of a young couple walking up the aisle, sure they'll never end up in the divorce courts one day, with all the attendant misery, bitterness and recrimination I'd imagine that could easily involve - they're playing the same kind of odds, it's just that with couples, you can't really mention it, whereas everyone and his cat feels able to dish out horror stories if you're on twenty a day. And while everyone has to die of something eventually, nobody actually *has* to have their soul and their bank account torn apart in the law courts - personally, I'd rather try and beat heroin than go through that - and yet where's the health warning on the marriage license these days ?

Anyway *climbing down off of high horse* I suppose it is antisocial ( as if marriage isn't... ok, I'll shut up, ) so good luck KKC, Anna, Xoc, and everyone else who's trying to pack in the tabs.
11:48 / 29.10.04
That's why you've got to personalise your fags. Give each and every one a name and little character traits. Marry each cigarette in a private little ceremony inside your head when you take it out of the packet. Consummate your wedding by placing it inbetween your lips. And when you light up, imagine it screaming in a tiny, dried-leafy voice: "Help! Help! My head's on fire!"
Alex's Grandma
12:09 / 29.10.04
I feel like Bluebeard already...
Kit-Cat Club
12:24 / 29.10.04
I did quite well last night (a marathon leaving bash for a friend from work) - I made it through the cocktail bar part without cadging a fag and only slipped up when we were at the indie disco. One cigarette and a puff on another one - not too bad on the whole. I was drunk enough to cry about it on the way home though...
13:34 / 29.10.04
Gah - I went through many, many cigarettes last night. V. bad. It's the way my smoking speeds up towards last orders - if I had had any sense I would have left at 9-9:30, thus knocking about 8 cigs off my total... Still, first cigarettes of the week. OTOH, not good enough. Black mark Tannhauser.
Alex's Grandma
14:07 / 29.10.04
Still, first cigarettes of the week

Erm... I hate to play Mr Pointy Fingers here Haus, but that's not *strictly* true, is it ?
ibis the being
14:38 / 29.10.04
I'm frustrated with my SO right now. He quit smoking over a year ago - he'd been wanting to quit knowing it was a terrible habit, and next time he caught a cold he quit cold turkey. Within a couple of weeks cigarettes already seemed disgusting and alien to him. Then, suddenly, more than a year later he's started smoking again! First it was a butt or two at the bar, now it's a butt or two anytime we're visiting friends - last night I warned him he's about a week away from buying a pack.

I just don't understand why someone would quit for that long and start again! The whole year he was off smoking he talked about how nasty it was. In fact I wouldn't say anything to him now if HE hadn't gone on & on about how glad he was that he quit.
21:18 / 29.10.04
Erm... I hate to play Mr Pointy Fingers here Haus, but that's not *strictly* true, is it ?

Breasts. I forgot.
Bed Head
21:52 / 29.10.04
I don’t believe anyone is really glad when they’ve quit smoking, ever. It’s a big fib. I’m not glad I quit, I loved smoking. I quit on a whim, stubbornly carried it through, and now the only thing that keeps me from starting again is the certain knowledge that if I start again, I’ll have to stop again sooner or later. And seeing as stopping was such a horrific experience, I figure I’d rather be miserable and fag-less for the rest of my life than go through that again. You’re so lucky, you smokers, messing around with this maybe-quitting, maybe-not, ‘oooh, aren’t I naughty’ thing. It sounds like such a fun game.
Whale... Whale... Fish!
01:20 / 31.10.04
but my new lady friend really doesn't like it. I was round at hers tonight and had a sly cig when nipping out to get a bridie from the 24hr bakery. Even the pacification chocolate I bought her didn't stop the telling off I got on my return.

Although the fact that she was getting pretty stressed from making her wings for tomorrow night probably didn't help.

I think I shall be visiting the Docs on Monday to find something to boost my will power...
Bill Posters
15:15 / 04.11.04
Well my attempts to stop always end in disaster. I wish the Gipsy Lantern school of not smoking was all there was to it, but I fear it's not so simple, not for me anyway. It's the Zyban thing which leads me to suspect that fags are a type of antidepressant, and that thinking this is not the Nicotine Demon inside me playing tricks with my mind, but a simple fact based on observation. Why else would a bunch of people in an antidepressant trial all suddenly lose the desire to smoke, much to their surprise and that of the pharmacologists? Again, as Whale asks above,

Has anyone tried Zyban?

(Or Wellbutrin, I think it's called in the Americas?) I have heard many a horror story, but I am also starting to supect that antidepressants of some kind may actually be a valid approach to quitting. Anyone with a strong opinion one way or the other, I'd be interested to hear it...
Haus of Mystery
15:46 / 04.11.04
One cigarette and a puff on another one - not too bad on the whole. I was drunk enough to cry about it on the way home though...

Isn't it annoying, when you're trying to quit, the way that cigarettes take on an exaggerated revered status? I actually had thoughts of the 'Life without cigarettes isn't worth living' variety, which is so mind-numingly stupid I could cry.

But don't you start too.
16:39 / 04.11.04
30 days no fags, and really it's just all too easy now. i can't believe i smoked for twenty years and never tried to give up before. mind you the pneumonia hospitalisation certainly helped deal with the first three days craving.

anyone in the early days of cessation might like to download the "silkquit meter":

so anyway, 30 days, but no black tar gunge coming up from the lungs yet. it must be in the post by now.

if anyone has any anecdotes about bringing up the black stuff, i'd love to hear it. how long after stopping before it started coming up, how many months did you keep coughing it up for, that kind of thing?

it's simple pleasures like this that i look forward to.
Goodness Gracious Meme
21:53 / 04.11.04
margh. Had a couple a week ago.(bringing the number probably to maybe 10-15 since mid dec '03)

Then smoked like a bastard the entire last weekend at Jack's. (where I managed on the saturday until I was drunk, and then gave up on giving up, utterly craply, for the next 70 hours or so)

Not had once since, but am back to craving/addict voice lying in my head. bargh.

Buut, went in a post-election-funk - to the shop last night/early this morning and managed to buy quorn, pizza and chocolate instead of fags.

Pathetic, but a small triumph in my book.

But I guess it's back to the knitting and the-arse-the-size-of-a-house food replacement for me...
Goodness Gracious Meme
03:07 / 07.11.04
I think i give up. I'm probably a smoker again.


what a waste of 9 months of effort.

I'm such a fucking moron.
03:08 / 07.11.04
I'm (as of this morning) on my 6th consecutive day without booze. Am attempting to make it a week.
I NEED fags to get me through that.
Goodness Gracious Meme
03:30 / 07.11.04
fucking well done you. I think you're really allowed to smoke.

similarly/but also really differently(like, i'm not meaning to make a direct comparison at all but it strikes me as possibly vaguely comparable - hope yr not offended, love) to a very good mate of mine who's an ex-junkie(crack and speedballs as well as straight heroin), 8 years clean and smokes like a chimney.

And his addiction counsellor basically, off the record said, 'frankly, if that all yr doing, then well done.'
Kit-Cat Club
14:11 / 11.11.04
Yeah - well done, Stoatie, top work. How are you doing at the moment?

I slipped up last night, but only one cigarette - which I don't think was too bad, given that I'd just done a seminar paper and had been quite stressed. However - it's annoying to note that the reason I smoked wasn't the stress, but was something to do with the fact that two old friends of mine (who had given up this time last year) are all of a sudden back on the tabs - this seemed to legitimise my smoking, which really shouldn't have happened. Oh well.
19:21 / 11.11.04
My partner-for-life smokes. I hate the fact that he smokes. BUT

He has stopped twice since we've been together. Once, he'd stopped for a more than a year. Then his mom went into the hospital for five weeks, before dying, and all that time sitting around in the hospital . . . Guess what happened?

The second time, however, he gained 30 lbs and became incredibly, INCREDIBLY depressed. We were both miserable. It finally came to a point where I said: you know what, I don't think our relationship can survive this. If you have to start smoking again, I'll be sad, but I'll understand.

And that was that. He's smoked ever since. I still wonder about that moment when I kind of "gave him permission" to smoke again. Was that totally cocked up?
06:24 / 12.11.04
hold on, i get it now. this thread is for people who try to give up, not for people who do give up.

ok, i'll get me coat

good luck!

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