I'd like to take issue with this lung cancer business. While it's obviously true that it's a risk, the figures would appear to suggest that only 50% of smokers will die of related illnesses, including not just cancer, but heart disease, bronchial problems, etc, so, y'know, it's hardly inevitable. The foolish optimism of the smoker who thinks he or she can avoid an early painful death isn't really that statistically different from that of a young couple walking up the aisle, sure they'll never end up in the divorce courts one day, with all the attendant misery, bitterness and recrimination I'd imagine that could easily involve - they're playing the same kind of odds, it's just that with couples, you can't really mention it, whereas everyone and his cat feels able to dish out horror stories if you're on twenty a day. And while everyone has to die of something eventually, nobody actually *has* to have their soul and their bank account torn apart in the law courts - personally, I'd rather try and beat heroin than go through that - and yet where's the health warning on the marriage license these days ?
Anyway *climbing down off of high horse* I suppose it is antisocial ( as if marriage isn't... ok, I'll shut up, ) so good luck KKC, Anna, Xoc, and everyone else who's trying to pack in the tabs. |