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Barbe-quit 2


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Kit-Cat Club
13:18 / 25.10.04
Hello chaps,

I thought about adding this to the old Barbe-quit thread, but it's too depressing to read over it and realise exactly how long I have been going on about needing to stop smoking...

Anyway, as of NOW I am going to make a concerted effort to stop smoking in pubs, stop cadging fags off my mates, and therefore, I hope, stop having achy lungs that make me think I have cancer. All support appreciated. Please look disapproving if you see me smoking, wrench cigs out of clutching hands, refuse to spot me a fag, etc.

Anyone else looking to kick a bad habit or addiction? Let us support each other.

This thread goes out with special apologies to Flyboy - every time I see him I tell him I'm going to stop pinching cigarettes from him, and then 5 minutes later there I am, cadging away. Sorry...
Tryphena Absent
13:41 / 25.10.04
I haven't had a cigarette for 7 days. This all started when I got a cold, and thought I'd better not smoke because it would go away quicker. Then the cold went away (on Thursday) and it seem stupid to start again when I could possibly kick the habit forever. Now every time I see someone with a fag in their mouth I want to jump on their back and start hitting them over the head with my handbag while swiping the cigarette out of their mouth. I feel like I'm in an episode of Green Wing without the hospital. My nervous energy has also come back, it's quite frightening. It's a bit like grief, in a week perhaps I'll feel better, the only problem is the cigarette's still alive.
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:16 / 25.10.04
That's okay, Kit-Cat: last time I was out with you, I poured beer from your pint glass into mine whilst you were in another room.
Kit-Cat Club
15:11 / 25.10.04
Oh, good, that's all right then.

I think in that case, what with several people off the cigarettes, we should restart the WI thread and have cake.
15:17 / 25.10.04
I'm good for cake - I fell back onto the cigs on Saturday, with my utterly and unrepentantly smoky chums, but in general I'm thinking this is a good time to look at why exactly I smoke and whether I want to carry it on.

Oh yes. Beer.

Anyone know any late-opening tea houses? Or non-smoking pubs?
Eloi Tsabaoth
15:26 / 25.10.04
Hie thee to a patisserie!
15:34 / 25.10.04
This isn't meant to sound as smug as it no-doubt does but this last weekend marked the first anniversary of my stopping smoking cigarettes. I'm well up for fruit smoothies, tea and cake but avoiding the pub is not the key to stopping smoking...
Kit-Cat Club
15:41 / 25.10.04
No, but I think not drinking so much (or at all) might help those of us with social-smoking habits and little willpower... hopefully it need only be a temporary measure, but am planning to stop drinking for most of November (also to save Christmas present money).
15:54 / 25.10.04
Actually, I found my inherant laziness a posative boon in stopping smoking. As opposed to excercise, which requires a great deal of effort, stopping smoking is far simpler if you remember what a hassle it is to have to nip out to the shops to but fags, make sure you have a lighter with you, make sure you have the right change to buy them, get of your bum to go to the smoking arera etc. etc. With fewer excuses to get away from the computer, I am probably less active at work since giving up smoking than I was previously - Its the lazy way to a healthier life (though not much healthier...)
Kit-Cat Club
16:03 / 25.10.04
Ha, yes, I remember you telling me that.

The thing is though, that since my evil habits are confined to pubs, it seems to me to make more sense to remove some of the contributing factors - e.g. the removal of inhibitions caused by imbibing the demon drink, which allows one to bum fags off one's mates. Of course if said mates are non-smokers the problem ceases to exist...
19:27 / 25.10.04
Having totally failed every week to be able to tell my alcohol counsellor that I'd managed A SINGLE FUCKING DAY without alcohol in THE LAST SIX FUCKING MONTHS I look forward to this week's session when I can boast a whole 48 hours.
May not seem like much, but fuck, was I chuffed with that.
unheimlich manoeuvre
21:01 / 25.10.04
Anna de Lo: I haven't had a cigarette for 7 days. This all started when I got a cold, and thought I'd better not smoke because it would go away quicker. Then the cold went away (on Thursday) and it seem stupid to start again when I could possibly kick the habit forever. Now every time I see someone with a fag in their mouth I want to jump on their back and start hitting them over the head with my handbag while swiping the cigarette out of their mouth.

Anna, I'm in exactly the same place, especially now my cough is easing.
without wishing to sound too sanctimonious, I haven't had a pill since summer last year and it must even longer since a line of K.

is Barbelith going cold turkey?
Haus of Mystery
00:22 / 26.10.04
But doesn't smoking make girls fancy you?
00:36 / 26.10.04
I quit smoking about two years ago.
I haven't partaken of THC in three years.
Same with the hallucinagens.
I'm about to stop drinking the booze.

Damn, in a few years I won't have any vices left!
(this is not a good thing.)

Smokers- get the patch! The patch is your friend!
00:51 / 26.10.04
Is this what the cool kids are doing, or not doing, these days?
Lilly Nowhere Late
07:01 / 26.10.04
Stoatie, Woo Hoo! Now can you get your hair done?
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:24 / 26.10.04
But doesn't smoking make girls fancy you?

Ah, but quitting gives you an interesting topic of conversation...
10:35 / 26.10.04
THE SLAPPY HAND OF DOOM (TM) is coming to a Barbemeet near YOU! For reasonable rates, Ex's SLAPPY HAND with licensed TWITCHY FINGERS will rain down upsidethehead retribution to anyone attempting to smoke, or to lend a quitting pal some fags! Just make a request in THIS thread TODAY and SLAPPY HAND can be YOURS!

[NB Ex cannot guarantee to be at most Barbemeets. SLAPPY HAND is available in a next-day Net form but is a lot less effective. Your lungs may be at risk if you do not keep up payments on the SLAPPY HAND.]
11:14 / 26.10.04
Why give up, it's sooooo soothing and giving up is soooo hard. Just give in Kit-Kat, search your feelings.

Your feelings require nicotine.
Jack The Bodiless
11:34 / 26.10.04
If Sophie Cohen can get lung cancer, anyone can...

But it's Halloween on Saturday night, so giving up this week = not an option for me.
11:35 / 26.10.04
I think I'm addicted to a certain relationship. It's not actively sexual, but it is intense. I don't want to quit the relationship, but I do want to be less obsessed. It's like I'm a regular smoker who wants only to be a social smoker. Or a daily drinker who only wants to drink when she goes out and doesn't want to spend her time thinking about drinking. Does that make sense? Has anyone else here tried to do such a thing before? I used to be kind of like this about food--kind of obsessed because I was worried about my weight. I did get over that, but I had to go a long time without dieting. This is different, because I think a kind of mental dieting is precisely what I need.

(I used to be secretly kind of smug about not being an "addictive personality," but I've discovered that, in fact, I am quite capable of a kind of addiction...)
Gypsy Lantern
12:15 / 26.10.04
I think making a link between quitting smoking and drinking to excess in bars is often a lie cooked up by your addiction to keep you smoking. Yeah, you can make the claim that your smoking activity only ever happens when you've had a few drinks down the pub, and try to avoid the circumstances and situations that lead to you lighting up... but you then put yourself in the unsustainable situation of having to avoid what constitutes a lot of your normal social life, which for better or worse, within our culture, is always going to play out in bars and with alcohol as a social factor.

Conflating this with quitting smoking makes the whole endeavour far more difficult to maintain, because you are no longer just trying to quit smoking, you're also having to cope with quitting drinking at the same time, and worse, doing all of this without the support of your normal social networks and activity. You don't really need all of that going on if you're just trying to accomplish one thing. It's quite common for people to also throw in stuff like giving up eating meat, while they're at it, and edging into a weird virtuous self-denial headspace. In most cases, people seem to keep this up for a couple of months max before reverting to previous behavior. Which of course, suits your nicotine addiction fine.

I think the best way of quitting smoking is to normalise non-smoking within your life as much as you can, not try to make huge life changes because you're scared to face engaging with your normal day-to-day existence without the support of cigs. Once you have quit for a decent period of time, it really is absolute bollocks that you somehow "need to smoke while drinking" or even that "smoking makes drinking better". It doesn't. It just fills a whole that wasnt there in the first place.

All of these things are carefully crafted lies told to you by your addiction and supported by anecdotal evidence from other addicted people. There is no real truth to it. Eventually you cease to associate the two things and forget all about it. It doesnt even cross my mind these days that other people in a bar have even got cigarettes, let alone that I might want one, and I used to smoke 20+ marlboro reds a day for years. Once you've been quit for awhile, all of these circular arguments you get caught up in whilst quitting become largely irrelevant. Silly, even. I found that the best approach was to stop thinking too much around the subject and focus on building strong mental blocks on certain physical actions:

1. Don't go to a shop and buy cigarettes.
2. Don't ask someone to give you a cigarette.
3. Don't put a cigarette in your mouth.

Make those actions seem bizarre and alien to you. Concentrate on dissassociating from those three specific physical activities. Try to convince yourself that doing any of those things is way outside the scope of your range of behaviour. I think it's also important to not make too much of a big deal out of it, because that feeds the addiction as well. Take it all in your stride, tell yourself it's easy, try to project into a future when smoking is no longer a factor in your life.
Nobody's girl
12:55 / 26.10.04
I can have an iron will when I choose to. I want to give up fags but my iron will can't get past the fact that I still enjoy fags. I mealy mouth my way out of every serious attempt to give up.

My current excuse is that I've just recently crawled out of a serious depression and I'm really not sure I could cope with another bout so soon. I know from previous flu-induced abstinence that stopping smoking gets me depressed. But it's just a feeble excuse isn't it? Stopping smoking will make me feel better, wont it?
Kit-Cat Club
13:01 / 26.10.04
Based on my previous experience, yes, it will...

I know what you mean, GL, but I still think it's true that booze can make it easier to lapse. I don't propose to stop drinking for ever, but I think in smoky environments it would pay to be careful. It was easy as pie last night, drinking in the non-smoking section of the pub.

But I can see the value of training myself to think that scavving fags is abhorrent behaviour that ought to make the perpetrator blush for shame... though actually I already do think this, and it hasn't stopped me. Maybe something sufficiently horrendous and embarrassing would help (this was what precipiated my two-month's break earlier in the year).
Gypsy Lantern
13:09 / 26.10.04
I want to give up fags but my iron will can't get past the fact that I still enjoy fags

Maybe reframe that and try to reinforce the belief that you're actually just taking enjoyment from the process of creating an artificial need for yourself and then fulfilling it. Which is possibly closer to what's happening. The sensations of pleasure and enjoyment are closely tied to the gratification you get from satisfying the craving. It's generally not the taste and flavour of the cigarettes that you enjoy, at anything more than a superficial level. It's the moment of pleasure you get from satisfying the needs of a parasitical addiction. If you leave it for long enough, the idea of getting pleasure from a cigarette can become as alien a concept as "enjoying a needle" is to a non-heroin addict.
Nobody's girl
13:16 / 26.10.04
Y'know GL, you're absolutely right. Thanks.
Haus of Mystery
13:24 / 26.10.04
I think that booze dissolves will-power plain and simple. When pissed, I crave fags, when sober much less so. The same goes for eating dirty junk-food on the way home.
But don't get me wrong I don't think you should avoid pubs, it's simply not realistic. Yo-Yo's is my best advice. It worked for George Romero and it worked for me. (although, as I still smoke joints I'm not in the best position to advise..)
14:01 / 26.10.04
I think I'm addicted to a certain relationship. It's not actively sexual, but it is intense. I don't want to quit the relationship, but I do want to be less obsessed.

Yeah, I have one of those... have had more than one of those. I've never been able to do anything but watch them. Like it's a sort of animal, I don't know... they sort of go from wild to tame, eventually. Sometimes they go away. Sometimes they come back. Not to sound so mystical, I think that I'm talking about a certain kind of meditation technique. I can try to say more about this, if you want.

I don't smoke, but I have done a pretty significant bit of behavior modification as in getting myself to start exercising & eating better... I think that there's always a part of you that needs something junky and frivolous, or else you feel deprived. I never realized the extent to which I was treating myself with food. I switched to magazines --really shitty magazines, not like Mother Jones-- and also makeup and skincare products. Oh, and stickers.
Gypsy Lantern
15:07 / 26.10.04
Yo-Yo's is my best advice. It worked for George Romero and it worked for me.

Also, card tricks.
Tryphena Absent
15:09 / 26.10.04
I'll probably drink very, very little now, I actually hate the taste of most alcoholic drinks and found they were tempered by cigarettes which I liked. My only real remaining vice is chocolate. I am NEVER giving it up, it's a myth that it makes you fat. Bread makes you fat, chocolate only makes you happy.
Gypsy Lantern
15:16 / 26.10.04
where do you stand on chocolate cigarettes?
Tryphena Absent
15:17 / 26.10.04
They're glorious!!!
15:43 / 26.10.04


They are cool and beautiful.
King of Town
16:10 / 26.10.04
Hooray for abstinence! Now where did that hot chick go?
16:37 / 26.10.04
I was a heavy weed smoker for around eight years, from when I was about fourteen up until about three months ago. It was pretty much a daily habit and I was never able to kick it for more than a week at a time. It got to the point I was buying it, hating smoking it and just wanting to push through the bag as quick as possible to get it over and done with but then buying more straight away. I was really starting to feel it too.

I finally kicked it by process of negative associaition. Every time I found myself smoking, I'd reinforce to myself the damage it was doing and the lack of willpower I was showing.
It may have given me the addictive kick of dependancy but I was getting increasingly sick of how sluggish and stupid it was making me. And my lungs were paying the price.

It really was as easy as how Gypsy outlines above, I had tried justifing it hundreds of ways (All my friends were smokers, I was always around it) but in the end it all does boil down to the physical process of buying it or smoking it, that's all, none of the other pish I had used to justify it's prescence. It was just a whingy little voice of the weed-demon inside trying to get itself fed. When I realised that, it just ceased to bother me. I didn't have any problem whatsoever giving it up (and I had had lots and lots of trouble trying for about the previous three years). I'm still surprised at how easy it was and still is when you look at it from the right angle.

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