With the utmost respect, and being aware that this thread has gone into a variety of unexpected places, I would hope that Barbelith retains some form of educative function, and as such I would very sincerely ask secret_goldfish to look at some of the discussion around his or her original phrasing of this discussion and try to understand why his or her phraseology was perceived as coloured by an examination of the subject unrelated to what was actually going on in the TV show he or she watched - that is, that the actual report, although couched in a dramatic context centred around hysterical disapproval, utterly failed to match the view of events as described by secret_goldfish within this thread.


I would further suggest that "has Channel 4 gone downhill?" justifies a thread of its own. It might be worth starting with a look at Channel 4's original remit, why it has changed and also whether, with the end of stalwarts like Frasier and Friends, the niche it carved out subequently is now becoming impractical or impossible in the face of increasing competition. |