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07:08 / 13.10.04
My room mate James is dating the sweetest and nicest girl. She is a little round, and she has not had much luck with men. My roomate on the other hand, gets lots of girls, (he and I and Steve are a team) and he just has her around as his back-up. He calls her randomly, sometimes he wont see her for a week or more, claiming to be seriously busy with work and school.

Last night she came by, he was out with another girl, she asks if she can wait for him, I say "sure"...

While waiting for James, she tells me she has fallen in love him, and that she is worried because her friends have seen him making out with other girls in dark corners. The girl starts crying! She asks me if this is true, and I play the -I don’t know- game.

After about 20 minutes of that she broke me down to saying, 'you know alice, you really should just go out and find yourself a nice guy, who will treat you right, and that deserves a great girl like you.'

She then throws up her arms and wails, 'I knew it! He is cheating on me!' I had let it slip! Then she starts back through all the lies he had told her. Adding dates and phone conversations in her head, calculating and analyzing. She asks me, 'How many sisters does he have?' Again I am caught off guard, 'one' I tell her. 'That BASTARD' she responds.

I always liked Alice, from the first day I met her. I always hated the way he treated her, and led her on, I don't really feel that bad about screwing him over, it was an honest slip, and I am proud I held out as long as I did, being grilled by a frantic woman like that.

Poor James. He lost his pocket pusy that night.
07:26 / 13.10.04
Could be a joke suit, could just be a halfwit.
07:32 / 13.10.04
Yeah, poor James. The poor shit'll have to find some other trusting soul to string along. Or maybe he can just tap Steve?

Jeeeeezus! Are you actually sympathetic to this fuck? Have you ever been cheated on? Have you ever been lied to and discarded? You do realise that women are human too, right? With feelings and emotions and all that? Has that entered into your eqation at all?

07:42 / 13.10.04
If Benfox is an actual person, lekvar, I think women exist in his world primarily as something that he and Steve can accidentally-on-purpose touch hands while purporting to look at naughty pictures of.
07:46 / 13.10.04
Even ones who are "a little round".

Presumably one of Roger Hargreaves' creations.
08:53 / 13.10.04
Joke suit. Deffo.
08:55 / 13.10.04
It's easy to tell. It's sooo hilarious.
Whisky Priestess
09:20 / 13.10.04
Does it matter? Why not try the experiment of treating bfd like a real suit, see where it leads?

And the "poor James" is pretty clearly ironic, ficsuit or no.
09:32 / 13.10.04
Haven't we done that particular experiment already? This is a repeat.
09:39 / 13.10.04
I preferred the last story, where Steve had a more central role rather than just a brief cameo.
09:51 / 13.10.04
Yeah. I miss Steve too.
10:00 / 13.10.04
James is but a pale shadow of Steve. Ben's just trying to convince himself that Steve can be replaced, which we all know from experience could never happen.
10:03 / 13.10.04
It's been said before but it bears repeating: Ben is a *terrible* wingman. So far he has managed to cockblock Steve (as if it were possible - bet she shinned down the drainpipe to be with Steve later) and ruin this frankly unconvincing "James" character's relationship. He like some kind of sexual albatross...

So, Ben, why do they let you hang around with them? Is it because they were out in their station wagon one night and they ran over your dog? They've never told you, but the guilt is still there...

Did Steve and James starting to speak to you tally with the disppearance of your dog, Ben?
Haus of Mystery
10:08 / 13.10.04
"(he and I and Steve are a team)"

Like the Avengers?
10:29 / 13.10.04
No, like Alan Bates and Oliver Reed. With Ben taking the pictures.
Alex's Grandma
13:45 / 13.10.04
So what does James think about all this ? Is he by any chance so enraged by your betrayal that he might move out of the flat, thus leaving an * opening * for Steve to move into ?
15:01 / 13.10.04
SPOTS!? Oh poor, poor Spots!
Whisky Priestess
16:05 / 13.10.04
I feel humbled. I have come late to the table of Steve. What happened last time?
16:09 / 13.10.04
In essence? Ben and Steve failed to get it together, but DANG it was close. In other news, Ben was a lousy, shitty, godawful wingman.
16:31 / 13.10.04
You know people, despite the incredible lameness of benfox's threads, there are actually fully grown adult males who behave in this deceptive, sex-for-sport, who-gives-a-rat's-ass-who-gets-hurt, adolescent-womanizing-misogynistic, manner.

I find that way more disturbing than anything else about benfox. Not the latent homosexualty of ben, or lame posting, or jokey fic-suit...There is something completely sociopathic, maybe even psychotic about men like this.
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
17:05 / 13.10.04
You know people, despite the incredible lameness of benfox's threads, there are actually fully grown adult males who behave in this deceptive, sex-for-sport, who-gives-a-rat's-ass-who-gets-hurt, adolescent-womanizing-misogynistic, manner.

Fully grown adult females, too. That's why I wised up and bought a sneak-o-scope. Well, stole one, anyway.
17:19 / 13.10.04
Poor James. He lost his pocket pusy that night.

Look at that. 'Pocket pusy'? Your off your fucking head.
17:25 / 13.10.04
Message to Ben:


Maxim's Wingman Manual (Ben, if Steve hasn't told you to read this yet, you should.)
A Virtual Wingman, available free.
How to use a wingman, courtesy of Lay
The Rules of Using a Wingman from
17:55 / 13.10.04
Fully grown adult females, too.

Well yes, certainly. I just get too lazy to be PC sometimes.

But, true, true...
Alex's Grandma
18:06 / 13.10.04
Maxim's Wingman Manual

I think that's probably up in Ben's bedroom already, but you're right, he needs to *coff* straighten up and fly right on this one, he needs to get back with the goddamn programme.

Maxim - The mag for the man who knows chicks do the irony, on laundry day.
18:15 / 13.10.04
So much dirty laundry.
18:34 / 13.10.04
Dirty suit, certainly - but then, it's getting a lot of wear in the same place.
18:52 / 13.10.04
So Alice goes to James' work this morning, it wasn't pretty. The usual, yelling,… accusations, my name comes up...

I get a call on my cell, James on the other end of the line "Dude! You screwed me!..." I told him this(after he was done ranting), and inspired by several of the posts from this site, 'Look buddy, you need to take a look at yourself man. Figure things out.' I went on a while about how he had destroyed Alice's faith in men, and what a prick he was being. I gave him the 'how dare you be mad at me, you were the one who screwed up’ speech, that went over pretty well. After a good chat, I have faith that he will do the right thing, and at least be honest with Alice. And maybe, just maybe, this experience for James, has helped him to see the folly of his ways.

In answer to those who think that I am a womanizer, you should really take a minute to think of what a strong insult that is, and know, you are dead, fucking, wrong.

My mother raised me to be a gentleman. She still smacks me if I don't open a door for her(so I rarely, rarely forget). When I was growing up, all the ladies from the neighborhood would come to watch movies at my house. Movies like untamed heart and ghost, and I would be playing with my GI JOES in the next room when my mom would yell to me, 'Ben come in here!' She would rewind whatever movie they were watching, and play some scene of the lead guy being a total moron, or saying some terrible and hurtful thing. Then she would pause the movie and a room full of middle aged women, all with tissues and popcorn, would look at me, and my mom would say, 'if you ever, ever treat a woman that way, I will whoop your butt so hard you will wish you lived with your dad!.' But later in that same movie, she would yell for me, and again have the movie paused, and she would show me a scene of that rare moment when a man does something extraordinary, or says the right thing for once. And that same group of ladies, all eyes on me, and my mom would say 'now son, that is how you treat a lady.'

Even if I wanted to, I don’t have time to be a PLAYER. Steve and James spend hours a day on pursuing women, and calling up the ones they already have, and trying to keep them all straight. I have something like 18 credit hours in school, and now work two jobs, a total of 45 hours a week, and I love every minute of it. I still manage to get out on a date at least once a week, and been lucky enough not to wind up married. (Quick question: How many people here are married?)

I don’t approve of how James treated Alice, I thought that I made that clear in my first post with all the cynical references to -pocket pussy- J

I was just feeling a little guilty that my priority was not sticking up for my good buddy.
From now on, right is right. I won’t stand for his poor treatment of women. I can’t stop him, I can’t force my view on him, but I wont lie for him. I will tell him to make sure his girls never come and ask me if I think he really likes them, or if they can trust him, or if I think they have a future together.

And one more thing, anyone who thinks that my posts are lame, and doesn’t get at least the smallest bit of humor from my antics,
REMEMBER THIS: no one forced you to read through them. Certainly, no one held a gun to your head to make you reply. Besides, don’t you have more important things to do, you know, instead of replying to a ‘lame’ post such as mine? Like sitting on a golden toilet with little cronies all about, and you can look down in the crowd, and ask with a straight face “Does anyone smell that?”
19:02 / 13.10.04
I guess it'd be funnier if it constituted more than one joke. Dude.
19:04 / 13.10.04
In answer to those who think that I am a womanizer, you should really take a minute to think of what a strong insult that is, and know, you are dead, fucking, wrong.

Just to be clear, I said your posts were lame, and despite whatever anyone else mentions about you, what I find disturbing is the behavior you are taking about. I am not sure if you are a womanizer. Good for you if you are not. The behavior of your roomate is disturbing though, much more than the any side joke about you that may be made here.

I don't mean to make assumptions about you, but the scenario you describe makes me ill.
19:07 / 13.10.04
That's why I wised up and bought a sneak-o-scope. Well, stole one, anyway.

How could you steal a sneak-o-scope? Wouldn't they have seen you coming? Or if you could steal it, wouldn't that mean that it doesn't work?
19:11 / 13.10.04
Fair enough, thanks for the clarification.

About haveing more than one joke, I will get working on that,

ibis the being
19:14 / 13.10.04
Steve and James spend hours a day on pursuing women, and calling up the ones they already have, and trying to keep them all straight.

Keeping who straight again?

Ba-dum *ching*!

So where can I get myself some little cronies?
19:17 / 13.10.04
I would try looking at Walmart
19:19 / 13.10.04
In answer to those who think that I am a womanizer, you should really take a minute to think of what a strong insult that is, and know, you are dead, fucking, wrong.

Dude, read the responses. Nobody thinks you are a womaniser. We think you're in love with Steve, as a human and a sexual being.

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