£80's a bit optimistic. Have a poke around eBay (that might not work - I don't know if they let you link directly to pages of search results).
While I love my Megadrive, it's not exactly a schoolyears type of thing. For me, at least - I think I bought it with my first proper wage packet.
The old man used to be a Maths and Computer Studies teacher at a secondary school, so we'd end up with a games-playing machine of some description in the house most weekends and holidays. Starting with the Commodore PET and a Pac-Man/Snake hybrid called Super Glooper.
It was mainly the BBC Micro, though. Repton, Elite, Chuckie Egg, Defender, Alien8, Hunchback, Frogger, Thrust, Daredevil Dennis, Way of the Exploding Fist, Green Beret - these were the games I was weaned on. Then, a bit later, we had access to an Amiga 500 and all the goodness that brought with it. Xenon (the original, which I still believe is far superior to the better-known sequel), Captain Blood, Bubble Bobble, New Zealand Story, Arkanoid, Rainbow Islands, Speedball. |