I find absolutely nothing wrong with this ... I don't classify contraceptives as "medical care" (in the sense that medication and surgery are "medical care"), and for those who use them to lessen the pain of menstration, there are other medicines available, right?
As a(n admittedly NHS) doctor, I can find a whole lot wrong with doctors taking on the role of 'moral' guardians or gatekeepers, as opposed to facilitators/providers of medical care - but this may be a larger topic for a separate thread. I'm also intrigued by what seems to me to be a somewhat narrow, idiosyncratic view of what constitutes medical care (with or without scarequotes). Suffice to say, I disagree.
(And no, there aren't a whooole lotta oestrogen-based preparations widely available, no.)
Fact is, there is still a great portion of the country that is pro-life. You guys are sitting there telling me they are wrong/foolish to hold these views, but they tell me the same thing about you. To me, both stances stink of irresponsibility, but if the pro-life outnumber the pro-choice, then--wait, this sounds familiar.
Another slight tangent, but I'm not sure anyone's claiming pro-life viewpoints are "wrong/foolish". When it comes to limiting the ability of others to make decisions about their own bodies, however, I'd tend to be more guided by what's legal rather than what's snapshot majority opinion at any given point.
Perhaps a separate thread on the "irresponsibility" of allowing/disallowing abortion is in order? |