What should we do? Besides just waiting until the starvation induced by the hydrcarbon apocalypse's lack of natural gas for fertalizer...?
Personally I'd rather not see us go down that path... But this is definitely something that folks have been thinking about for a long time- if the Georgia Guidestones are any indication.
The way I see it is thus: the older folks have a lot to impart to us, wisdom of the ages, knowledge, time available to teach kids to read, etc. Worth keeping them around for the sake of 'life' and whatnot, plus what they have to offer. Big question is, should the 'next generation' of seniors be as large? I surely hope not. How to do we 'downtrend' the population, when medical advances raise the birth-rate/survival? Will free and ready access to birth control do it (more orgasms, less kids)? Will "education" of declining natural resources do it (not likely, if given the current sitch is any indication)? Being a liberty-loving person, I'm not an advocate for forced sterilization (which is ongoing in Africa) or forced child-rate reduction (China.)
I think that if the US ejects it's criminal junta (Bush, Kerry, part of the CIA, Eschelon, TIA, 'War on Drugs' (or really any of the 'War on X'), and recovers the 3.3 trillion of stolen taxpayer's money (per GAO), while also stopping it's 'war on the world through economic domination' using the WTO, NAFTA, WB, etc. Mix in a dash of forgiving world debt and abandoning fractional reserve banking (which requires economic growth to be stable and not depress), and the US would have plenty of cash around to pay it's SS, unhook from the petrol, and have universal healthcare. Do I see any of this happening? I have my personal optimism, but not really, not without some serious insurrection/coup/successful transparency-in-government lawsuits.
Maybe the Rave Culture 'get all the kids of all races to dance any party together' will morph with the hiphop 'our generation, our time, not in our name' forces and move in that direction, while staying clear-eyed enough to not forget about those who came before, and lacked the gumption to fix it right. Not sure about the state of other countries, but that's my US commentary. |