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Where the #@% &! is The Lateshift?


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08:43 / 30.09.04
Hello there, Lilith. I'm over in New England for a couple of days, and my sleeping patterns are a tad messed up...
23:23 / 30.09.04
Hello Haus.

I obviously went unconconcious after my last post, so I will just say hello tonight to you Haus. I hope you are enjoying New England, you know, you are so very close to Montreal. Where exactly are you? I have been to Vermont and Maine, they are lovely. However, f you are in Connecticut, you are quite far from Montreal and I can't say much about the state. Enjoy your stay, Haus.

Anyway, later. I shall return after work.

And a hello to all other Lateshifters. Now, I am going to be late for work if I am any longer.
the Fool
23:38 / 30.09.04
Deep fried cuteness for late shifter

Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
00:16 / 01.10.04

Gimme dat kittenburger!

I'm drunk and installing Evil Genius as we speak. I'm off now to lay traps, stroke cats and "Mwa-ha-haaaaaa" with my face always just out of shot. Like.
Bed Head
01:10 / 01.10.04
So, is anybody listening to these debates? Maybe I drunk too much coffee today, but I’m feeling now like it’s just not enough for me. I want this settled with unarmed combat. I want Kerry to throttle GWB on live television.

Although it actually seems to be going pretty well by the talkie-talk rules they’ve agreed on. On radio, anyway.
01:16 / 01.10.04
Fight fight fight!!!!!

I wish.

How are y'all?
Bed Head
01:22 / 01.10.04
Well, I’m fine, and I’m fine too. How are you, suede? I seem to think I’ve read you somewhere, saying you’re ill atm: so if that’s true, then huggles and get well soon. Unless I’ve read a post of yours from years ago and failed to notice the date, which is possible if you’re me. In which case, I guess you got better.
01:25 / 01.10.04
No, I'm not feeling too great, but then I never am, am I? I am weak.

The combination of the debates and czech beer seems to have rejuvenated me somewhat.

What have you been up to, man? I meant to PM you, but my schedule (starting uni) and illness (avoiding uni) has so far stopped me from getting most things done, so I hope you saw me compliment your hand drawing action! I was glad you had a look at my pictures, too!
01:37 / 01.10.04
I really wanted Bush to take a swing at Kerry, and then for Kerry to coldcock him. I've never heard that many panicked "ummmm"s during a speech since summer reading reports in middle school.

How are you, compatriots?
01:44 / 01.10.04
Watching the debate, and people talk about it after, kind of makes me feel a little bit violent. I really hope the people voting can acknowledge that there are grey areas in most of these issues.

I wish I could remember which way I am supposed to spell "grey".
Bed Head
01:46 / 01.10.04
Suede, dude, you should post more sketches hereabouts, where everyone can see! Your drawings rock. And you keep tantalising us all with mentions of your NY sketchbook, you big tease, you.

And, thanks for the salute. I’ve never been saluted before. I really think I could get used to it, given half the chance.

Anyway, are you digging the uni experience so far? Fresher’s week is always a nightmare, on balance illness is probably an ingenious move, you’ll have a special kind of dignity for the next 3 years, which all your course mates won’t have. Cunning as a fox.

Debates: I loved the way you could tell exactly which bits Bush had had scripted for him. The bits he’s learnt. Like when he segued into that ‘a free Iraq...a free Iraq...’ loop, he sounded *almost* presidential for 30 seconds. Sounded like a complete prick the rest of the time. Fab.

And hello, Sally. Long time, I think.
unheimlich manoeuvre
01:49 / 01.10.04
hello barbelites. how's life treating you all?

i'm watching the debate on BBC, while on night shift at work. thought that Kerry came across well, although i suspected my opinion is coloured by wishful thinking.
01:51 / 01.10.04
Jah, the late shifts have lacked buoyancy lately. I've been being a bit more lurky, just moderating from the shadows.

Bush was better lit, but I think it worked against him. If Kerry were any better lit, his teeth would've blinded me.
Bed Head
01:55 / 01.10.04
On radio Kezza walked it. And then some. All the pauses, and those nasty little snorts Bush can’t help but emit, really contrasted with the guy with a steady voice and properly structured sentences.

Also, is grey grey or gray? Are they equally valid, or is one more correct than the other? I haven't a clue, I spell it according to how the whim takes me.
02:34 / 01.10.04
I think grey is the variant, but they are pretty much equal...

I'm in Mass. - Kerry country, bless it. Flying back tomorrow - business class, thank Hebner, so I might get some sleep. Although I always become oddly hypnotised by the tiny TVs - although the one on the way over was evil - New York Minute? Fucksake... Ended up watching Prisoner of Azkaban again. I want to be David Thewlis being Remus Lupin. The cardigan. The jazz. The luggage. I'm pretty close already, there...

I missed the debate, alas - was being taken to dinner. It sounds like Kerry won on points, but needs a KO. Still, two more to go, I guess...
Saint Keggers
02:39 / 01.10.04
Hi folks! I missed the debate...last comic standing was on but Im starting to think the debate was funnier. I hear GWB got his ass handed to him?
Bed Head
02:59 / 01.10.04
Woohoo! You heard right. Tell your friends. Authoritative pundits are even now crowding the airwaves just to tell me my gut instinct was right, that I’m not deluding myself. Again.

Really wish I’d seen Kerry’s teeth now, though.

Speaking of such things, have you seen lots of beautiful New-England-in-autumn scenery, Haus? I mean, I’m sure you’re working really hard, but has there also been time to admire all the leaves and stuff? I understand it’s all rather special.
05:44 / 01.10.04
It was hilarious to watch Jon Stewart talking to Rudy Giuliani afterwards. Jon had this look on his face like "We totally didn't watch the same debate, did we?"

All Bush's little grunts were accompanied by little twitches and poor posture. Also, the color of his hair kind of blended with the color of his head, making him resemble a molded plastic doll.
07:20 / 01.10.04
Hey, BH. There's nothing very fallish around - all the trees seem to be keeping their verdancy so far. And what a lot of trees there are - every available space is crammed with green. And geese. Geese wandering around all over the place. They're incredibly tame, or possibly just very, very stupid.
Bed Head
00:26 / 06.10.04
Oh no! Wake up, John Edwards!
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
00:36 / 06.10.04
Man, Cheney is a nastly little shit
00:41 / 06.10.04
I feel like fightin'!

Um, I'm not paying too much attention to the debate, but I thought Edwards was doing alright then.. right?

Dude, break out the chaaaaaains!
Bed Head
00:45 / 06.10.04
Well, they both sound like to me they’re gulping for air, but I think that’s to do with my MW reception. But the reception is messing up Edward’s lovely melodious voice more than it is Cheney’s evil growl. I sure hope the voterzz can’t hear it the way I’m hearing it.

Never underestimate the vile black heart of Cheney, though. If it’s going badly for him, he’ll do that force-lightning thing with his fingers. Probably.
00:47 / 06.10.04
Eeek. I felt a little uncomfortable then.

Hurt him, little Eddy!
Bed Head
00:55 / 06.10.04
Getting better, I think. Getting in the swing, getting his timing right. Finally, it seems our man’s getting mean and personal. Now, if he can only find a way of swinging it back onto Halliburton.

It’s very different when you can’t see them, of course. How are you, anyway?
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
01:02 / 06.10.04
Oh Edwards why do you have to oppose gay marriage?

01:12 / 06.10.04
I'm missing the debate, what with being at work and all. I know it's being broadcast in the UK, but I'm not handy for anywhere to receive it, unfortunately.
01:37 / 06.10.04
I am also missing it, as I was at a "New in Town Meet-up."
02:06 / 06.10.04
Now that's what I call a debate. None of theis distinguished statesman crap. I want blood. I hope Bush and Kerry were paying attention to the VP debate. Yeah, I know that the Veeps are supposed to be the attack dogs, but at least they were adressing the issues. You know, when they wern't attacking each other.

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