Suede, dude, you should post more sketches hereabouts, where everyone can see! Your drawings rock. And you keep tantalising us all with mentions of your NY sketchbook, you big tease, you.
And, thanks for the salute. I’ve never been saluted before. I really think I could get used to it, given half the chance.
Anyway, are you digging the uni experience so far? Fresher’s week is always a nightmare, on balance illness is probably an ingenious move, you’ll have a special kind of dignity for the next 3 years, which all your course mates won’t have. Cunning as a fox.
Debates: I loved the way you could tell exactly which bits Bush had had scripted for him. The bits he’s learnt. Like when he segued into that ‘a free Iraq...a free Iraq...’ loop, he sounded *almost* presidential for 30 seconds. Sounded like a complete prick the rest of the time. Fab.
And hello, Sally. Long time, I think. |