Well, that was interesting. I made it through to whenever I started the thread to Monday night - about 3 and a half weeks. The main effect was just a general feeling of clearheadness, nothing really amazing.
The most interesting bit was the couple of times slipped up and strayed from the beaten path (so it wasn't a proper detox in that regard). I had a bar of Green and Blacks chocolate and when completely insanely off my head, tremendously excited about everything for about an hour or so. On another occasion I had a 5 or six biscuits all in one go - when I took the brake of the "indulge" gear, I pigged out - result. Headache, and massive mood crash about a hour later. I've noticed that boozing again really disrupts my sleep as well, though I haven't been as hopelessly drunk as I thought I was going to be. Probably do another one in January, I think. I'm going to endeavour to stay off the shite snacks and junk food in the meantime though. |