Alex: I'm with you on the "morally superior" - well, it's not just that, it's just when you look at things other people are doing, and you're not they just seem odd. I remember when I used to be veggie, when I'd see someone eating meat, I'd just think *weird*. Should be okay as long as I don't lose my sense of humour and start preaching.
Fridge: Totally with you on the "lack of science" thing. A mate of mine has tried Jane Scrivener's detox programme, though, and reported excellent results. Changed his sleeping patterns - out like a light, realtively early, and slept like a log. Plus he reported just generally beginning to feel fantastic after the third week (perhaps 'cos he knew it was soon to be over)? I haven't been aresd to do the preparation for the kind of thing though. Just have to see what effect it has, if any. |