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Green Wing


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22:54 / 04.09.04
Missed this on Friday night but caught the Saturday repeat. Wasn't sure, from the trailers, whether it'd be hit or miss, but I really enjoyed it. It's by the same people as Smack the Pony, so the profusion of well-observed female characters was no surprise - and the thoroughly likeable cast (including the lovely Tamsin Greig and even lovelier Mark Heap) do the ensemble thang very nicely.

Reminded me of Jam at times - not so much in tone, but with the use of speeded-up/slowed-down effects.

Anyone else catch this? What didja think?
08:24 / 05.09.04
Absolutely bizarre in a wonderful way. I didn't know whether to be laughing or scratching my head at points, but on the whole, it was good. Floppy blonde haired bloke made me laugh a lot.
10:39 / 05.09.04
He always plays that sort of role, doesn't he? The interplay between him and the dark-haired 'Zurich' doctor chap was particularly good.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
20:25 / 08.09.04
I heart Julian Rhind-Tutt, sometimes more than twice a night. Really, he's more satisfying than pornography.

It's Spaced meets Smack the Pony on the set of Casualty. I liked the fact that, though they don't play any different characters, the show feels so much more like a sketch show than a kind of sit-com, probably due to the huge cast. Let's hope they keep the quality up...
Jack The Bodiless
11:44 / 09.09.04
Caught a repeat last night - yeah, it was great, although it was the more surreal touches that had me actually laughing, as opposed to smiling in a 'yeahthatwasgood' kind of way. Mark Heap was, as usual, fantastic - the blonde haired doctor (McCartney, the one that was an odd cross between Paul Bettany and Stewart Lee) was funny but so obnoxious that I ended up wanted to shave his head when he slept (and his hair was EVIL).
Whisky Priestess
21:00 / 10.09.04
Great, great stuff. Funny; clever; Julian. See the Lust List thread for my thoughts on Julian. I would express them here but I don't want to drool all over the thread. Lots of familiar faces, all of them doing a damn good job. Even Bev from the AA ads acquitted herself well (she was good in Peep Show too).
22:40 / 10.09.04
funkay, funnay, but slow down is too nasty descendant of smack the pony "camera drifts from scene" way of transition, if you're going for continuation ("last week on"), should be contiguous within the show.
Now have thing for boot fellating woman from brittas empire and woman from book group. Damn.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
18:33 / 14.09.04
"It said I was 'Slytherin'. Is that bad?"
22:42 / 14.09.04
Officially it's a remake of the US-show Scrubs, but it's very different in reality. But oh my god, what happened to Brian from Spaced!
Cat Chant
11:06 / 15.09.04
Is it really officially a remake of Scrubs*? I'd seen it referred to as "the British Scrubs" but I thought that was just, like, you know, "Coupling is the British Friends".

*I love Scrubs.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
11:52 / 15.09.04
It's not a British remake! It's like saying Scrubs is an American remake of Casualty for flips sake!
12:11 / 15.09.04
I do like this show a lot, it's very funny and observant... but I dunno, there's something that doesn't quite do it for me. I find it very amusing, but then it's just gone. I think it boils down to being not enough Spaced to a large proportion Smack the Pony for my tastes.

Maybe I was just hopeful after seeing so many compare it to Spaced, but I don't really see it. It's a good entertaining hour on a Friday night, yet at the same time I couldn't see myself buying this on DVD, which I think accurately sums up how I feel about it!
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:40 / 15.09.04
I like it, mostly because it seems designed to give certain funnyfolk the opportunity to be weird in their own particular way, without explanation, and at greater length than would normally be allowed. Obviously this is good news for Mark Heap and Tamsin Greig fans (and who amongst us is not, etc), but I think it works best of all with Scottish-woman-from-Book-Group (Michelle Gomez), who I may be alone in finding oddly... compelling.
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:43 / 15.09.04
Oh, and the word "twart" was invented for those two guys - you know the ones. I did keep expecting them to lapse fully into "That's you that is..."
06:22 / 16.09.04
It is a remake of Scrubs. It's authourised and paid for. It's all on if you want to search for it.

That said, it's nothing like Scrubs, so why anyone paid licencing fees just to set something in a hospital is beyond me.

09:06 / 16.09.04
"Maybe I was just hopeful after seeing so many compare it to Spaced, but I don't really see it."

Me neither. Spaced was well written, brilliantly performed, had likeable characters (characters you were meant to like) and was funny. And the 'clever' camera work/production wasn't really irritating.

Thinking about it, that makes Scrubs a lot more like Spaced than Green Wing is like either. It reminds me more of Game On - completely unsympathetic characters being unpleasant to each other ("ha ha, he made the geeky bloke drink his piss!")

Okay, Tamsin Greig and Mark Heap are great, and there are funny moments, but mostly it's... bleh. Almost but not quite as disappointing as I Am Not an Animal, and you can quote me on that.
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:49 / 16.09.04
But I Am Not An Animal was bleak nasty brilliance...

I agree that the piss-drinking was the weakest joke in the whole episode, though.
15:43 / 16.09.04
It's a licensed remake of Scrubs ? Crikey. So the credit for Victoria Pile devising it at the end is a bit hmmm, surely.
I quite enjoy the show, but it feels woefulkly padded. The tape-tinkering tricks look like a lift from Jam, but the overall look of the show doesn't really match that : Jam took place in some half-lit locations and people had odd relationships and the like, whereas this is Scrubs meets Teachers with Jam video effects... or padding, as I call it. Nine shows ? One hour each ? That's stretching it a bit. If each show was half an hour long, it's probably be corking.
Great cast, though I partly wonder if the fragmented nature of it is due to them not all being available at the same time or something; the episodes don't really seem to hang together as a solid narrative.
Shallow aside : Katie Day's awfully attractive, I think. Never seen her before, but mmm.
Haven't bothered to freeze-frame to see the names of the writers, but there are about a dozen of them, I think ? Might be why I find it a bit fragmented, as I say. Unlike, say, the League of Gentlemen, I don't get the feeling the scenes are all part of a bigger picture.
Still, despite C4 pushing it as something groundbreaking and amazing, it's all right, and is easily watched whilst doing something else - like so many TV shows, it could have been on the radio...
17:04 / 16.09.04
It is a remake of Scrubs. It's authourised and paid for. It's all on if you want to search for it.

I just did exactly that and, while I found a few articles about Green Wing, including one describing it's origins and pedigree, there's no reference to Scrubs at all. It does look suspiciously like you're making this up.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
20:01 / 16.09.04
Could you perhaps cut and paste the relevent bits of whatever article you got this from, to save those of us without a Media Guardian subscription? The only way I can see this being true was if they decided they were going to make a British version of Scrubs, then halfway through the process realised it wasn't going to work and the idea metamorphosed into what became 'GW' instead.
Benny the Ball
06:59 / 20.09.04
Saw it for the first time this week. Felt that it was too long and the damned music and slo-mo cranking just got on my nerves after a while. Apart from that I thought that it was quite funny in parts, but, sadly, I laughed loudest at the strange man in the indian head-dress and mini duiring the sponsership only excuse is that it's been a long week and my shoulder was flaring with pain.
09:48 / 20.09.04
Could you perhaps cut and paste the relevent bits of whatever article you got this from, to save those of us without a Media Guardian subscription?

The terribly useful BugMeNot comes into it's own here.
Whisky Priestess
10:38 / 03.10.04
Green Wing breaks my heart:

Shy girl in love with Martin is sobbing helplessly outside the party and toying with his Slinky.

Friend: He's not worth it!

Girl: He is!

Friend: He was wearing pink trousers!

Girl: I liked them ...

She continues sobbing and then, realising the Slinky is hopelessly tangled in her hair, tears it out and sobs even more ...

God damn but I'm jealous of that Grieg woman though. Got to snog every one of the attractive major characters. Note to self: have more parties. On telly.
12:50 / 04.10.04
So, which is better: Green Wing or Arrested Development?

I'm liking the way the characters are developing - especially the hapless Lindon, who as the straight man would in a normal world be the centre of dramatic focus, but here just gets regularly hit on, insulted and subjected to Mr. Lizard's bottom.

And A chocolate Phil Collins popping out of a cuckoo clock every hour to tidy up his Nazi gold is perhaps the best description ever...
Whisky Priestess
20:57 / 08.10.04
Am I alone in finding Green Wing strangely sexy?

Or am I just alone ...
01:50 / 10.10.04
No, you're not alone. I think both Xoc and me find Green Wing profoundly sexy. Not hard to see why: it's full of strangely (or not-so-strangely) attractive people being wittily cruel to one another. In lascivious slo-mo.

What's not to tumesce about?
09:19 / 11.10.04
If I had to choose, I’d go with Arrested Development over Green Wing – one-third as long, and about one-third as self-indulgent. But as they’re on different nights, I don’t have to choose.

Stephen Merchant’s guest appearance was good this week, though the ‘who’s pregnant?’ thing wasn’t exactly hard to predict. And not enough ‘Naughty Rachel’ onscreen for my tastes, either.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:05 / 11.10.04
I think the sexiness comes from how languid it all is, not to mention the fact that it's full of characters copping off with people they don't really like, but can't resist, and that's always hot.
13:05 / 11.10.04
"You know what I love about you? Fuck all."

I wish these had been half hours. There's so much quality there but after 30 minutes I just begin to feel faintly nauseous. So, for me, it's only sexy to the extent that it makes me want to lie down, possibly with something wet on my face.
Don't you think that those Jammy speed effects work much better when they're used sparingly to set and reset the tone? Here, they seem to be more about distracting us from what are often pretty weak set-pieces. So it kinda feels like the worst of all worlds. The observations are good, but felt fresher in Smack The Pony; the effects are clever, but tend to disorient rather than reorient; the cast are brilliant, but battle with the format. Mark Heap appears to be doing a cruel Mark Heap impression... It all just feels over-dressed somehow.
Then again, my opinion is pretty ill-informed given that I've only caught a few eps, and even then turned over to Grumpy Old Men at 10.
13:55 / 11.10.04
I think it'd seem rushed if it were half an hour. We tend to video it and watch it again; I reckon it's even better on a second viewing.
Tryphena Absent
15:32 / 11.10.04
On Friday I found myself wishing it was two hours long. I adore this show- on the who's pregnant thing, I don't think they were trying to make you guess, it was just meant to be slightly ridiculous.
Goodness Gracious Meme
15:56 / 11.10.04
yep. exactly.

And thankyou 'nesh and fly for your masterly explanations of the sexiness. This isn't doing me and my Tamsin Grieg crush any good.
11:19 / 12.10.04
You lot are only pretending to like it to annoy me, aren't you? If Green Wing were an advert it would be that one from a couple of years ago with the hideous yuppie dinner party tossers being bitchy about their equally hideous hippy yuppie scumbag friends who are travelling around Asia. Harumph! *folds arms*

In more important news: a friend of mine has just told me that Tamsin Grieg is, like Sally Phillips, a "loony christian". Obviously if this is true it means that only loony christians are allowed to fancy her. Can anyone here confirm or deny this rumour? Personally I find it hard to believe, given that Grieg plays the one who isn't Elizabeth in the Archers, and the Archers omnibus goes out on Sunday mornings when everyone should be at church.
17:27 / 12.10.04
What's not to like? It's a peculiar hybrid, I grant you, but the humour's essentially predicated on (rather sexy) adults in responsible positions behaving in very silly ways. It's very well-observed, and reminds me of what it's actually like to work in a large hospital: black humour; highly intelligent, driven people often lacking in basic common sense; unwise gossip/crushes/flirtation/sex with colleagues; stupidly competitive wankeriness within and across hierarchies... I think it really captures some of that weirdly incestuous hothouse environment.
Whisky Priestess
19:48 / 12.10.04
I think my most particular special favourite part is that, except for about four seconds per episode when Grieg and Rhind-Tutt, for the sake of the plot, are up to the forearms in some poor sod, no-one ever does any work. It looks so fucking fun! Oh, all right, the IT guy works, but only so that every woman can drool on him.

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