BARBELITH underground

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Average age


Page: 12(3)4

22:59 / 31.08.04
24 year old strumpet here.
Char Aina
23:07 / 31.08.04
eion, dude, didnt you say you were fifteen in that other thread?
23:11 / 31.08.04
eion, dude, didnt you say you were fifteen in that other thread?

Yeah, it was something Flyboy called me because i posted something thick and i was just going along with it.
flufeemunk effluvia
01:44 / 01.09.04
I bet you all miss that lovely teenage ANGST!


it does creep me out though when i realize that all this time ive been talking to people twice my age.

You creepy fucks! (psst thats a joke)
wembley can change in 28 days
08:52 / 01.09.04
I'm 27. Which, in Drowning by Numbers is in a string of digits glossed over most irreverently: Smut, counting dog hairs.
08:56 / 01.09.04
Well, if we're going on "year of the..."

the world is full of crashing boars
And I must be one

But you knew that already. And my age.
09:09 / 01.09.04
I've just gone 32, like a cheese, slowly ripening. How the fuck did that happen. When do I start to FEEL my age?

Surprised how many of us old 'uns there are actually. Perhaps we can complain to the council (Tom) about the bad behaviour of da yoof.
09:22 / 01.09.04
Another rat.
Whisky Priestess
18:23 / 01.09.04
Come on Dragons, show yerselves! More 27 and 28-year-olds purlease!
Bastard Tweed
18:51 / 01.09.04
'Nother rat on the pile I'm afraid.

Nineteen, I am.

Wait a tic . . . I'm the third youngest here! You bastards! I'll never forgive you! Lure me in with a false mien of security only to learn you're all . . . mid-twenties to early thirties and suchlike.

Hmph. I'm going to put graffitto on the schoolhouse, that's what I'm going to do.
20:06 / 01.09.04
Just don't start asking how many of the thirtysomethings are still living with their parents. They hate that.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:11 / 01.09.04
I live with your parents.

I'm hiding in the cavity wall. At night I creep out and steal their cheese and crackers.

I'm 30.
22:20 / 01.09.04
Me, I live with your mommas...
Mind you, when I say live.....
Baz Auckland
22:49 / 01.09.04
25 for a just a few more months...
flufeemunk effluvia
23:38 / 01.09.04
Come on Dragons, show yerselves! More 27 and 28-year-olds purlease!


Good Goddess, I feel weird.
Ethan Hawke
01:54 / 02.09.04
Twenty-eight here, and I must be old because it takes me a few seconds to remember it.
03:00 / 02.09.04
A brand new 23 here...anyone got the average so far?
Benny the Ball
06:54 / 02.09.04
Not many Tigers about. That's cause we is unique. (can a collective be unique?).
Grey Area
07:51 / 02.09.04
And not many people fessing up to be Snakes either...c'mon, you know we're the coolest sign. Calculating, patient, diplomatic and blessed with good skin. How can you beat that?

And the average age currently stands at 28 years, based on 62 contributors. C'mon, all you emo kids who registered in order to post a 'gimme a love potion/debilitating curse recipe' in the Temple, show yourselves! We know you're out there...we can smell your angst. Or maybe that's just flufeemunk.
unheimlich manoeuvre
15:51 / 02.09.04
i was born on a snowy day in april 1975, so that makes me 29.
16:19 / 02.09.04
ahem. a Rat Pack.
Sir Real
18:05 / 02.09.04
My average age so far, as near as i can figure without resorting to calculus (it's been way too long), is 18.62.
A Barbe-prize to the first to figure out from that what my current age is. Extra credit if you get the month right.
22:09 / 02.09.04
Rawr! Raaaaawr!

There's this Tiger, at least.
22:37 / 02.09.04
I'm 31.

Hmmm. It appears that all the rats that deserted the sinking ship came here. What does that say about us?

We do appear to have an overly large amount of 30-something posters. I'd imagined that the mean age of the board was much, much lower. Are those of us who qualify all having a 30-something crisis?

Or somfink?
Brigade du jour
01:58 / 06.09.04
29. I'm a rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, bunny, rabbit, got my beer on the sideboard 'ere, mother sort it out if he comes round 'ere etc.
The Falcon
13:55 / 06.09.04

Aries + Ram.
Jack The Bodiless
22:02 / 06.09.04
29. And I actually am a rabbit. Snorfle.
22:30 / 06.09.04
He is, you know. He tells me to do things, Donnie Darko stylee.
Axel Lambert
23:22 / 06.09.04
40 next month
11:48 / 15.09.04
I are 28, and will be for another month or so.
Hattie's Kitchen
11:56 / 15.09.04
Pump it up a little more, get the party going on the dancefloor...

31 years old. I too hope to surpass the lifespans of Bill Hicks, and then Jesus.
12:04 / 15.09.04
Twenty six.
Spatula Clarke
12:16 / 15.09.04
28 right now, 29 at the end of next month. Just in case anybody does want to figure out the average at some point.

Er... my forgetting that the average has already been calculated, one short minute after having read it, is very much *not* a sign of early mental decay.
imaginary mice
14:40 / 15.09.04
I've just found out that I've now got a secretary. Which makes me feel very, very old.

But I can still vividly remember my shoplifting days.

I'm 26.
Cheap. Easy. Cruel.
02:34 / 16.09.04
Wow, actually a few rabbits on the 'lith.

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