BARBELITH underground

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Average age


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Jack Fear
00:14 / 31.08.04
Get down off that cross, Iao, we need the wood for fires...

Thirty-seven years cool and still doin' it.
pointless and uncalled for
06:09 / 31.08.04
Old enough to know better, young enough to disregards my own conscience.
06:21 / 31.08.04
32 and a quarter nearly.
06:44 / 31.08.04
Seems like everyones 32

So i'll go and join in in a few weeks
07:33 / 31.08.04
It's Clouseau.

OK, I'm 28

So is everyone here legal?

Funny that there are no teens.

Is this place slowly dying?
Grey Area
08:06 / 31.08.04
30 people adding up to 904 years total lifespan gives us an average physical age of 30.1333(inf). Now, figuring out the board's mental age...
08:29 / 31.08.04
25 here, bring it down a bit...
08:45 / 31.08.04
he's only 28, but very well respected in some quarters - a lot of lessons here for those of us thinking of switching jobs in the coming months:,,1284096,00.html

i'm 26 if that helps, been comng here for ooo five years is it? dare to keep cops off doughnuts, jumpers for goalposts, aaah...
08:45 / 31.08.04
Another 25 here, bringing it down a bit more.
08:49 / 31.08.04
23, so younger than average, but not the youngest here.
Gypsy Lantern
08:52 / 31.08.04
I've been 29 for a week and a day.

Time is running out.
10:15 / 31.08.04
24. Each day contains the same number of hours as the number of years I have lived. I am not sure if that is a good thing.
10:20 / 31.08.04
Sax, can we call the Temple "Thought For The Day"?
10:49 / 31.08.04

Just to bring it down a bit more: Well... though my birthday's coming up, right now this lil lurker's still 15 :P

Slithers back into shadow
flufeemunk effluvia
13:06 / 31.08.04
Hot damn, I feel so giftedly youthful, what with my youthful acne and whatnot.
Nobody's girl
13:16 / 31.08.04
I'm 25. There's quite a few of us '79 babies, it seems...
Tryphena Absent
13:58 / 31.08.04
I'm 23 years and 29 days old.
Kit-Cat Club
14:16 / 31.08.04
I'm 26 at the moment. Feel older though. At least, ooh, 27. I keep having to remind myself that I'm not 28 or so - most odd.
The Strobe
14:20 / 31.08.04
I am 21 for another 20 days.

The reason there are not many teenagers is that we all grew up.
14:35 / 31.08.04
I'll be twenty nine for 8 weeks to the day.
Murray Hamhandler
15:40 / 31.08.04
I'm 26 and 358 days old today. A week from today, I'll be 26 and 365 days old. A year from then, I'll be 26 and 730 days old. And so on.
17:04 / 31.08.04
whoa, so many whippersnappers. let's olden things up again with.... 35.
Cheap. Easy. Cruel.
17:12 / 31.08.04
I am 28 years and 360 days old.
rizla mission
17:27 / 31.08.04
22 as of a month ago.
Dances with Gophers
17:30 / 31.08.04
I'll be leaving the 32 club in 3 weeks. Looking to join the Fred Bassett forum though!
18:05 / 31.08.04
Aw, I remember when Rizla was only seven, or something.
18:08 / 31.08.04
Has he discovered girls yet, then?
Whisky Priestess
19:36 / 31.08.04
Gingerbop, if you're thirty-whatever, I'm nine.

(Another member of the 28 club, really)
20:02 / 31.08.04
Bringing it down again.

22 in about 5 or so weeks.
20:24 / 31.08.04
I'm 26.

20:50 / 31.08.04
I like this idea of giving your "average age". Cause then I can say I'm almost 16

30.5, for the records.

And I think I was 24 when I started poking at this place, which is a scary thought indeed.

So does that make my average Barbelith age 27 then? I like the sound of that.
Mike Modular
21:37 / 31.08.04

Will the average be calculated as mean, mode or median? I think it's important...
The Puck
21:44 / 31.08.04
another 25 (and i feel every single fucking day of it)

79 was a good year
22:35 / 31.08.04
hmm, from my limited knowledge, barbelith seems to be a bit biased towards sheep and rats ('72 and '79)(chinese astrology stylee)
now that is something to ponder...
22:51 / 31.08.04
I'm a Sheep with a knife. I'm sure the average age has gone down now to about 28.

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