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Everything's coming up lateshift!


Page: 123(4)

Brigade du jour
00:19 / 08.09.04
Dang it all honey, you're making me thirsty!

Oh, and Bed Head? That's exactly what I thought til I tried it (after four or five beers and in a bowling alley - the guy who got me into them is a big Big Lewbowski fan). It's lovely I tell you! Ach, each to their own.

There's a pub in Gloucester Road that does lovely cocktails named after the Seven Deadly Sins. We did all of them in one night once and it was most grand!
Bed Head
00:38 / 08.09.04
Indeed. Absolutely. Each to their own. I know plenty of perfectly lovely people who swear blind that White Russians are fab. I, like, y’know man, love The Big Lebowski. But a chap has to have at least one principle he sticks to, and so far I’m finding ‘never *ever* mix vodka and milk’ is quite an easy one.

And BiP: wowzer. I think you’ve covered all the major food groups in the space of three cocktails. All the ones that matter, anyway. Perhaps you could write a diet book. The ‘never again give a toss what you weigh’ diet. It’s so what the world needs.
03:17 / 08.09.04
I saw them making specialty cocktails on the television the other day, including one that was half sake, half vodka (if I recall correctly, I probably don't) and featured a little pickled baby octopus in lieu of an olive. Apparently most of the cocktails were utterly repellent.

I am ignorant when it comes to mixed drinks. I always thought a White Russian was kaluha and milk, which doesn't really make a damn bit of sense, now does it? Does anyone know what I actually want to order? I'm lost.
03:18 / 08.09.04
Damn, you've all been gone for hours. Tupping time zone.
the cat's iao
03:23 / 08.09.04
Hey Sally!

You are mostly right about the White Russian:

White Russian
- 1 1/2 oz Vodka
- 3/4 oz Kahlua
- 3/4 oz Light Cream or Milk.

How are ya' this evening?
03:41 / 08.09.04
Decent. Plans for the evening fell through, I'll probably head off to bed pretty soon.
03:46 / 08.09.04
And I'm off to bed. Ta for now.
the Fool
05:39 / 08.09.04
Sometimes you have to art your way out of a black hole. The tale of today, just when you think you've neatly boxed something it leaks out and drags you down.
The lesson - don't look in freshly packed mental boxes labelled in giant type 'DO NOT OPEN!'

Brigade du jour
23:31 / 08.09.04
Yay! Hello! Anybody about? I'm at work, so come on over and take the mickey.
the cat's iao
23:42 / 08.09.04
Hey MGB!

Does "take the mickey" mean what it seems to mean: it's not some obscure slang or something, is it?

I arrived home from work a about twenty minutes ago.

Howzit goin'?
23:46 / 08.09.04
I'm not at work, but I'm an honorary Yank.
Brigade du jour
23:52 / 08.09.04
'Take the mickey', 'take the piss', same thing. It means, like, you know ... blimey I've never had to define it before! Here goes ... to take the mickey is to mock someone or to provoke a gullible person into believing something that is not true. For example if I were to seriously try to convince you that the smallest planet in the solar system were Neptune, I would be taking the mickey out of you. I would also be taking the piss out of you. Furthermore, I would be pulling your leg.

This slang phrase may deserve a thread all its own!
00:01 / 09.09.04
"Taking the piss" is a more complex phrase to explain than it might appear. I've tried to do so before. It's not just mocking, though there may be an element of that... you can "take the piss out of X" meaning you're mocking X in a certain satirical way, but you can also "take the piss" more generally, meaning you're breaching the spirit of certain rules. For instance, if on a forum a moderator declares "please don't post images over 60K on this thread" and afterwards someone starts to post lots of 59K images, an appropriate response would be "you're just taking the piss now".
Brigade du jour
00:11 / 09.09.04
Oh yeah I forgot that meaning!

Anyway, how did we get on to this subject in the first place? Let me guess, it was my fault, right?
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
00:39 / 09.09.04
Evenin' all - just dived in here after watching 'Dawn Of The Dead', the 2003 remake. Cool movie. Clever how they made you watch the credits (the movie's closure is sporadically interspersed with the end credits), when the last thing any standard movie-goer wants to see is a list of names.

Gonna start watching 'Shaun Of The Dead' now, to provide a wee bit of juxtaposition. Anyone got any comments on either?
Brigade du jour
01:10 / 09.09.04
Ohhh Shaun Of The Dead sooooo rocks!

It's unusual for a British comedy in that it's packed full of jokes. Funny ones, too. And it's really quite creepy, sometimes scary and actually rather moving in places as well. I mean, for fuck's sake, where's all the mediocrity gone!?

Honestly dude, it rocks.
01:10 / 09.09.04
Dawn of the Dead. Oh god, so much better than the 70s/80s original which I have on VHS and loathe with a mind-burning passion.

To justify: has anyone who likes the original Dawn of the Dead actually fucking seen it with two working pairs of eyes? It's crap! The acting is piss poor, the zombie extermination sequence in the abandoned tenemant is lacking in tension. In fairness, high on the squick and blood factor as Black Cop and White Cop execute the coralled zombies individually but it's boring, and the pimp/priest who gives the 'when hell is full' speech looks and acts like the shambling corpse of Huggy Bear.

The worst, oh god the worst part of the film comes towards the end of the middle act. White Cop and Black Cop are stealing trucks to barricade the Mall. White Cop gets sloppy and gets nibbled on by a hungry zombie. Watch, video viewers, as a supposedly professional actor goes from Nought to Psycho in sixty seconds. The wound has barely shed a single drop of bloody before White Cop starts acting like Jack Nicholson's Joker on speed and PCP.

I won't even mention the end. Okay, I will. Black Cop decides to kill himself while White Girl makes her way to 'tha choppah'. Black Cop has a gun to his head, then CHANGES. HIS. MIND. Oh, that was a needless cop out. Cue him rushing to the chopper to fucking whiz-bang AMERICAN FOOTBALL BAND MUSIC. He even tackles the undead. Holy Christing Fuckmas.

The remake avoids these mistakes by not being retarded and generally being fairly smart about things. The only big mistake that made a mark in my mind three months on is when the girl, Sally/Mary, stupidly goes after the fucking dog the survivors have adopted. When the zombies won't touch it. What the helling fuck? Nice way to risk your life needlessly, dumbass.

A stand out scene comes immeadiately after, however. The survivors go back to the roof to check on the guy they've been communicating with across the street using big handwritten signs. This guy has just been attacked by zombies. Looking through the binoculars the survivors watch him writing some kind of message. He's bleeding and moving funnily, he must be okay to draw out a message right? He holds up the sign, and it's just one big, intelligible bloody smear. Sends chills down my spine every single time. That's horror, folks.

Thrill factor gore scenes? The big methane bomb they use on the zombie riot was pretty good. The opening scene of the zombie holocaust with the car being filmed with a camera mounted to the bumper was visually different and pleasing, with the car being direct centre the whole time, letting us track the carnage with the car as our Heroine escapes. Just nice the way the picture is balanced symetrically. Oh, and some woman totally gets her shit ruined in chainsaw accident at the end. Good stuff.

The 'End' is decently edited and tense as well. Island of the Dead, anyone?
flufeemunk effluvia
01:18 / 09.09.04
I've always been more partial to the Evil Dead flicks for my zombie films. I mean, Bruce Campbell puts his disembodied arm in a copy of A Farewell to Arms. Genius.
Brigade du jour
01:22 / 09.09.04
I thought the original Dawn Of The Dead was good, albeit mainly because it was so funny, and I kept going "oh look, there's Sex Machine from From Dusk Till Dawn".

Oh, and I liked it for nostalgic reasons - the indoor ceiling-mounted cheapo lighting reminded me of watching things like Knight Rider as a kid, when Hasselhoff was sneaking around trying to bring justice to criminals who operated above the law.

Hey, if we're slagging off very popular films because we seem to be the only people who hate them, can I do my Jerry Maguire rant?
Bed Head
02:14 / 09.09.04
[obvious] show me the Jerry Maguire rant! [/obvious]

I’m all a-buzz because I’ve just watched Spiderman2 for the first time. Months after everyone else, I finally see what the fuss was all about.

omg, etc. Films like that should come with a warning. I’m so excited I feel like running out in the streets of Nottingham and fighting crime, right this second. In fact, if I hadn’t anticipated this effect and cleverly thought to drink myself into a state of inertia, I might have ended up doing something dangerous. And/or heroic.
Brigade du jour
02:33 / 09.09.04
Like run into a burning building to save a small child (which was not Willem Dafoe in a poor disguise this time) without your costume or even superpowers. And that train bit? Breathtaking ain't the fuckin' word, boy!
Bed Head
02:49 / 09.09.04
Absofuckinglutely. I never usually whoop at films. Yet tonight, I was sat there going ‘woah!’ pretty much every five seconds in quite an embarrassing way. I was even told to calm down. I’m still not calm. Spidey rocks.

Yeah, the train bit. Woah times a million. Especially when they’re all looking at him, and nobody hardly says a word, except for ‘we won’t tell’, really quietly; and omg, how many times in that film did he look heroic and pull on the mask? It’s almost like he kept losing the mask just so he’d have an opportunity to pull it on again. And every time it looked a little bit cooler.
Brigade du jour
03:04 / 09.09.04
Oh man, you're just making me want to go and see it a third time, you know that don't you?

I said this on the Spidey 2 thread over in Film, Tv & Theatre, but it's just got this perfect blend of comedy, tragedy, romance and action, and it never seems to sacrifice one for the sake of one another, it just flows beautifully. Right down to the final shot of the film. There's us thinking it's all 'woo hoo!' Spidey's sorted now, everything's going to be ok, he's got his powers back but most importantly of all he and MJ are on!

Except what be this? Kirsten doing her best soulful long-distance stare lending the denouement a degree of ambiguity you just don't normally get in these kinds of films.

By the way, I think KD was particularly good this time round. Still not given quite enough to do with her character (and I'm still a little pissed off with Sam Raimi for portraying MJ as a piece of screeching meat to be rescued and laid at regular intervals ... well okay just rescued) but she did it so gracefully and subtly. The more I see of her the more I think she's a terribly good actor.
Brigade du jour
22:20 / 09.09.04
"Hey everybody, wake up and smell the night ..."

I may write a rock opera with that as the first line, what do you lot reckon?
01:55 / 10.09.04
i reckon the night smells a lot like mildew 'round these parts.

rain, rain, go away...
01:57 / 10.09.04
but maybe it's time for a rock opera about a hurricane. i have _got_ to stop watching the weather channel.
the cat's iao
02:15 / 10.09.04
I reckon if I had something clever to write, now might be a good time to do so.

the cat's iao
03:12 / 11.09.04
Ah yes. Another night of it being late. Anybody about? Want to shoot the shit for a bit?

And where THE HELL has Keggers gone?
the cat's iao
01:10 / 15.09.04
It's late yet again. Funny how that seems to happen on a daily basis.

If anyone's about and up for a little chitty, well, let's go.

And still I ask, where THE HELL is Keggers? I am increasingly concerned with his obvious abscence...
the cat's iao
01:13 / 15.09.04
Um, "absence"--stupid ringing telephones...

Kill my phone!
It just keeps ringing.
Leave me alone.
Just leave me alone.

Or so Like Hell would have it.

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