Well, to further refine the crux of my point, what I'm curious to find out is whether other people - like myself - sometimes feel trapped in a relationship; and not necessarily because of the relationship itself, but more in respect of the things you could be doing but for the relationship.
To clarify that a bit, there are two major areas in which I'm interested; artistic freedom, and personal freedom.
To start with the former, I'm somebody who gets bored of things - including other human beings - pretty quickly. I paint, compose, and have had a fair bit of my writing published. As a bachelor, I enjoyed a pretty varied lifestyle, moving from place to place whilst working and trying to scrape together enough cash to keep my trousers from slipping. Now I have a stable, and chiefly happy, relationship to work from, but not one that really interests me hugely. In short, I feel to some degree that my choice - and it is important to remember that I'm in a relationship by free choice - has robbed me of the varied, and, by extension, creative, lifestyle I had.
To touch now on the latter, and slightly more philosophical, point of personal freedoms. This is far more simple, and really revolves around the statement that in becoming a couple you invariably sacrifice certain liberties, and the subsequent question of whether that troubles you. Does what you gain from a relationship outweigh the loss of freedom you had when single? To use the simple example you touched on, Deva, does it no longer bother you that - when wanting to go out to see the NBT do Dangerous Liaisons - you now have to factor in your partner? You no longer have the freedom to choose with whom you wish to go, or, arguably, to decide to go by yourself.
Admittedly a great deal of this is underlined by my concerns with time loss, but that's a topic for another day, and I want to keep this one on the relationships/freedom subject as much as possible. What I'm after here is your opinions on not whether you find your relationship sometimes stifling, as it's a pretty good bet that everybody does, but, rather, on whether that bothers you. |