Okay, if JHW3 is gonna stop by to answer qs... who are the dieties circling the human faces on pages 12-13?
At the top, we get the black, white, and gray eyes of God, and clockwise from there include who looks like: Indra, Mars, Jesus Christ, Aphrodite, Thoth, Ganesh, ?Demeter, ?Selene, Hermes, ?Inanna, Apollo, ?Shiva, and Zeus...
It's unfortunate that more obscure and culturally diverse godforms were not included, but alas... we don't live in PC/USA , we live in consensus reality, and those are the gods with staying power. Most of those gods are referenced at some point in the run, so it makes sense in that regard as well.
I especially liked the de-emphasis on sex in NYC's billboards. Was there a discourse between you and Alan regarding social sexual preoccupation as a metaphor for personal sexual anticipation? After the universe blows its wad, so to speak, billboards seem to be more mature and past-all-that. As if the media is now in afterglow, where you can really see the sex partner, without all the testosterone and sweat in the way. I would've liked to have seen more of the post-event world, and what a more holistic attitude would've done to various industries. Ahh, it was still sweet though.
Most improved character throughout goes to Trish Bangs, who looks amazing. |