Another error. I should feel embarissed, but i don't, because the English language is a wEird, wEird thing.
How the fuck can i write with this gook? Ye Gods! With weird i say it like 'wiyerred', or 'we'erred', so there you go again. Mordant i'm glad you found something better for my 'cud ov', could've works a lot better, thanks.
Bloody grammar lesson's whilst on Filth withdrawal, The Filth, The Filth!
WHY DO THEY KEEP MAKING ME IRRITATE YOU ALL!?!!! WHY DOESN'T LOVE GIVE ME A FUCKING CHANCE?!?! I have keys to press and a comfortable seat, but this sleep is not enough for me, i need a flaming sword.
I will kill them, i......i....i will STOP typing..... |