Also, weren't all the AICN reviews Pants-Jizzingly positive anyway? I've heard some misgivings about the ending but, whatever. That's the sort of thing I'll just wait to see for myself. But the little details here and there, from people who actually saw the movie, sound friggin' amazing.
It's like with Tenenbaums. I can get that people didn't really feel the structure, or the story, or the melodrama, or whatever, but how can you not just stand in awe at the sheer level of comedic detail in like 10 second bursts of film (I'm thinking specifically of one of Ethel's suitor's, the film director; there were like eight zillion hilarious things about that single shot)? I guess it's possible.
Also, it's not really the kind of comedy that connects with everyone. There's something about the slight movements in his films; the tennis court shoe removal in Tenenbaums, the car spit in Rushmore, "An asshole like that doesn't deserve a kitchen this great" in Bottle Rocket; that are just limitlessly hilarious to me. I had that kind of reaction to Steve flicking the lizard off the back of his hand.
If you (or whoever was disappointed in the film) didn't chuckle at that shot, then, yeah, his entire catalogue has a good chance of not connecting with you (or whoever was disappointed in the film).
I'm not too worried, myself. |