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Pump Up the Late Shift Jam


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the cat's iao
01:04 / 17.08.04
Hey folks. It's kinda' late, and it's time for a Late Shift.

Nothing can make this one stop. Well, except for a complete lack of Late Shifting type people, I suppose.
01:30 / 17.08.04
I'm still here. I never really go anywhere. Bother.
01:31 / 17.08.04
New job means I have an excuse for my rampant insomnia so hey all
01:33 / 17.08.04
Congrats, where you working?
01:37 / 17.08.04
ahhh, i'm now a published artist, albeit in the Yellow Pages......
01:40 / 17.08.04
Known as the Yellow Book over there, see I already know too much!
Bastard Tweed
01:44 / 17.08.04
Shifting into the late, shifting into the late . . .

I'll bet you don't know whether to brag or complain about that job, do you, Triple Ess?
01:51 / 17.08.04
It's ok paid

It's the Yellow Pages...

Good people work there

It's the Yellow Pages...

It's what I need for a career as a graphic designer, that essential experience that every job seemingly demands...

It's the Yellow Pages...

etc etc.
Bastard Tweed
01:56 / 17.08.04
That last plus probably pushes it on into the land of sunshine. A gateway to the career you really want is one of the best reasons to take a job in my opinion.
the cat's iao
02:12 / 17.08.04
Mmm gateway--reminds me of DRUG$$$$!!!!

But seriously, congrats on the job there SSS. I too started a new job recently that is going along swimmingly; however, unlike you, I can not really consider this a job as a gateway. Sigh. I don't think there really are gateway jobs for people with philosophy degrees!

So hey everyone! How's all youse fine peoples? A guy turns his back for a minute and suddenly there's all this action.
02:18 / 17.08.04
I don't think there really are gateway jobs for people with philosophy degrees!

Woohoo! Let's hear it for box office poison educations!

I'm just watching the Olympics, feeling my inferiority to the perfect physical specimens. Men's gymnastics right now, gorgeous shoulders on display.
Bastard Tweed
02:19 / 17.08.04
I dunno. If your job somehow leads to contracting syphillis, bursting into tears, and embracing a horse before collapsing in the street I think that might qualify.

I'm doin' fairly well meself. But a bit ill at ease. I think I may have unconciously stulted my erstwhile attempts at quiet self-reflection, the whole point of this little vacation.

Damn my youthfully over-eager loins!
Bastard Tweed
02:20 / 17.08.04
Yeah, men's gymnastics is never good for your self-esteem.
the cat's iao
02:27 / 17.08.04
Yeah, I'm not sure that my current job will lead to that course of events, but I suppose it might be something to aspire to.

I forgot my umbrella.

You know, I don't regret getting a "box office poison" education. It's what I wanted to do, and it was what I most enjoyed. Like much in life, those two things often do not lead to a steady and bountiful income.

So you are supposed to be undertaking some quiet self-reflection, eh Czern? I can't really comment about your loins, but you've certainly had some fairly zealous fingers!
02:44 / 17.08.04
Okay, I guess that qualifies as an awkward silence. I just can't watch swimming, I have no eye for it. That and portraiture.
the cat's iao
02:50 / 17.08.04
Hmm, awkward silence?

Speaking of water, I am now a fresh and clean iao of the feline variety having moments ago emerged from a nice hot shower. Mmm, shower...

How about diving? Do you enjoy the diving Sally?
Bastard Tweed
02:54 / 17.08.04
Neh, just reflecting on how I never really appreciated Futurama while they were still making new shows. I truly do love Bender's robot amorality.

Something about natural spendour, it makes you think about how you've been living; the mistakes, the opportunities, the snooty internet people.

Makes you realize that it's all worthwhile.

Then you think about it for five minutes longer, your chronic depression kicks in, and you figure you should either read a book or try to hook up with that girl you knew years ago.

Kind of puts a hitch in one's plans.
03:00 / 17.08.04
I kind of see diving as less of a water event and more of an air event, and I dig those things that happen in the air.

I enjoy natural splendor, right up until I get lyme disease. I am very much an indoor kitten.
the cat's iao
03:01 / 17.08.04
What does? The natural splendour or the chronic depression?

Personally, I find it's the latter that does me in much more often than the former.

And who're you callin' snooty, bub?!

Char Aina
03:07 / 17.08.04
but which one! the book up or the hook up?
Bastard Tweed
03:12 / 17.08.04
Her father died last month.
Bastard Tweed
03:13 / 17.08.04
Always had the best luck with timing, me.
the cat's iao
03:19 / 17.08.04
Like uneven bars?
Bastard Tweed
03:21 / 17.08.04
Always preferred the single bar myself.
the cat's iao
03:31 / 17.08.04
How's your cyber slang comin' along Czernobog?

BTW, your name often brings thoughts of particle accelerators to my mind. In my world, those are pleasent imaginings...
Bastard Tweed
03:42 / 17.08.04
Never have been much one for cyber-slang myself. I enjoy playing with spoken language too much to bend heel to language designed to only be read. I think that's why I can never quite make the board's non-gender-specific pronouns second nature. Because while "hir" and "ze" read as a mesh they still sound like "her" and "she".

Ah well. I'm gonna have me a contemplative cigarette, the second best kind of smoke there is.
03:48 / 17.08.04
Second best after what?
the cat's iao
03:50 / 17.08.04
Do you enjoy Joyce then? Apparently much of his work has to do with playing with the sounds of words. I too enjoy a bit of play with language, but for me it is often more of the written variety, although sometimes inspired by sound.

So, is this writing gig of yours going to be a bit of challenge then?

And what is the best kind of smoke there is? Oh wait...I think I know...
the cat's iao
03:51 / 17.08.04
Hey Sekhmet! How are you this evening?

I think I will join Czern in a smoke. Be back shortly...
03:54 / 17.08.04
I figured that out, too...

I was actually just on my way to bed, so this'd be my brief cameo for the evening. Had to check in on you kids and make sure you were playing nice.

Nighty night.
the cat's iao
04:01 / 17.08.04
Awh, that's sweet of you.

Good night!
Bastard Tweed
04:01 / 17.08.04
Like you even have to ask, Sekh. Post-coital of course.

It's been a looooong time.

Haven't gotten to Joyce yet, one of those "to do" authors that you never seem to get around to. As far as the writing gig is concerned, I think it's because of my status as an outsider to the genre that they consider such an asset because while they're basing their plotlines and dialogue on interesting twists of the genre I'm basing mine on short stories by Gogol and post-modern hep cat slang. Hey, how else do you conceive of a military-prototype gestahlt team of cyborgs themed to the tantric bodily chakras?
Bastard Tweed
04:02 / 17.08.04
As if they ever played nice on this board . . .
the cat's iao
04:10 / 17.08.04
^HEH! That ain't whistling Dixie...^

How was the smoke? Mine was, well, smokey. I thought about the possibility that we might be looking at the same star or bit of empty space. I bet you can see many more stars than I can--lucky so-and-so!
the cat's iao
04:12 / 17.08.04
Yeah, I haven't gotten to Joyce yet either, which is why I used the word 'apparently.' Keep meaning to...perhaps someday. RAW sure is nutty about the guy.

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