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My girlfriend left me - i don't know what to do


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Axel Lambert
10:22 / 08.08.04
Oh god sorry about this, but I really don't know what to do right now. My girlfriend has just said she doesn't want to see me anymore, and I really don't know what to do. I'm shattered. Any kind words would be a world of help.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
11:21 / 08.08.04
Eek. That's rough, Harry.

Do you have any mates around you could talk it over with? Maybe you could get someone to come over, or at least talk on the phone.
Axel Lambert
11:48 / 08.08.04

Yeah i've tried to reach them on the phone, but no luck yet. Keep on trying though. It's the hottest day this summer, and here i sitt freezing to the bone
11:57 / 08.08.04
Mordant's right; you need someone actually there.

Crying can be useful too, if you're able.
Axel Lambert
12:07 / 08.08.04
I've been crying all day, really Hope it helps a little. God I feel awful. Thanks for the advice guys. Gonna get some air now, maybe that will help. And call friends again later. I feel really lost.
The Natural Way
12:58 / 08.08.04
I HATE that feeling. That horrible, emptiness combined with some kind of nauseating, existential vertigo.... Aaarghgh! You have my sympathies, Harry.

FinD friends NOW!
13:12 / 08.08.04
Was this the girlfriend we met when you came to London, Harry? That really blows. I am sorry.

Just going to add to the voices before me. Friends you've known for a lot longer than you've known your girlfriend are particularly valuable at times like these.
14:13 / 08.08.04
I have absolutely nothing useful to say. Except to let you know you aren't alone.
Axel Lambert
14:57 / 08.08.04
Yeah that was her, smoothly. Hi again btw, and hi sleaze! Guys I'm freaking out here.
Char Aina
16:35 / 08.08.04
what they said.

plus do a push up.
Bastard Tweed
16:43 / 08.08.04
Try drinking. Whatever your preferred or most homey feeling alcoholic beverage may be and drink. Don't push it, just provide yourself with some mild anaesthesia for time being.

It's odd but one of the more out there medical studies discovered that people who get a bit drunk during their times of greatest pain actually tend to outlive those who try to tee total their way through.
17:07 / 08.08.04
Downside of drinking being that it disinhibits you. Beware of alcohol-facilitated 'grand gestures of distress-communication'...
Axel Lambert
17:36 / 08.08.04
I'm actually a little afraid of drinking right now. Afraid these feelings could bubble up even more. I've taken some xanax to calm down, though.
18:22 / 08.08.04
As many people on this board already know, I'm not the person you wanna take advice about alcohol as relates to broken relationships from. (I have plenty of advice to give... it's probably just not very good.)

Instead, I shall say... you have my deepest sympathy (plus condolences and huggles)... I know it's really shit, and there's never an easy way through this. But the advice already given regarding mates is bloody good advice.

Take care of yourself, yeah?
18:59 / 08.08.04
A hug for you Harry.

I know how much this can hurt, like a punch in the stomach. (Or possibly, a knife in the back) If it is any help, (and this may not be useful right now), but nothing does last forever. Not love, and fortunatly, not the pain either. As others have said, try to find a friend of yours to come over and be with you. Someone who is affectionate enough to give you a real-life hug and allow you the comfort to cry on their shoulder if you need it, without being judgemental.

Also, try and remember her actions do not define you and please take good care of yourself Harry.
Axel Lambert
19:42 / 08.08.04
Hey you people are the best ! Thanks everyone. I've managed to arrange a dinner with my best (but busy) friend Wednesday, and a minitrip to an island with another friend Tuesday, which only leaves tomorrow to cope with. Plus I've actually managed to eat something! So far so good. I'm only terrified the horrible feelings will come back.
Tryphena Absent
19:48 / 08.08.04
Just don't take a bath. I know that sounds like lousy advice but it's really a very bad idea when you have too much to think about. I hope it all gets better very soon.
19:51 / 08.08.04
Actually, I'd say do take a bath - a nice comforting candlelit return-to-the-womb one, with scented doodahs and everything. Just don't bathe pissed, and do avoid razor-blades.
20:28 / 08.08.04
Chin up, Harry. You're a man, The Man. A handsome man with a handsome smile. You can tell me the license plate numbers of all six cars outside. You can tell me that our waitress is left-handed and the guy sitting up at the counter weighs two hundred fifteen pounds and knows how to handle himself. You know the best place to look for a gun is the cab of the gray truck outside, and at this altitude, you can run flat out for a half mile before your hands start shaking.

You are a comet blazing across the sky of life.

You rock, dude.
20:39 / 08.08.04
% Yeah, take refuge in VicWorld. That's a good plan... %
Axel Lambert
20:42 / 08.08.04
Also, I own a copy of The Bourne identity VHS
21:27 / 08.08.04
You wait, Ganesh. Harry will be shaving me within the week.
23:12 / 08.08.04
I'm sending him Nutella, for the arse-spreading thing.
Lord Morgue
05:54 / 09.08.04
Well, you could always yell "I'm single again!" and start dancing around naked, like Austin Powers. Like I always say, when life gives you lemons, hit the tequila.
Lord Morgue
05:56 / 09.08.04
And put that fucking toilet seat back UP, where it belongs. It's the little things...
06:44 / 09.08.04



(Wait, there's more than single-word statements coming!)

I know it doesn't necessarily help you, but I certainly have been where you are, and so has most everyone else around here. You're going to be fine. You're going to get through this. Will it scar you for life? Well, YEAH. That's part of the process there, bucko. You'll never be the same. That's OK. It's called life. It hurts like a motherfuck sometimes, and just when you think you've figured it out, it treats your carefully laid plans like an Etch-A-Sketch and you've got to start again from square one. It's a bitch. Just don't kid yourself into thinking that somehow you've been hurt worse than anyone else; you've been hurt almost EXACTLY how the rest of us have been. We're still here to tell you that the sooner you grieve, deal and move on, the better off you'll be. You obviously have a good many positive attributes or else you wouldn't have been able to attract this woman who meant so much to you in the first place. Try to remember what those are, and focus a sizable chunk of your energies on them; in all probability, what was attractive to the last woman will be similarly attractive to the next. You have been/are/will be worthy of love. Your life is not over; it's only just begun. Go find it and live the shit out of it.

Lilly Nowhere Late
07:22 / 09.08.04
Definitely do not leave the toilet seat up because it'll be doubly hard to break that habit again once you fall in love with the next person. Which you will. Really.

I think you should think of the one or two or a dozen things that you would not have planned to do because of or with the ex and now make very specific plans to do it/them. Making plans is one of the best therapies ever as I think I have preached before. Take advantage of your new found freedom. Having things to look forward to is salvation.
Gypsy Lantern
10:56 / 09.08.04
My advice would be to buy a monkey. Either a small trickster-type creature that can pilfer objects for you, or a large monkey that can kick someone's head in. If you're going for the small monkey option, you'll probably want to take to the high seas, preferably on a period clipper ship bound for mysterious Arabia. If you get yourself sorted out with a big monkey, then you're best option is probaby to buy a truck and retrace the exact journey of Clint Eastwood and Clyde in the films 'Every which way but loose' and "Any which way you can'. No doubt it will be a transformative experience, which ever path you choose to take.
pointless and uncalled for
11:26 / 09.08.04
Sage advice there Gypsy.
Grey Area
13:04 / 09.08.04
I'll give you the same advice I gave my mate who's in the same position as of last week Tuesday: Go on a trip. Take advantage of some last-minute offer and head off to somewhere different, preferably where they don't speak english. See the sights, travel around and put everything behind you. Then, when you come back, start afresh. Right now everything you're looking at probably reminds you of your relationship, so going somewhere where this doesn't happen will help you put a full stop at the end of this chapter of your life and start a new one. PLus if you go somewhere nice and warm you'll get a tan. You can't go wrong with a tan. Go somewhere tropical, and you might even be able to pick up a monkey for cheap.

Seriously, just go. Anywhere but where you are now.
13:11 / 09.08.04
Also, I dunno what you look like right now (this is relevant, just hold on) but I was once given some advice by my old boss which at the time I thought was bollocks...

...get a haircut. Get something totally different done. Cut it all off. Dye it. Bleach it. Nothing says "new season" like a new look for the main character.

I thought this was bollocks at the time, and another way of him trying to get me to cut my dreads off. But when I did it really was a whole lot easier to separate the past from the present (I guess it's like the symbolic shaving of the head when getting various kinds of religion). Not sure if it works for everyone, or if I'm just a sucker, but it's something I've tried to live by ever since, and it seems to help.
Tryphena Absent
13:54 / 09.08.04
That's a woman thing. I'm not sure where it came from but the necessity of haircuts entered the female psyche some time ago.
Lilly Nowhere Late
13:55 / 09.08.04
Stoatie, should I re-mention your current need of a hairdo?
14:19 / 09.08.04
I knew that was coming! Yeah, only not a drastic life-changing one. Just one that stops it looking shit, please!
Lord Morgue
15:48 / 09.08.04
Well, then, the only course of action to take would seem to be to take a long, refreshing drink of the U.K.'s Prozac-laced tapwater, kidnap Kibabu the gorilla from Taronga Park Zoo, and go on a road trip. And hey, if it turns out that the whole thing with Kibabu was that he was gay all along, you might be in for some hot monkey lovin'.
Just pretend you're Mark Wahlburg and go with it, man.

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