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Lets talk about fluxblog behind his back


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No star here laces
16:06 / 04.08.04
Why that matthew perpetua, he thinks he's _______. Well he's just a ___________________. Like those nasty ____________men and their misogynistic lyrics.

I think fluxblog would be so much better if __________ ________ ___________. And how come he never posts anything by _________? That's illogical as they are the best band since __________.

As the public face of barbelith, bringing the revolution to the masses it's his duty to __________.

Never forget, Matthew, we OWN you.
Matthew Fluxington
17:33 / 04.08.04
Go on, folks. I want to see how you answer this.
Grey Area
21:06 / 04.08.04
You know Jefe, you're totally _______________. You should have ____________ his _____________. Now that was _____________ _______________! But it got ____________. Right after, he ______________ and _____________ ___________. Which surprised everyone, 'cause we all know he's _________________ and has no _______________ to ___________. Just goes to show, you can't ______________ a ____________ when you haven't ________________ your ____________. Matthew, take note.
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:53 / 05.08.04
Why that matthew perpetua, he thinks he's Tom Sharpling crossed with Freddy Prinze Jr. Well he's just a shook one. Like those nasty emo men and their misogynistic lyrics.

I think fluxblog would be so much better if he alternated MP3s with recommendations of the best adult entertainment on the web. And how come he never posts anything by G-Unit? That's illogical as they are the best band since 2 Live Crew.

As the public face of barbelith, bringing the revolution to the masses it's his duty to bang hipster chicks like Dave Grohl bangs drums.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
10:34 / 05.08.04
But-but Dave Grohl is so overrated, and he doesn't do much drumning these days!

Oh. Oops. Uh, shit. Bye!
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:30 / 05.08.04
Oh, you can be as rude about Dave Grohl as you like, Radiator - after all, his dissing of female pop stars' videos coupled with the Probot soft porn video showed the extent to which he's a dumb, hypocritical pig of a man. I just needed the name of a famous drummer.
Ethan Hawke
14:00 / 05.08.04
b-b-b-u-t - those were SuicideGirls. They are in charge of their sexuality. You can tell because of the tattoos.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
10:45 / 06.08.04
I wish Flux posted on Barbelith. I think he'd make a useful contribution to the board.
Jack The Bodiless
11:51 / 06.08.04
No he wouldn't.
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:23 / 06.08.04
Jack The Bodiless
12:33 / 06.08.04
Yeah, fair enough. I'd like to take this opportunity to publically apologise to Mr Perpetua for some of my more venomous posts to and about him during the last few months or so. We might never be bestest buddies and stuff, but I've been kind of acting like an arse. Sorry, Flux. I'll keep it off the ad hominem from now on, promise.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
13:08 / 06.08.04
Actually yeah, fuck Grohl. as a wiser man than me once Asaid, there's too many girls and not enough sucide on - the freebie stuff made my boner damn near retract in panic at all the "hardcore" piercings and emoness.
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:21 / 06.08.04
Yet again, Radiator, you have missed the point spectacularly. Are there any women you do like?

(See Jack, now that's "ad hominem".)
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
11:02 / 07.08.04
And yet again, you've missed the point. Suicide Girls is a spectacularly awful porn site with a boner-killing twist (to wit: all the girls are either into bright eyes or minor threat or some shit like that and look a bit ropey). The promotion and canonisation of the damn site from certain areas of the rock world just because it presents itself as "alternative" depresses me no end. Hence, fuck Dave Grohl sideways with a hockey stick. Someone else I know said that there were too many girls and not enough suicide on the site. Suicide Girls, do you see? It isn't an attack on women so much as a pretty neat play on words. Just like me imagining Miss Kittin and Peaches fighting like characters from an anime doesn't mean I hate women, but was more of a surreal whimsy on my part.


rizla mission
12:43 / 07.08.04
"a bit ropey", eh?


Well I'm not venturing to even start on most of that, but to make one quick point before the hammer of Flyboy justice descends;

I think you'll find that "Minor Threat" and "emoness" are about as mutually exclusive as it's possible for concepts to be.
Char Aina
13:20 / 07.08.04
yeah? you think?
erase minor threat from history and you would have a lot less emo, i reckon.
rizla mission
17:35 / 07.08.04
Well only cos you'd erase all those subsequent, more emo-infused, DCHC groups in the process.

Taking Minor Threat in isolation, I fail to see the emo in 70 second knuckleheaded noiseblasts about hating everything and fighting people.
Not Here Still
18:12 / 07.08.04
I just wanna know if he pays ______ to be featured on their pages each month. And _______ is much cooler now, especially after it was ___________ in _________
Matthew Fluxington
22:21 / 07.08.04
Would you all please keep on fighting about Suicide Girls and making fun of Dave Grohl in a thread which is still somehow about my blog as a special birthday present for me? I'm dead serious.
Matthew Fluxington
22:23 / 07.08.04
yeah? you think?
erase minor threat from history and you would have a lot less emo, i reckon.

You're thinking of the wrong member of Fugazi, man. "Emocore" has more to do with Guy Picciotto, but still, that's really stretching it cos what's emo nowadays seems more derived from the work of Rivers Cuomo and other sadsack alt-rock stars from the 90s.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
11:43 / 08.08.04
Apropos of nothing: I'd quite like to shit in River's nasty tramp's beard and yell PICK THE TAGNUTS OUT OF THAT, WIMP, but I'm not sure he still has a beard. Didn't Weezer split up again, despite the fact he had about three million albums written in advance?

Rizla: Yeah, wasn't saying minor threat are emo, old bean, just that Suicide Girls pimps itself as Emo/Punk/Goth, so it's an either/or thing, really.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
12:02 / 08.08.04
And to clarify: I'm not against the site because the women are ugly per se (hello 99% of internet porn in general), more that it's a low quality pay porn site being pimped by dull alt "celebs" like Grohl and Courtney love. Pathetic. Oh, and because they're hosting these days, and I can't get to my dose of mega man bosses and the superfriends without seeing their stupid banners. Grr.
Tryphena Absent
02:50 / 09.08.04
You know it's weird Radiator but I would have placed you as exactly the guy who walked down the street wearing a black and yellow Nirvana T-shirt.
03:29 / 09.08.04

Radiator, you just gonna take that?
the cat's iao
04:43 / 09.08.04
IS there some sort of double standard in this thread, or is McFlibs the only one allowed to be a dick to somebody?

I'd rather spend a whole day getting enemas than attempt to care about ____________.

This message brought to you by the fine folks of joybore.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:05 / 09.08.04
Radiator: you have missed the point in the sense that you seemed to be under the impression that you were agreeing with me. My irritation with Grohl stems from the fact that he has made comments condemning the sexuality of music videos made by female pop stars, whilst at the same time filling a video of his own with the same kind of content. You initially attributed your irritation with Grohl to the fact that he has endorsed a site that fails to arouse you personally. You seem to be backtracking from this position now - that's good, it's an important first step.

But while we're here... I've no desire to rot the Miss Kittin thread further, so we might as well do this: since you had made your feelings on Peaches clear already, and since you have what we call 'previous' for wishing violence on the musicians you dislike ("Courtney should suicide" [sic]), a comment like "Wouldn't it be cool if Miss Kittin punched Peaches in the head so hard she exploded?" seems another example of you venting the bile that stems from your many, many issues.

And now here you are again with this whole "these women displease me, they should kill themselves" thang. You can't blame me if I sense a pattern. Although I am now confused - or rather, I suspect you are confused: you attributed the "less girls, more suicide" quotation to a "wiser man" than yourself. I took this to mean you agreed with that statement. It is possible you did not, and you were merely observing that your friend is wiser than yourself: incredibly, it sounds as though your friend is one of the few individuals on the planet of whom this is not true.

On to more important issues...

Who is "McFlibs"? Are they responsible for teaching the cat's iao how to put words in bold and italics?
Tryphena Absent
13:01 / 09.08.04
Well the cat's iao, I rather think you've proved that you too can be a dick.

I love this thread, it's like all the best things about school.
the cat's iao
01:33 / 10.08.04
And your comment, Anna, shows_____________?
the cat's iao
01:50 / 10.08.04
And, for what it's worth (which is likely very little, but then, that's your poverty), it seemed rather odd, to this reader anyway, that someone would post an image saying, "shake dem haters off!" and then turn around and show what seems to be pride in a self-confessed "ad hominem" attack. Where I'm from we'd call that person "a hypocrite".
Tryphena Absent
14:08 / 10.08.04
Yes, clearly Shake dem Haters Off was a serious message, penned in blue bubble writing. I think Flyboy is a terrible hypocrite. The bastard, how could he do something like that?

That's a very observational comment you've made there Iao. Well done. You've certainly changed my mind.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
14:29 / 10.08.04
Tryphena Absent
17:01 / 10.08.04
Ha! I see you've never been to a bad party my little dumpling.
the cat's iao
23:41 / 10.08.04
Well dear Anna, when you're done being a _________, perhaps you'll notice that JtB took the message seriously...

As well, I'm not sure why, exactly, the style of writing negates the message. Does a grafitied message negate it's semantic import? Moreover, I doubt very much that I could change your mind regarding your dear flyboy, that certainly wasn't my intent--nor was it to call him "a terrible, bastard" hypocrite: only a foolish one.

School's out dearie, run along home...
Goodness Gracious Meme
08:24 / 11.08.04
well, not to be ontopic or anything but, here you go, M.

Why that matthew perpetua, he thinks he's So Very. Well he's just a kitten Like those nasty lollipop men and their misogynistic lyrics.

I think fluxblog would be so much better if started every post with a kitten haiku And how come he never posts anything by Slayer? That's illogical as they are the best band since like, THE DAWN OF TIME

As the public face of barbelith, bringing the revolution to the masses it's his duty to FUCK SHIT UP at every opportunity.

Never forget, Matthew, we OWN you.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
12:12 / 11.08.04
The party I split my chin open was a pisser, Anna. I was 3.

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