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Morrison & Moore Column at Comic Book Galaxy [PICS]


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05:09 / 02.08.04
Stop by today as Chris Allen and Alan David Doane begin "The Conversation;" in Part One, a lengthy discussion about Grant Morrison, Alan Moore and Corporate Comics. Joe Rybandt has Lifespan: Comics Week Four, and ADD's Quick Hits reviews recent comics and graphic novels.


bio k9
05:46 / 02.08.04

We have our own forum to discuss stuff in, jackass.
06:23 / 02.08.04
what the hell are you acting like that for? He's posting about an ARTICLE. About GM, the patron saint of Barbelith. seems pretty on topic and non-spammy to me. he's not telling people to go join up to another messageboard or anything.
06:54 / 02.08.04
Then he goes and puts a blurb about some other article on the end. Spambot!
07:57 / 02.08.04
He's not the patron saint of Barbelith, he's a very naughty boy.

Alan's interest in Barbelith extends essentially as far as telling its members to come to his pet fanboy site. Whether or not this is spam is not entirely clear. Certainly "I wrote it!" and "it's over there" are the two least interesting things that one could say about an article...

Maybe we should send this to the Creation? Or just take the piss...
08:27 / 02.08.04
Actually, I think it may be too dull to mock. Once again I find myself chewing my eyes out when confronted with what passes for, or at least represents itself as, intelligent comic book discussion.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
09:13 / 02.08.04
Oh for the love of god, plugslike this are the only way smaller sites can get noticed. But no, another chance for Bio K9 to be an astonishingly (Joss Wedon OMG!!!1) unfunny crabby menopausal cunt and another excuse for Haus to stroke his lengthy and fullsome e-beard about the morality of it all. It's times like this I could happily kneecap every smug douche who never shuts up about the supposed intellectual superiority of barbelith, and then stop posting althogether.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
09:15 / 02.08.04
That said, I could quite happily super-ninja kick these two self appointed "intellectuals" into the nearest obivion ward, but my point stands.
Never or Now!
09:18 / 02.08.04
Those guys like Grant Morrison, don't they. And Alan Moore. Not so Geoff Johns!
09:39 / 02.08.04
Yes, Radiator, but you're a halfwit whose failure in every forum - intellectual, social or sexual - has left you with little option but to threaten violence against people you are unlikely ever to meet and thus fail embarrassingly to make good on your Beard Hunter wank fantasies about. Of course, I have never met you, but then you didn't let an almost total ignorance of the Stooges or a failure to read Astonishing X-Men #1 stop you from brainfarting about them, now, did you?

How about if you skip straight ahead to the "stop posting altogether" part? I realise that you have to keep speaking just to let the air out of your head before a dangerous pressure builds up, but does that mean others have to suffer you? Most homes have an airing cupboard these days, which could easily be soundproofed and have a lock added. You have to my knowledge never actually made an interesting or useful comment about anything, preferring instead to accuse people of being homos. And also gay. Nobwrench.

(To clarify, did I mention the superiority of Barbelith? No. Only the paucity of comic books discussion, to which you are an eager and semi-literate contributor. The paucity, that is, not the discussion.)

One thing I always have wondered, though, is whether Doane is pronounced as in the Pretenders "Don' get me wrong", or as in the Everton Hotspurs exciting young striker Dwayne Rooney? Or is it something more akin to the French for "customs"?
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
10:14 / 02.08.04
Ooh!, I'm a sexual faliure!

Actually, no, you've got me there. Fuck. Still, looks like I touched a nerve.

Can't rightly think that I've ever called someone a homo around these parts (I might well have, though it was most likely channeling the spirit of, rather than any actual hatred for homosexuality, which you'll find to be non-existant on my part).

As for me being a faliure in the forums - well, I've attempted to stick up for some posters I felt were being harrased unfairly by the "big guns" around these parts, I've started the AXM thread with a full page scan. Most of my early posts are unreadable, I'll freely admit, and my span of posting while I was at uni September-April was a parade of shitbombs fuelled by lonelyness and various other dysfunctions (I will however, go down shooting on the point that Every Strokes Song Ever = Lust For Life/The Traveller - Fun, but those are Iggy Pop tracks and not stooges tracks, so I apologise)I'm not half as clever as I think I am - but here's the deal: so are most people around here, otherwise they wouldn't have such heated and high-minded debates around pop-cutlure junk food like Kylie and fucking Ultimate Spiderman!

Things around here have gotten so bad lately - Suedehead and Bio K9's territorial pissings on any spiderman (sorry, Spider-Man!) thread not to their liking have moved me to tears for all the wrong reasons, and I've seen flyboy rip into dear sweet finderwolf for the most minor lapses of posting protocol with such an unecessary amont of vitrol that it's nearly inspired physical violence to inanimate objects in my vicinity. There seems to be a real "old is better, new is bad" attitude amoung certain... groups around this place, and the real insight to be found in these boards isn't going to be worth it much longer.

I've been getting wound pretty tightly over these issues of late, and all it takes is one cunt posting a sub-collage humor picture of some spam (confidential to Bio K9: LOL!!!1) and a crabby line of bold text to set me off in the best of times.

There, did I justify that enough for you? Because god forbid someone should be allowed to post a gut response around these parts.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
10:21 / 02.08.04
And the whole backslapping thing wasn't aimed at you, oh great Haus of the Real Ale Twats. It's been a recurrent meme for a bit, but that thread with everyone rushing to slag Millarworld and nearly breaking their arms patting themselves on the back was just too much.
10:39 / 02.08.04
If your gut response is stupid, then it would be lovely if God would forbid it, but I think it's one of those things that humans have to take responsibility for. Like sin.

Trolling in defence of poor innocent victims (who lack your hardy constitution) is still trolling, and homophobic bullshit which is just a bit of fun is still homophobic bullshit.

However. It seems you have genuine concerns about how affairs in the Comnic Books forum are being handled. How about starting a thread in the Policy about it? That way, people who *don't* read threads about Ultimate Spider-Man, myself included (I seem to recall asking Bio And Suedehead to tone it down in a Spider-Man thread in Films, TV and Theatre, mind), can discuss those concerns without rotting threads, as you are wont to do with your screaming fits. You could even link to it here if you wanted...

Incidentally, isn't Comic Book Galaxy a reasonably well-known Interweb fansite, rather than the little guy you bellieve you are defending here?
10:54 / 02.08.04
*Haus frantically tapping the red buttons marked 'Flyboy' and 'Flux'*

To me, my Barbeloids!
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
10:56 / 02.08.04
Well that I didn't know, so I conceed.

I'd challenge you do find a thread where I'm homophobic, though.

PS whatever happened to the thread recaps on the reply page? so flustrating!
10:57 / 02.08.04
Hardly. When you're older or smarter you might understand the relationships a bit better. Read some threads. Comic Books forum should do.

So, Dohn, Dwayne or Do-ann?
10:58 / 02.08.04
The above to Triplets Rule, natch.
The Natural Way
11:11 / 02.08.04
Just to defend the geeks. I'm not sure whether spidey-debate = a lack of intelligence.

I'll bow out now and leave you guys to fuck.
11:17 / 02.08.04
Further, for those who are short of backstory, Alan has a habit of popping up on Barbelith, giving a link to his website (generally, as here, the website rather than the actual story), and then not logging in again until he wants to do the same thing. I don't think he loves us, which might be why people have become impatient over time.

See here and here for examples.
11:20 / 02.08.04
Just to defend the geeks. I'm not sure whether spidey-debate = a lack of intelligence.

Well, also. I think Radiator meant that if we were all clever, we would be talking about the Aeneid or Nietzsche instead, but I'd suggest that that might be a confusion of "clever" and "educated middle class", which is very easy to fall into because that's how the bar is set, but I'm not sure there is anything about Spider-Man that *precludes* intelligent discussion, just as there's nothing about the Aeneid that guarantees it...
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
11:30 / 02.08.04
My point is that people do have a tendency to go over the top here - spiderman is a guy in a costume who fights like-minded foes in a comic strip, and Kylie's a sample on a studio track. There's really very little to sift through.

I'm here for the pop culture - I just wish we wouldn't take ourselves so seriously.
11:37 / 02.08.04
Oh, God. If that's not an invitation for somebody to start talking about Joycore, I don't know what is. Everybody head for the shelters...
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
11:43 / 02.08.04
I... damn.
bio k9
11:44 / 02.08.04
I'm sure there is some sort of mandate from Tom about what constitutes spam around here. Take a peek in the policy and I'm sure you will find this thread fits the bill.

What a bunch of humorless babies.


Fuck. Off.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
11:48 / 02.08.04
Is there some kind of mandate on humourless pricks who shit up perfectly innocent threads, then?
12:05 / 02.08.04
Hang on, so you're *both* calling each other humourless? Well, that hardly seems fair. Tell you what, let's have a humour-off. Who's first to complete this popular rib-tickler.

"A man walked into a pub..."

(On a more serious note - Radiator, you may not like Bio K9, but in this instance he's right - this is, essentially, spam. I would be delighted if Alan wanted to spend more time discussing comics on Barbelith, but I don't think he *does*... he seems interested in us only as a potential audience. I realise that you have not been here long, but I think you'd be happier if you gave other members the benefit of the doubt - for example, that perhaps Alan had done this on a number of occasions, that he was not a humble fellow with a tiny one-man site just looking for a few readers, and so on. More broadly, might I suggest that if you want to "defend" somebody from the mean old Barbeloids - and you may want to check the "Big Brother" thread for Ganesh's decscription of White Knight syndrome - there are better and less thread-hostile ways than trying to pick fights. Honestly, if person you don't really know a being rude to person you don't really know b drives you into paroxysms of violent behaviour, typography and fantasy, I think you may be taking things too seriously....)
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
12:16 / 02.08.04
I'm all for the benefit of the doubt, haus - but I can't recall bio k9 being nice to anyone. Ever. So it's a pretty easy mistake to make.
12:42 / 02.08.04
And you can't remember Alan up there hitting and running with ads for his website before... recall is imperfect, yes?

Bio K9 identified (correctly) that this thread was spam - a thread designed to get people over to another website from somebody who doesn't appear to have any interest in contributing to Barbelith beyond advertising Comic Book Galaxy. You may not like Bio K9, but that doesn't, in this case, mean that his actions were unjustified or unjustifiable.
13:32 / 02.08.04

13:43 / 02.08.04
I'd never heard of this fellow before and the (two) threads immediately had my spam-sense tingling. If I were Benevolent Barbelith Dictator-For-Life I'd have deleted them and warned Dwayne not to do it again as this is not a free advertising resource for his site - actually, given that he'd done it before I would have banned him.

But then, I'm an avowed facist.
13:52 / 02.08.04
You mean a fascia-ist. Your mobile phone's never the same colour two weeks in a row.
The Falcon
14:08 / 02.08.04
ADD does this, yeah.

That said, I'm linking to the article, and Bio is nice after you get to know him a bit Radiator.

So are you, bar the odd online howl, which is something I can identify with.

So much of this interposter shit wouldn't carry over five minutes in a real-life conversation, y'know.
Cat Chant
14:11 / 02.08.04
Morrison & Moore

[puzzled] shurely Morrissey & Marr?
The Falcon
14:16 / 02.08.04
WRT to the article, I do largely share the taste of the authors.
14:22 / 02.08.04
You don't like Geoff Johns, then?

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