Brosnan's not become a parody by any stretch. His performance hasn't altered in any of his Bond movies - if anything's come close to parody, it's been the increasingly laboured films themselves.
Apparently The Bourne Supremacy has made significantly more cash so far than Die Another Day did in the same period of time. I think a rethink of the whole franchise is in order.
An interesting left field choice might be Colin Firth, you know. He's got the right look...

...and could probably be persuaded to beef up a little bit more. Plus Roger Moore's the only English Bond we've had to date, and it's about time we had another one, eye fink.
Failing that, there's always

who's certainly a pretty popular choice. Not so much of a pretty boy as Brosnan - if you want a brooding, darker Bond, Clive Owen could well be the man. Trouble is, I hear he's already refused to test, as has Hugh Jackman, according to rumour.
My own favourite silly choice, of course, is this gentleman:

...Peter Wingfield. I'm horribly biased, but I think he'd be good, and it's about time he got the recognition he deserves. Of course, he's a great actor, which isn't necessarily important for Bond.
On a similar theme, this guy...

...Adrian Paul - has tested for Bond before, and he's got the look, the physicality (serious martial arts/weapons expertbackground. He's been likened to a young Sean Connery and to Errol Flynn by his old swordmaster (who worked with Flynn), and he speaks several languages fluently. Although he's been uneven, over the years he's matured into a pretty decent actor, given the right set of circumstances, and like I said, decent ability is all you need to essay Bond. Plus he's already gathering steam as a serious contender... Top in a 'Next Bond?' poll by US magazine Parade recently, for example.
They could do worse... |