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Let's all be music pirates! Arggh!


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20:40 / 23.08.04
hmmm, i don't know what's wrong here.

no, I'm not using stealth mode.

maybe you could PM some of the other people trying to get this going, and try to establish connections with them? then the rest of us could just connect that way. once two of us establish a network, it should work fine.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
21:44 / 23.08.04
Bear just tried to connect to me, but with no luck; (s)he's getting the same response as me - client displays 'Connecting', then simply continues as though nothing has happened, displaying the 'Network Down' message in the menu bar.

Are we missing some vital step in the process here? How many people have actually successfully joined the network? This could be a very powerful P2P tool, if only we could get it working...
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
22:54 / 23.08.04
Right - think I might have sussed it.

WASTE needs to be aware of your own IP address, so it could be worth checking in Preferences->Network->Your IP Addr. whether or not your IP is displayed in any of the boxes. If not, choose Forced and enter your numerical IP address in the first dialogue box.

Connection to the network should then simply be a matter of typing in the IP address of the Barbelith member you want to connect to (PM the member for this) and clicking the 'Connect' icon in WASTE.

Good luck. I look forward to helping you download (backup copies) of your favourite digital treasures...
22:57 / 23.08.04
Yeah, Cloned Christ has got it right, the two of us have connected, so it's working great.

Just follow his instructions and try to connect.
It should work!
15:01 / 24.08.04
Alright, here's how it's going down:

I'm going on vacation and won't be back for another two weeks or so. Fortunetly, CCoaHD and I were able to succesfully make a connection and are leaving it open 24/7. Even though I'll be away, you should be able to connect to him. Just follow the instructions below and you should be all good.

I'm assuming that you've already downloaded and installed the program. If not, what are you waiting for?! Go to right now and do so. Now that that's out of the way, let me tell you what you need to do to make this work. First of all, you need to post your public key in the thread. You can do this by clicking file > preferences, and under the "Network" section, and the "Private Key" subsection, click "Copy my public key to the clipboard." Then, simply reply to the WASTE thread by pasting your key there. Next, in order to connect with me, you will need my public key (and CCoaHD's key), which I've pasted below:


WASTE_PUBLIC_KEY 20 1536 ClonedChristOnA

Copy those, and add them to your list of keys by choosing "Public Keys" in the preferences, clicking add, pasting it into the box on the bottom, and clicking "Load key text." If done correctly, the message "Imported 1 public key successfully" should appear.

Now comes the part where you change your settings in a way that is polite and considerate. Not doing the following will likely result in the other network members getting pissed at you and cancelling your uploads. First, share your files. Don't worry, this isn't Kazaa. Sharing your files doesn't put you at any risk. You don't need to have tons of stuff shared, but it's best if you share whatever you can... everyone else is, they expect you to do the same. To select which folders to share, open up the preferences, and click "Sending" under the "File Transfers" section. See that box labeled "Directories to scan?" That's a list of your shared folders. Click the add button and add some directories. Share as much as you can. Then hit the "Rescan" button. ("Scan" simply means scan your shared folders for files to display to the other users) Make sure that the "Index files for on demand sending," "Allow searching of my files," "Allow browsing of my files," and "Rescan directories on startup" boxes are all checked. The "Rescan directories every ___ minutes" box should also be checked and the number should be set to something reasonable (this determines how often WASTE checks your shared folders for new files). I have mine set to 300. The "Limit files to these extensions" box should be unchecked. It's up to you whether or not to check the "Limit to ___ files at once" box, but unless you don't mind having your bandwidth eaten alive, I'd recomend it. You should not, however, set the number too low (anything under 4 is seen as discourteous). This prevents the network from functioning at it's fullest capacity. I have mine set to 10. The default, I believe, is 16. Under the "Recieving" section, make sure that "Limit downloads to ___ per host" box is checked and the number is set to 1. Anything higher than 1 runs the risk of pissing someone off. Where it says "Allow other users to send me files" you should probably check the box, but if you do, you should check the "Prompt before accepting" box as well. Now open the "Transfers" box (View > Transfers). See where it says "Max downloads: ___?" As long as you've set the "Limit downloads to ___ per host" to 1, like I told you, you can set this to whatever you want. Note, however, that if you're downloading from alot of people at once, not putting a limit on this can really eat up your bandwidth and make downloading alot slower.

The following paragraph is courtesy of Cloned Christ on a Hover Donkey: "WASTE needs to be aware of your own IP address, so it could be worth checking in Preferences->Network->Your IP Addr. whether or not your IP is displayed in any of the boxes. If not, choose Forced and enter your numerical IP address in the first dialogue box." (you can go to if you don't know what yours is)

In order to connect you need to PM Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey (I won't be on, so you'll need to connect to him) for his IP address. Copy and paste that into the long horizontal box in the network status window (View > Network Status -or- ALT+N) and hit the button on the right. If it works, that should do it. You are now a member of the Barbelith WASTE network, congratulations! (if this didn't work, PM me, maybe I can help you... or at least point you to someone who can)

CCoaHD has assured me that he'll be trying to leave the program open 24/7, so you should be able to connect just about any time. For the benefit of the network, I advise everyone else who can to do the same. Not only does it allow anyone (including new memebers) to connect at any time, but it makes more content available (occasionally the same content possessed by multiple users), and hence reduces bandwith stress on individual users.
flufeemunk effluvia
15:28 / 24.08.04
WASTE_PUBLIC_KEY 20 2048 Flufeemunk


Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
20:10 / 24.08.04
I don't need your IP address, fluffimunk; you need mine. I'd recommend you remove your IP adress from the post above.

I'm at work at the moment, so I won't be able to add your public key to my client until the morning (9am UK time) - I'll PM you my IP address when my client is ready for you to connect.
01:38 / 04.09.04
Alright, I'm back... but I'm very disapointed. I can't believe that no one else has showed interest in this... or that those who have have been unable to join the network. What gives?

But if you do want to connect, simply follow my instructions in my previous post and PM either CCoaHD or I for an IP to connect to.

Good luck all!

P.S. I have a family function to attend and I won't be returning until the 5th. I will however leave my computer on, so don't let that stop you.

Oh yeah, and fluffimunk, I'd recomend following CCoaHD's advice and removing that IP address.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
03:19 / 04.09.04
Welcome back, TeN - I have had to reinstall WinXP after a slightly bothersome SP2 install, thus losing my public & private keys. Interest in this has been slightly below minimal, so I decided not to put Waste back on my PC, despite it being a very cool app.

If any further interest is shown, I may reinstall Waste & rejoin the network again, so all is not lost.
Grey Area
06:20 / 07.09.04
I've been moved to a different office, and given a shed-load of preparation work for the new academic year (someone decided that I would make a great freshman studies advisor...the paperwork has to be seen to be believed). Once I get WASTE and my external HDD set up on the new machine I'll try connecting, but it's pretty low on my list of priorities. Rest assured that it's very high on my list of things I'd rather be doing though.

My public key is:
WASTE_PUBLIC_KEY 20 1536 Grey Area
17:18 / 26.09.04
Due to a lack of interest on behalf of the Barbelith Community, I (and this is long overdue) officially announce the Barbelith WASTE Network closed. I do, however, recomend that you find another network to join. My recomendation would be to log on to the IRC channel #waste on server They have a rather large, and constantly growing network, of which I am a proud member. Just drop your head in and ask how you can join, more than likely someone there will be happy to help you out.

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