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Let's all be music pirates! Arggh!


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02:07 / 27.07.04

NOTE TO MODS: I was going to put this in music, but the possibilities for it were so much further reaching. I considered putting it in gathering, but not alot of people check there too often (myself included), and I'm not sure this exactly counts as "a gathering" either. So I'm putting it here, where I think it's most likely to be seen by the most amount of people. If you think it belongs elsewhere, kindly move it.

Anyone ever read Pynchon? Me neither. But if you have, or even if you haven't, you may know about W.A.S.T.E. - the secret, underground postal network used by the counter-culture in "The Crying of Lot 49." In addition to being a major theme in a novel I want to read, it's name has been stolen twice and used (for it's hip factor, no doubt) as the title to two things - an online store for the band Radiohead, and a chat/instant messaging/"secure" p2p program brought to by none other than... Justin Frankel, former head of Nullsoft, creator of Gnutella and Winamp, persistant biter of the hand that feeds him (AOL), and God to programmer nerds everywhere.

We are here today to discuss the later - the brilliant program known as WASTE. Now, while WASTE the store has no reason to refer to itself by it's name besides it's post-modern indie-rocker coolness, WASTE the program has a direct connection to it's literary origins. WASTE the program is very similar to W.A.S.T.E. the secret underground postal network, in that it allows anyone to send a message or a file to any trusted party through a secure and invisible connection independent of any central network.

What does this mean to you? Well, it means that so long as you trust who you are trading files with, you can swap files with anyone without worrying about being caught by the RIAA, or getting viruses, or incomplete files, or any of the other bogus things involved with traditional p2p networks. The only catch is that because there's no central network, there's no way to search for what file you want... instead, you have to seek out another waste user (by means independent of the program, no less) who has the file you're looking for. This also involves a risk, as you must trust the person you are swapping with, as you must provide them with your IP address. It's not that big of a risk (your IP address goes out to the webmaster of every website you visit), but some people are uncomfortable with it (and understandibly so, with all the file-swaping-hating craziness going on).

So, knowing that Barbelith is a very trusting community, I thought I'd open try a little experiment - are there any lithers who would like to try swapping files. Everyone, please post some files you'd like to have and some files you can share with others. When you see that someone has a file you want, and you have a file they might want, PM them inviting them to connect at a certain time. When all arangements have been made, you can PM them your WASTE-key (I'll get into the technical stuff in a minute) and have fun!

Hopefully this will grow into a longliving and helpful thread.

There is plenty of technical stuff involved in getting the program set-up and in running order, but as long as your a little bit techno-savie, this tutorial should be enough to get you through it. Basically, if you want to join or create a network with someone else, you have to exchange keys, you'll see what I mean when you try it yourself.

WARNING: I do not condone copyright violation... any illegal filesharing is done at your own risk.
(do whatever you want, I don't care. but hey, I gotta cover my own ass)

P.S. you might want to find a friend to test this out with before you go posting on the barb about what new jay-z song you just need to have and that you have three led zeppelin albums to offer for it, thinking that you know what your doing, but in fact only wasting everyone's time. if you don't have any friends, PM me, and I can probably find the time to help you out.

P.P.S. when you first start the program, it'll say "network down." don't get pissed off at me for making you set up some complicated program, and then it doesn't even work - it's supposed to do that... WASTE isn't made up of a central network, it's made up of lots of tiny ones - ones that you create. so until you connect with someone else, it's going to tell you that the network is down, which it is, being that you haven't established one yet.
03:06 / 27.07.04
I want all the contributors to the Song-Pimping thread to download this.
rizla mission
09:45 / 27.07.04
Sounds like a nice bunch of mischief, but I'm afraid I'm not even remotely technologically up to date enough to join in.

I mean.. I'm sure if I struggled and strived and had infinite time to remain on line I could get down with this, but in my current set-up I'd find it much, much easier and nicer to just burn CDs and swap 'em with people through the post..
10:41 / 27.07.04
You and me both, Riz... however, I'm moving house in a month, and the first fucking thing I'm doing is getting me some broadband. (Although if the second thing I do is start playing "Star Wars Galaxies", something tells me free music may drop WAY down my list of priorities, along with hygiene, nutrition and leaving the house).
Grey Area
10:44 / 27.07.04
Looks interesting. I'd like to play around with this just to see how it works, so PM me for a list of what's on the machine I'm going to install this on.
flufeemunk effluvia
13:39 / 27.07.04
I'm gonna join the club as well. Im hsoting all my mp3s (note: a lot of it is iTunes m4a format). PM me with a key for my list of music and a key. I'll be tight like that.
15:11 / 27.07.04
just a quick reminder that it might not necessarily be the wisest course of action to be discussing your intent to illegally download/share files on a searchable public forum...
15:35 / 27.07.04
It won't make any difference really.

flufeemunk, I take it those aren't iTMS AAC files, cos otherwise they're not a lot of use to anyone else....
Grey Area
16:00 / 27.07.04
Actually, I was thinking about using this as a way of sending large SPSS files and other research related stuff to my co-workers in the main building and other campuses. Right now the only way we have of sending something we're working on is to burn it to a CD and pop it in the internal mail, limited as we are to 3Mb e-mail attachments. And our network's perfect for this, as we all have fixed IP addresses...
Linus Dunce
16:56 / 27.07.04
But then you could use MSN Messenger or even one of many FTP server applications anyway ...
Grey Area
17:12 / 27.07.04
Well, yes and no. The IT people don't like people installing messenger-type software. With this, I can see my colleagues and me swapping files back and forth as we work on them in a secure manner that will satisfy the hacks we have sitting in the IT offices.
19:15 / 27.07.04
"just a quick reminder that it might not necessarily be the wisest course of action to be discussing your intent to illegally download/share files on a searchable public forum..."
you can't be arrested for an intent (unless it's an intent to commit an act of terrorism... or, in a post-patriot act world, make artwork).
21:24 / 27.07.04
*sigh* yes it's unlikely the federales are going to kick your door in and threaten to bust a 'cap' in your 'ass' but trying not to make yourself an obvious target for riaa lawsuits might be considered wise...
flufeemunk effluvia
16:46 / 28.07.04
Fridgemagnet: They're all AACs ripped from my CDs, just so they're smaller. I havent bought anything that I know of from iTMS yet, so theyre all usable ifns you have iTunes. I also have mp3s hailing back to the days of napster.
17:24 / 28.07.04
Well, I just finished successfully trading some music with one of the Barbelithians here, and it worked amazingly. Join in - it's fun!
Char Aina
18:12 / 28.07.04
i was under the impression you could be done for intent in the uk...
it hasnt happened to me,
so i may be wrong.
i often am.

this sounds like fun for when i have a computer that could handle it.
roughly how quick is it? assuming fatpipe and average processors?
18:38 / 28.07.04
right now, me and a friend are transferring files at roughly 100 k/s both in and out (both of us using cable). earlier, i was doing between 40 and 70 in and out. it depends, really, who you're transfering with, and what settings they have... but generally, it's very fast.
19:17 / 29.07.04
I found an IRC channel devoted to WASTE - #waste. So far it's been great - I've connected to a network, and everyone there has gigs upon gigs of great stuff, a real varied selection too. I'd advise you all to check it out.
10:24 / 02.08.04
i stumbled upon waste a long time ago when it was first announced on slashdot... and have been unsuccessfully attempting to find a waste network to experiment with. its great to find other people interested in this tech as well -- so i'm definitely leaping into the fray now.
13:02 / 02.08.04
I forgot to mention the server for the IRC channel. The server is If your planning on joining the network they have setup (it's usually about 10 people, with the occasional new user - hundreds of gigs of stuff in all) you'll want to share your files. If you don't, the others on the network won't be too pleased with you taking their files and not contributing anything, and may cancel your downloads. For those of you new to the program, here's how to share your folders:

1) Open the preferences window (File > Preferences).
2) Look under File Transfers > Sending
3) Under where it says "Directories to scan" there should be listed directories on your computer. If you haven't done this already, the only directory listed is "wherever you've installed WASTE\downloads." You could move everything you wanted to share to this folder, but I'd recomend simply adding folders to the scan list.
4) Click the Add button and add any directories that you want to share (all users on your network will be able to see and download these folders and all subfolders and files in them).
5) Make sure that the "Limit files to these extensions:" box is unchecked, and that the three bottom boxes "Rescan directories every ___ minutes," "Rescan directories on startup," and "Cache file list to disc on statup" boxes are checked
6) Hit the Rescan button, and your done.
05:13 / 22.08.04
After being a member of a WASTE network for over a month, and seeing how great it can be, I've decided to set up WASTE network exlusively for the Barbelith community.

If you decide to join this network, you will have access to gigs upon gigs of music, movies, and more.

Once you've installed and setup WASTE, PM me and I will tell you how to join this network.

Please join! We need all the members we can get!
05:22 / 22.08.04
Oh, one more thing - for security reasons, I will have to limit access to the network to established Barbelith members. I'll be pretty lenient about this, as the only reasons I'm doing it are a) to prevent RIAA, MPAA, and others from infiltrating the network (mind you, this is VERY unlikely) and b) (and this is the main reason) to prevent non-members who find this thread from joining Barbelith simply to join this network.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
10:08 / 22.08.04
I would be interested in taking part but as my computer is on the edge of probably breaking down again can't take part atm. I'll come back to this in a few weeks p'raps.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
19:07 / 22.08.04
Sounds kinda cool - check your PM, TeN...
05:14 / 23.08.04
People who want to join the network will be posting their public keys in this thread. You can safely ignore them. This is simply so that I can add them to my public key list, allowing them to connect.

You do not need to add these keys in order to connect. Upon successfully connecting, you will be prompted to have them added automatically.

Nor do you need to add your own key to this list unless I tell you to. Unless you PM me first, adding your key to the list will do you no good. Please PM me and I will tell you how to connect.

If, for some reason, you become disconnected from the network and can't get back on, PM one of the users who has posted there public key here, and ask them for their IP and when they will be online, so that you can reconnect through them.

For those of you who successfully connect to the network. Please, do not join another network under the same profile. This will cause the networks to merge, which can cause all sorts of problems. You can run two instances of WASTE simultaneously on different profiles, connected to different networks. Setting up a 2nd (or 3rd, or 4th, etc.) profile is easy: just go to file > preferences, and under "Profile" click the button that says "Profile Manager." (make sure the "Show profile manager on startup" box is checked, so you can easily choose which profile to use each time logging on.) From there it's simple, just click "Create," input the name for your new profile (this is not the name that is visable on the network, it's simply for your own reference) and you should be brought to a familiar screen (it's the end part of the install). Your new profile can even have the same Nickname (the name visable to the network) and/or password... even if you're running both at once.

Good luck!
Hopefully we can really get this thing going strong.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
09:03 / 23.08.04
My public key:

WASTE_PUBLIC_KEY 20 1536 ClonedChristOnAHoverDonkey

09:05 / 23.08.04
I'll check this out when I get home tonight, is it just music being shared or movies/TV shows?
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
09:14 / 23.08.04
I'm sharing music, movies, games and apps. I'm sure other people are, too.
14:06 / 23.08.04
WASTE_PUBLIC_KEY 20 2048 gastula

..Having trouble getting this to work, but the Mac version is described as having "limited functionality," so it might not be my fault.
16:51 / 23.08.04
All Public Keys Posted So Far Have Been Added
Anyone who has posted their key in this forum can now try connecting to the network. I'd recomend that you save your private key (under preferences > network > private key click "export private key"), just so that if anything goes wrong, you can import it, and rejoin the network without having to have a new key added.

"I'll check this out when I get home tonight, is it just music being shared or movies/TV shows?"
You can share whatever you want. I'm sharing apps, a little bit of video, LOTS and LOTS of music, and some other stuff.
17:49 / 23.08.04
Looks like things are working -

WASTE_PUBLIC_KEY 20 1536 bearo

Is my key....
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
18:08 / 23.08.04

Still getting 'network down', despite following all instructions - any pointers, anyone?
18:11 / 23.08.04
I cant seem to connect either, not too sure about the IP address, it says its connecting and then nothing...
18:30 / 23.08.04
All Public Keys Posted So Far Have Been Added
(I'll be using this message to indicate every time I add new keys)

Bears, the reason you couldn't connect was because I hadn't added your key yet. Now I've added your key, so you can try connecting anytime. I've sent you a PM, just follow the instructions there.

Also, some people are having difficulties connecting, and I suspect that part of it may be due to the use of a network password. Unless anyone objects to it, I propose that we leave out the network password. This will still leave a very secure network, the only real difference is that if someone accidently joins multiple networks on the same profile, they'll merge together, which has the potential to cause problems. Still though, if I had to choose between having a network that could potentially have problems, or not having a network at all, I choose the former.

So, if everyone could delete the network password (under preferences, network > password) we can try it this way.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
19:32 / 23.08.04
Nope - still no luck. Do you have stealth mode enabled (I've tried it with and without stealth mode)?

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