Belief is Enemy. I love that.
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> it is also presupposed that there is such a thing as an
> enemy (a belief in itself). Of course, the point could
> be exactly that contradiction in terms,
You got it
> highlighting that even if the idea is to abolish all
> belief, that goal must also stem from a belief. This
> whole area is wonderfully recursive.
Correct. If belief, as in "convictions cause convicts", is the enemy, then either that stems from a belief, or the term "belief" is itself, as RAW puts it, "an obsolete Aristotleian category".
Leading one to a Proudhon-like formulation of "Belief is freedom", "Belief is slavery", "Belief is impossible", "Belief is meaningless".
And the statement itself is clearly non-serious, since it uses the verb "to be", and is therefore meaningless.
But back to brass tacks. If the term "Belief" seems problematic, even without the verb "to be", then what do we replace it with? It's easy to distinguish between "belief" and "faith", sure, but how does one introduce a sense of relativism and dynamism to... errr... the fabric of one's reality tunnel. Lovey. Sweetie. Darling. |