Well, I'm not sure how obscure this is, but the actor Sam Neil played the lead role in a tv series called Reilly(sp?), Ace of Spies, which was showing in Australia when I was a wee lass. At the time I thought he was just the best thing since sliced bread.
And it was obscure at the time - Hugo Weaving was just a young jobbing actor when I first saw him in a production of Midsummer Nights Dream. He played Oberon. Mmmmmmm, yum, yum. Those cheek bones, that voice! Subsequently seeing him in various Australian tv series and later on movies was always a pleasure.
Oh and several of the team from Battle of the Planets. Although, I wanted to be Princess, not jump her bones.
How strange that all my initial crushes (that I can remember) were seemingly heterosexual ones. |