This is so obscure I can't remember the details myself, but I was thinking about it on the train the other day anyway, so here goes. She was in a sitcom on BBC1 which went out around 8.00, 8.30 midweek in the early Eighties, playing a stripper, I think, in a show to do with two guys on the dole who spent most of their time sitting round in a washed-up London pub discussing philosophy, when not getting into the kind of trousers-down type scrapes that so typified the BBC's output at this time. It lasted six episodes, of which I watched all, and then nobody in this was ever seen or heard from again, as far as I know. So I don't honestly know why I thought of it really - I can't honestly say it was a Proustian moment, but if anyone could help...
Oh yeah, and Francesca Gonshaw from Allo Allo and Howards Way.
Along with Ken Masters, pretty clearly - let's face it, who didn't aspire to either be him, or have sex with him, the bald thick-lipped polo-necked yachting angry deck-shoed aspiritional sin-ugly venture capitalist ? Who you crossed at your peril ?
I think I even fancied Jan Howard, at the time.
That whole show was just a nuclear sex bomb, in those strange far off days. |