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101 Things to do with your Barbelith


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22:54 / 23.08.04
Actually, I 'helped' my friend Lynn deliver her baby last summer, which is to say fed her ice chips, rubbed lavender oil on her feet which got very cold, and held her hair out of her eyes. The fresh placenta looked very much like liver, and I could easily imagine frying it with some onions and having it with a glass of tawny port after. Really, aside from the umbilical cord and all the rapidly thickening blood, the only unappetizing thing was the greasy plastic barf tray they put it in.

#27) Put your Barbelith in a greasy plastic barf tray & see if you still want to eat it.
23:20 / 23.08.04
I've delivered twelve of them, all attached to sproglets. Placenta's apparently very good for one's roses.
the cat's iao
01:00 / 24.08.04
666) Put it in your elitist, fawning, pedantic, pussy preaching pipe and smoke it--but don't smoke it too seriously.
pointless and uncalled for
07:33 / 24.08.04
Come for the discussion, stay for the 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862

Nominate it as your Weapon of Choice

Take it to meet your parents

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