Okay, I put a little thought into this, had a meditative inspiration, and then did a little research. Ready?
It occured to me that butterflies go through four stages of developement: egg, larva (caterpiller), pupa (cocoon), and adult. So far a few people have hatched her and she is now a voracious eating machine who needs to be fed before she can pupate. Her amplifying effects may have similar characteristics.
She should be continually pregnant, waiting for the right moment to leave eggs to hatch.
Butterflies, like hummingbirds, require a seriously high caloric intake to sustain their metabolism, thus sugary foods and nectars. I suggest hard candy, honey, gum drops, etc. Maybe even candy bars. For the same reason, she may like extremely loud music.
Her number could be the Fibonacci sequence, an algorithm that describes the "natural spiral" found in things like nautilus shells and the placement of leaves on the stems of plants. I'm afraid that I don't know the formula off the top of my head.
I think she would be lovely if her body were purple (for magick) and her wings were made of prismatic glass. Not so sure about that, though.
She may play a role in communication between planes of existence, spiritual revelation and passage (see below).
The most appropriate time for her birthday, I think, would be the vernal equinox, time for new beginnings and growth.
Now, on to research. This, of course, may be nothing that everybody here doesn't already know. The following from Animal Energies by Gary Buffalo Horn Man and Sherry Firedancer, published by Dancing Otter Publishing, West Virginia: quote:There are many species of Butterfly. All begin as caterpillars which feed on plants, usually a specific variety, until they gain enough mass to form a cocoon and transform. The emergent Butterfly feeds on flower nectar. Some Butterflies, such as the Swallowtail, live for only one month, enough time to find a mate. Others can live much longer. Some, such as the Monarch, migrate up to 3,000 miles.
Butterfly represents balance. These air-dancers are themselves beautifully colored and patterned. They feed on flowers, which they help pollinate, thereby further spreading beauty. They represent the element of Air, quickly changing and ever moving, so gracefully. If Butterfly has come to you, it might be bringing a message that whatever you were thinking or doing when it appeared is balanced and harmonious for you. They are messengers of the moment.... Whenever an ecosystem is damaged, Butterfly is usually the first to leave. They are especially sensitive to the harmony of Earth Mother's ways. If Butterfly has come to you in a hurt, trapped or ill way, you are being told to stop disturbing the natural design of life and to flow with events in a more gentle, natural way.
And then fromAn Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols, by J.C. Cooper, published by Thames and Hudson, Ltd., London: quote:The soul; immortality. As changing from the mundane caterpillar, through the state of dissolution, to the celestial winged creature, it is rebirth, resurrection. Also, like the double headed axe, a symbol of the Great Goddess. Celtic: The soul; fire. Chinese: Immortality; abundant leisure; joy. The butterfly with the chrysanthemum portrays beauty in old age; with the plum it is longevity. Christian: Resurrection; its stages of development are life, death and resurrection. Sometimes shown in the hand of the Christ Child. Greek: Immortality; the soul; the psyche; also Psyche in Greek art. Japanese: A vain woman; a geisha; a fickle lover. A pair of butterflies is conjugal happiness; a white butterfly is a spirit of the dead. Maori: the soul.
So. I guess now I just need to get some nice paper for origami. |