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How Was Your Date With Eminem?


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Matthew Fluxington
17:29 / 28.06.04
How did it go? Was he a gentleman? Was it everything that you had hoped it would be? Please tell us all about your date with Eminem.
Jack Denfeld
17:33 / 28.06.04
Melts in your mouth, not in your hands.
Grey Area
17:36 / 28.06.04
The real Slim Shady stood me up.
Jack Denfeld
17:38 / 28.06.04
I now know where the d12 thing came from. Yowzas.
17:49 / 28.06.04
He said we could be
secret lovers
just him and me
Then he joked
'Hey, man!
Your name isn't Stan, is it?
We should be together!'
And he was passionate
I guess I would rate
him a nine out of ten
by then
I'd fallen in love...
17:51 / 28.06.04
He talked about Flux all night and kept touching himself.
17:57 / 28.06.04
It was alright. He's alright as far as those misogynistic rap stars can be, his banter can get a little grating. I was mainly waiting for him to call me "bitch" so I could slap him down with my superior poetic woman's intellect. I think that was keeping him on his toes.

He had an odd little do-rag type thing on, and I wondered what he was trying to say about the ethnic minorities. I don't know. I'm not sure he even knows! I was adamant my mind was stronger than his. He kept asking me to dance, but kept saying that I wouldn't. They were just playing rap music! I don't know why I'd want to dance to that. Maybe if it was Public Enemy, or something old school. I'd prefer to hear some fuzzy guitar noise, preferably some grrl rock where they spit enlightening truths about high school journal keepers and the opression of men. I like Avril's new song. She's not gonig to give up her virginity easily to just any guy.

Pfff. Men. I wouldn't be forced in to this dating game if Thurston wasn't so limp.

After we'd finished our meal, Em picked up the cheque. Ha! First mistake! I said "Fuck you! Who do you think you are?!" and just left. I figured he'd be alright with his "bitches" and "purple pills". Although I do wonder if he's still going to come to the art show I invited him to. He could use a little culture. It could even help his music (which is middling, at best). Imagine smart rap music! I'm still not sure I'd want to listen to it, though.

I'll let you know how the purple pills are,

18:26 / 28.06.04
I think he was offended by my comments during "saved", because not only wouldn't he hug me or hold my hand after we left the theatre, but he didn't kiss me goodnight, either. I expected him to spend dinner humping my leg under the table, and now I'm genuinely crushed

does this mean hes gay? or christian?
18:26 / 28.06.04
ps he prefers rainbow sprinkles on his ice cream.
18:39 / 28.06.04
When I asked
why have I heard so much
about him being charged
with homophobia and stuff
he just shrugged.

Next morning we woke
he couldn't have been a nicer bloke
Over breakfast made jokes
about Dre and his homies and folks
Neither of us asked if or when
we would see each other again
but I thought that was cool
'cause I was already late for school
by then
I'd fallen in love.
Ethan Hawke
18:43 / 28.06.04
he's not punk, he's not cool
he's not even boring
And it's not Eminem who's gonna save me
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
20:28 / 28.06.04
Terrible! He mugged, raped then shot me!
08:22 / 29.06.04
Guh! DAMN that dating agency and its cruel tricks. According to an "administrative error" (yeah, right) I ended up going home with Vanilla Ice instead! (Imagine explaining THAT one to your wife!)
08:37 / 29.06.04
It wasn't pretty. There we were in a nice bar, and he just kept grabbing his crotch when he was talking to me and talking in a silly accent about a "bitch" called Kim and his daughter Hailie Jade. I mean really! It wasn't too conducive to romance.
Cat Chant
09:23 / 29.06.04
How was my date with Eminem? Not as good as Krycek's.
Bed Head
10:41 / 29.06.04
We hung out at his house and he let me read his comics, he’s got some great comics. After that we played army and then his mum asked if I was staying for tea, but I had to say no because my mum would already be cooking my tea. But I didn’t really mind too much, because I didn’t like the smell of his mum’s kitchen. He’s coming round my house tomorrow, he’s my best friend now, Carl can fuck off.
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:14 / 29.06.04
I was very apprehensive as I borded the bus that would take me to meet my old friend Eminem. I hadn't seen him in years. He was once a successful rapper/actor but had suddenly quit the business and gone off travelling around the world - Scotland, Poland, India and Tibet - losing almost all contact with his family and friends. Now he was back in New York, but very much changed. Reports had reached me of his recent strange behaviour, like the time a week ago when a mutual friend saw Eminem sobbing uncontrollable on the street after a Ghostface concert, because he had been so moved by a line in 'Save Me Dear'.

And I had my own problems. Money was tight. When I was a young man, growing up in a well-off family on Long Island, all I ever thought about was hip hop. Now I was a struggling rapper/producer living in a hovel in Brooklyn and playing dives full of beardy men, and all I ever thought about was money. That very afternoon, my girlfriend and I had had an argument because she spent the money for the water bill on a Def Jux boxset.

So it was with some trepidation that I entered Luigi's that evening. I had no idea what my dinner with Eminem might hold...

[To be continued]
11:33 / 29.06.04
Is this after your date with Flux?
Ethan Hawke
11:40 / 29.06.04
I really think you should continue that, Flyboy.
Lord Morgue
11:57 / 29.06.04
I tied him to a chair, beat the shit out of him, pissed all over him, and threw him out into the street buck naked.


Well, it was safe sex for ME.
12:08 / 29.06.04
Keep going, Flyboy! I just got the script for that. So I can follow along!
12:37 / 29.06.04
we're bored now
we're all bored

but has it ever occurred to you, fly, that the process which creates this boredom that we see in the world now may very well be a self-perpetuating unconscious form of brainwashing created by a world totalitarian government based on money?

and that all of this is much more dangerous
than one thinks
and that it's not just a question of individual survival, fly
but that somebody who's bored is asleep
and somebody who's asleep will not say no
Matthew Fluxington
13:16 / 29.06.04
I started this thread because I was just recently invited out to dinner by Mr. Mathers, and I wanted to get an idea of what to expect before I made a firm commitment. Going on what some of you have written, I have some serious qualms about taking up Marshall on his offer.
Tryphena Absent
13:43 / 29.06.04
He ate all my chocolate cake. He didn't get a goodnight kiss, I'll tell you that.
14:04 / 29.06.04
He tried to eskimo kiss me.
Kit-Cat Club
14:21 / 29.06.04
He told me he'd stopped dating!

I thought we were going steady!
14:23 / 29.06.04
Has he asked you out for a date date? In the sense of out out?
We went out because I was talking about bleaching the bits round the backs of your ears (it's hard) and he said I should come to his house because he had a really good shower. I thought he was being awfully forward but I said we could go for cake. But after the cake, he said he had to buy some acid-free long boxes and went off to Forbidden Planet.
Does that sound like a date? Or as though he just wanted someone to check his roots? I still don't know.
Regrettable Juvenilia
15:00 / 29.06.04
When I walked into Luigi's, Eminem was already there, sitting at a table near the window. He looked a little nervous himself, which reassured me. He was smoking a cigarillo and had ordered himself a bottle of mineral water. These two facts were in themselves strange, because when we had been friends before his disappearance, he had been a keen drinker, but not a smoker.

"Flyboy!" he said cheerfully by way of greeting, and stood to shook my hand.

[To be continued - what? I'm at work here...]
8===>Q: alyn
16:33 / 29.06.04
I wasn't really into Marshall at first because I think tattoos are really boofoo. Who has tattoos anymore? 1997 much? But when he picked me up from my job, he gave me a plum that he picked up on the way over in case I was hungry, which was, like, really sweet. And we walked around the West Village and made fun of people and window shopped and stuff, and it was a lot of fun. Then, we got caught in the rain and we were all soaked. Marshall has a hot bod!

But then he got really weird and distant. He said he was having a nicotine fit and I shouldn't take it personally, but I could tell it was something I'd said. Now he's touring Eastern Europe and I'm not sure he's going to call me when he gets back.

What should I do?
17:09 / 29.06.04
It was when he pleasured me with a potato in Lidl that I knew it was meant to be.
18:10 / 29.06.04
I began dating Eminem while I was still dating Princess Stephanie, so most of the dates were furtive and brief. We would arrange trysts in locker rooms and barns, cathedrals and open-air produce markets, often not even taking the time to remove our clothes, only loosen them. What can I say about him during that time? He was young, brash, at times unclean. He was a boy. And he was everything Princess Stephanie was not.

Later, long after the breakup with Princess Stephanie, I think it was during the period I was healing from Haus's rejection of my affection, I saw him again. We were both stalking Haus, and, well, were both fairly embarassed to be found out by the other. Still, it seemed like old times, so we left Haus to finish his bathing unwatched and went out to dinner at a little cafe that garnished each and every dish with inedible slices of pear.

But the dinner wasn't what either of us expected. I was daydreaming about playing City of Heroes and he spent most of the time on the phone with his "agent." Afterwards, he wanted to make out, but I wasn't in the mood.

We parted on seperate Vespas, his going east, mine going west. And he attempted to wave just as he drove out of sight, but almost hit an old lady, and didn't quite complete the gesture. That was the last I ever saw of him.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
23:35 / 29.06.04
Fuck Eminem, that bitch aint worth it. You gots ta drop that zero and get yoself a hero, girlfrenn'

Fuck that guy.

I did, anyways.
00:08 / 30.06.04
Yes. And somebody laughed, yesterday.
02:42 / 30.06.04
I thought I was the only one stalking Haus. Damn.
pointless and uncalled for
07:20 / 30.06.04
According to recent government statisitcs, Haus has at least 144 active stalkers at any given time. The highest number he had was during the "tomato sauce" fiasco of 2002. Although Haus was later exonerated of any involvement in the original incident, reasonable suspicion has been raised about his whereabouts at the time.

BTW, contrary to popular opinion The Government does not stalk anyone, we just like to take a deep emotional interest.

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