I began dating Eminem while I was still dating Princess Stephanie, so most of the dates were furtive and brief. We would arrange trysts in locker rooms and barns, cathedrals and open-air produce markets, often not even taking the time to remove our clothes, only loosen them. What can I say about him during that time? He was young, brash, at times unclean. He was a boy. And he was everything Princess Stephanie was not.
Later, long after the breakup with Princess Stephanie, I think it was during the period I was healing from Haus's rejection of my affection, I saw him again. We were both stalking Haus, and, well, were both fairly embarassed to be found out by the other. Still, it seemed like old times, so we left Haus to finish his bathing unwatched and went out to dinner at a little cafe that garnished each and every dish with inedible slices of pear.
But the dinner wasn't what either of us expected. I was daydreaming about playing City of Heroes and he spent most of the time on the phone with his "agent." Afterwards, he wanted to make out, but I wasn't in the mood.
We parted on seperate Vespas, his going east, mine going west. And he attempted to wave just as he drove out of sight, but almost hit an old lady, and didn't quite complete the gesture. That was the last I ever saw of him. |