Here's my first draft of Part one of my script...
F = Future Boy
Q =Quantunaut
N =Neo-Post-Modernist Woman
MO =the Mandarin Orange (Quantunant’s time ship)
TB1 =Time Bandit 1
TB2 =Time Bandit 2
Page 1
Panel 1
Inside the Control Sphere of the Mandarin Orange, Alarms are blaring, Red lights are flashing, and Quantanaut’s pissed off.
Q: Shit!
Panel 2
Main transport deck. Future Boy, and his keeper, Neo-Post-Modernist Woman are trying their best to brace themselves as the time ship is attacked. More alarms and red lights.
N: My sentiments as well, Quantunaut, but could you please actually give me some real information?
Panel 3
Quantanaut really doesn’t think he has time to deal with his passengers’ complaints at the moment, and gives NPMW whatfor.
Q: As I told you, Neo-Post-Modernist Woman, the Antiron Creatures of Kel Krine are engineered to latch onto cloritenigines and drain the chromacrystals of all their power-
Panel 4
Edmund, ever the confused child, asks the obvious question as a vent explodes or something suitably scifi-battle-damageish. NPMW is really starting to lose it.
F: What’s that supposed to mean?
N: In Earth-3 Standard please, Turtle Boy!
Panel 5
Shot of the outside of the Mandarin Orange, as the Antiron creatures rip open the engines. The space outside them resembles a fractal, or vortex, and all around them these massive pyramids (almost identical to the ones in the Giza basin) fly around them. Pieces of the Mandarin Orange fly out into 5-D space…
Panel 6
Quantunaut stares at the readout screens of the ship. Pyramid trajectories, damage reports, TV screens, holo-projectors, all kinds of things going on that he’s looking at.
MO: Ship. Hurt.
Q: It means, you ignorant sow, that we’re out of juice. The Orange can’t steer itself, and any moment now we’re going to crash into a rock of ages!
Page 2
Panel 1
Riding the Antiron creatures are two midgets in pirate gear. Close up on one of them.
TB1: Ahoy dere!
Panel 2
Camera pulls out and we get a good look at the midgets, the monsters, and the battle ravaged Time Ship.
TB2: Surrender da dime ship, and we’ll pull da ande-iron cridders off aya! Uderwise, prepare do die!
Panel 3
Quantunaut looks at the screen with the Time Bandits on it, even more pissed off.
Q: Fucking Time Bandits. Releasing their fucking space monsters and eating my fucking ship...
Panel 4
Edmund stares a display screen showing the Time Bandits, and realizes that they’re all in deep shit.
F: Quantunaut, is there anything we can do?
Panel 5
In Quantunazut’s control room, the Orange starts to panic. Every display screen in the room flashes “NO!” to Quantunaut. Quantunaut holds on to the steering controls for life.
MO: No. Give. Ship.
Q: Well, since the time bandits want to fucking steal the fucking Mandarin Orange, and I’m not fucking giving her to them-
Panel 6
The Time Bandits and the Antiron creatures begin to expose the engines chrono-particle core. They’re getting more forceful and aggressive.
TB2: Deaf do da dime dravellers!
TB1: Do Hell wif da do-gooders!
Panel 7
Thigs start exploding on the passenger deck. Fires start. Bolts come loose. NPMW has had it.
N: Doesn’t this shit tank have any weapons?
Panel 8
In the control room, even as display screens crack and a fire extinguisher goes off, Quantunaaut tries his hardest to keep from colliding the ship with a pyramid.
Q: Listen, bitchy, I’m using every metric-ton of power we’ve got just to steer this boat.
N: How about we fight the fucking space monsters, Q-Ball!
Q: Love to, but quite frankly, our biggest problem right now is the Asteroids of Ag-
Page 3
Splash Page
The Mandarin Orange crashes into a giant pyramid. Lots of other pyramids in the background, of course.
Title and credits:
Barbelith Presents: Future Boy! Boy of the 38th Century! in-
The Origins of History, Part 1: Time Troubles!
Page 4
Panel 1
In the control room, most of the display screens have died, and Quantunaut is almost enveloped by darkness.
Q: Shit. I was right. I’m always right. I hate being right all the time.
Panel 2
Outside the ship, the Time Bandits look up from their ship ravaging. A shockwave is heading right towards them.
TB2: Oh, fuc-
Panel 3
The time bandits get atomitized by the shockwave of the collision…
Panel 4
In the Passanger Section, vents exhaust, lights flicker, emergency seatbelts engage.
MO: Warning. Ship. Alert. Help.
F: Now what?
N: Quantunaut, what the fuck is happening?
Panel 5
Quantunaut stares at the display screens, realizing the situation is hopeless, and lights a cigar.
Q: As I mentioned twice before. We are in the Asteroid Field of Ages. We literally just hit a Time Rock.
Panel 6
Future Boy looks at NPMW, all distressed like.
F: Is that good for us or bad for us?
Panel 7
Quantunaut sits back in his control station puffs his cigar, waiting for the shit to roll down hill
Q: Well… yes on both accounts. The good news is, the temporal shockwave from the collision teleported the Time Bandits to the badlands of the Fourth Dimension.
Page 5
Panel 1
Crazy vortexie stuff engulfs the pyramid with the Mandarin Orange stuck on it.
Quantunaut takes the cigar out of his mouth, looks at the display screens reading “Quantum Disturbance Alert”
Q: The bad news is, we just knocked a Rock of Ages off its natural course, causing a tare in the space-time continuum, which will probably launch us into some portion of ‘normal’ 4-D space.
Panel 3
NPMW and Future Boy look at each other.
N: But normal 4-D space doesn’t exist in the 38th Century!
Panel 4
Quntunaut has a big bottle of scotch right by his mouth, about to take a huge drink.
Q: Precisely. That simply means we’ll fall into some area of 4-D space before the 38th Century.
Panel 5
Similar to 5-3, but instead of NPMW and Edmund looking at each other, they look straight at the reader, still panicked/surprised/alarmed as such.
F: Oh crap.
Page 6
Panel 1
A nice jungle clearing
Panel 2
Same everything. The pyramid bamfs into mid air-
Panel 3
-and promptly crashes onto the ground
Panel 4
Just about everything is dead in the control room. Lots of broken equipment. Quantunaut is on the back of his shell.
MO: Ouch.
Q: I hate being right.
Page 7
Panel 1
In the passenger compartment, NPMW starts to get out of the wreckage of toppled chairs and fallen ceiling tiles.
N: Shit. Did we just run into something? Again? Edmund, are you okay?
Panel 2
Camera pulls out. NPMW looks around herself
N: Edmund? Edmund, where are you?
Panel 3
Camera far away. NPMW stands alone in the dark.
N: Edmund?
Panel 4
Edmund crawls upwards through the corridors of the damaged ship.
He opens a hatch at the end of a hallway.
Future Boy looks out the opening (camera pointed at his face)
F: Whoa.
Page 8
Panel 1
A future plain lies in front of him, with anatomically correct dinosaurs everywhere (sorry kids, it’s not the sixties anymore).
F: Ah… guys... we’ve got a lizard problem.
Panel 2
NPMW storms into Quantunaut’s Control Room. Quantunaut is reading what few screens work.
N: Quantunaut! Edmond’s gone!
Q: We’ve got bigger problems. Besides, he’s the only large mammal on the continent. We won’t have trouble finding him.
Panel 3
Close up on Quantunaut reading the display screens as NPMW looks over his shoulder.
N: What do you mean?
Q: From the looks of the chronoscanners, we’re somewhere in the mid-Jurassic. Roughly 150 million years ago…
To be continued…
What do we think? Art's going to be a while, I'm afraid... |