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Future Boy (Barb open source character: take 3)


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12:11 / 09.06.04
I felt this needed it's own thread:

Spyder -I guess I'll use this as an excuse to introduce a new open source character that I've done the initial design work for: Future Boy.

This boy from the 38th century set out to traverse the omni-verse of existence to explore and have a good time. He can travel to any timeline, any point in history, any imaginary universe you can think of.
The biggest difference conceptually between Future Boy and Jenny Everywhere is one of continuity (sort of). As a general rule, no two Jenny Everywhere stories star the same Jenny Everywhere. There are a few exceptions, but this allows very different takes on the character.
Future Boy is a little different. Future Boy can travel to any point in existence, but Future Boy himself is one character.(Of course, theoretically Future Boy could meet a different version of himself, but...) So, lets say Future Boy was to have his hand cut off or something- in all the following stories, he'd be missing a hand (Unless it grew back somehow). I'm really interested in getting this character out there, but I'm crap at website stuff, so I'd need serious help. I'd like to only have one website that everyone who writes this stuff can add to, but again, someone else would need to host the site, 'cause I don't know how to.
Editorially, anyone who would send a story would get posted without any problem. As long as nothing hugely bad were to happen to him (such as the whole hypothetical hand thing), all stories would be posted instantly. If something like the hand thing happened, a big time note would be posted on the site about it for new scripts.

I don't know how feasible this project would be, but I'm already working on an adventure staring him, and I'd love to have some assistance getting it up and running. If you're interested, let me know.

Okay, so...

1) What's his real name?

2) What planet was he born on?

3) How does he travel through time?

4) Why is he traveling through time?

5) What's his ethnicity?

6) Sexual preference?

7) What music does he listen to? (for future listening make up bands and types of music)

8) Favorite food?

9) What's his philosophy?

10) Who'd like to submit a sketch of this guy?
Spyder Todd 2008
14:54 / 09.06.04
Here are my initial thoughts on the matter.

1) What's his real name?
I don't know. By the 38th Century, names as we know of them will probably be radically different.(You don't hear of people named Octavius very much these days, do you?) If someone has something cool, I'm game.

2) What planet was he born on?
Well, he's Terran in appearance. So presumably Earth, but perhaps he's from some space colony or something.

3) How does he travel through time?
38th Century Physics. Just as our ideas of science have changed drastically in the last 2000 years, so will those of 38th century scientists. Everything is completely different. I imagine his device is portable in nature, but I haven't done much conceptual work on it yet. A wrist band design maybe?

4) Why is he traveling through time?
This isn't set in stone, but I'm currently using a working model of this:
Future Boy was traveling for holiday to someplace in existence, when his time travel device somehow broke. Now, he can hit the SEND HOME button when ever he wants, but all it does is teleport him to another timeline. So he's having fun and adventures galore, but he can't get home.

5) What's his ethnicity?
Western European. But this could be changed, theoretically.

6) Sexual preference?

7) What music does he listen to? (for future listening make up bands and types of music)
I have no idea

8) Favorite food?
Tamoka Berries. (It's a 38th Century bio-engineered fruit)

9) What's his philosophy?
Modified Zen-Taoism. Going with your instincts, every situation is different. He doesn't believe in Black and White concepts.

10) Who'd like to submit a sketch of this guy?
I have some, but I can't scan them right now. Tips and suggestions, anyone?
And if as a consensus group, we want to change anything that I've said, that's fine. So, who else has something?
17:24 / 09.06.04
1) What's his real name?

He doesn't have one. Like the Clint Eastwood Westerns. "You know my name."

2) What planet was he born on?

Gamma colonies, orbiting Venus. He thinks -- he's had some memory modifications in the past, so he's not sure.

3) How does he travel through time?

A ruby the size of an egg implanted in his abdomen just above his navel. It begins glowing seconds before he departs.

4) Why is he traveling through time?

I think that one's covered in the description, isn't it?

5) What's his ethnicity?

Indeterminate. As part of his education, he's had to spend a year surgically transformed into each of Earth's seven races, with mental implants and temporary memory wipes to throroughly indoctrinate him into at least 12 separate cultures. As a result, he is something of a chameleon, but also a little unstable.

6) Sexual preference?

He likes a good sense of humor. And people who are taller than him.

7) What music does he listen to? (for future listening make up bands and types of music)

Instrumentals, especially those composed entirely by computers.

8) Favorite food?

So tempting to say "toast" again....

9) What's his philosophy?

He's a hedonist first and a libertarian second.

10) Who'd like to submit a sketch of this guy?

Oh, mine would be so SAD.
8===>Q: alyn
18:03 / 09.06.04
I'm going to take a Devil's Advocate sort of role here. I have a little problem with the OS characters Barbelith has come up with so far and, frankly, I think Future Boy here may be the most egregious example of it. It's not that there haven't been good Jenny strips, but that the strips, even the good ones, are kind of shallow. Not that everything has to be Deep and Meaningful, but that there is a potential, a wholeness that is missing.

People don't write fanfic because of powers. They might think they do, but really it's the relationships and personalities in X-Men, Harry Potter, or the Chronicles of Amber, or what have you, that obsess people. I've tried my hand at some JE scripts and had a pretty hard time giving a damn about her. I think she was designed to fit into any story you want her in, no matter what the story's about--but that's sort of backwards. She comes across to me as a slightly gonzo sex fantasy with the magic power to get out of absolutely any scrape you put her in. So who cares?

Uh, I could ramble around for hours and pages trying to get at what I'm trying to say. How about this:

In designing a new OS character, I would suggest we put more effort into relationships and specific goals. Why do we care? What's at stake? Why are we telling stories about THIS PARTICULAR CHARACTER? What is the worst thing that could happen?
Spyder Todd 2008
19:09 / 09.06.04
Able, in answer to your questions:

If we were to go with the whole “Can’t get home” thing, it could be suggested that Future Boy is trying to find his way back home whenever he jumps universes. His time machine is broken, he’s just a teenager or something, he doesn’t know how to fix it, so he’s jumping from place to place trying to find someone who can. So he’s hoping from universe to universe, he never knows where he’ll end up, and it’s a search for home. Who knows how long he’ll be in any particular universe? Since he controls the jumping mechanism, he could stay in a universe for as long as he wants. He could fall in love, choose to stay there, abandon his search for “home” if he wanted to.

As I see it right now, the biggest difference between Future Boy, and, say, Jenny Everywhere, is continuity. Anybody can write a Future Boy story, and they basically can do it with out editing concerns. However, every Future Boy story will build upon what others have done. So, let’s say you want to write a Future Boy adventure. You tell the people who are hosting the website or whatever, they say, “Fabulous, here’s the story of Future Boy so far…”. The hosting staff keep a constant biography-type of thing going on, and they give it to new writers who want to play with the character.

Instead of viewing him like Jenny, look at him as a comic book-type character with all the continuity that brings along, but without any editorial staff telling people what to do. I love the idea of a hundred different people all collaborating on the same character without any rules. That, in my mind, is what I’m eventually hoping will happen here.

Grant, I especially love number 7.
19:36 / 09.06.04
3) How does he travel through time?

A ruby the size of an egg implanted in his abdomen just above his navel. It begins glowing seconds before he departs.

I think this is fantastic. I second the ruby-time-travel-body-modification!

5) What's his ethnicity?

Indeterminate. As part of his education, he's had to spend a year surgically transformed into each of Earth's seven races, with mental implants and temporary memory wipes to throroughly indoctrinate him into at least 12 separate cultures. As a result, he is something of a chameleon, but also a little unstable.

I also like this but I'd go as far as to say that the 7 races have been eliminated by the 38th century... everybody's been mixing for more than a millennia and the old categories just don't hold. He does have a trillion nanites that quickly reshapes his body depending where and when he's at so he can easily blend in.

About where and when... he needs to be careful with his time travel say if he's on Mars he wouldn’t want to travel back before it's been terraformed or he'll explode.

Also, Able Frotter’s words of wisdom need to be taken into account. We really should get him a supporting cast. So I guess the "stranded in time" bit wouldn't work but the "traveling for fun and adventure" would.
8===>Q: alyn
20:56 / 09.06.04
Oh, uh, hello. This is Qalyn. I am trapped in this fictionshuit!
03:51 / 10.06.04
Hey, Able/Qalyn. Good points. I hope you don't mind my rambling nature.

I don't think the way Jenny was conceived is backwards at all. It is for you and many other people, and happily, they have alternatives. I never imagined Jenny would appeal to everyone or to the way they enjoy creating. Jenny was, at least initially, intended to allow those who wanted to create short, vibrant, potentially but not necessarily shallow pop comics to do so. Which isn't to say she can't or hasn't evolved beyond that. I happen to enjoy those kinds of stories above most other types, as do many other people. Some don't, and I hope that they don't torture themselves trying to find a way to bend their creative energies to a concept that has no joy in it for them. There are many different ways to create, with the Jenny model being one of them. And even within that model there are alternatives, such as established characters that have fallen in the public domain, like Sherlock Holmes. In a way, they're legal fanfic, with the expansive backstory, relationships and motivations you find lacking in Jenny's stories. I would never dream of foisting Jenny or the way the project works upon anyone as a superior way of working.

On fanfic, I'm sure you're right that it's written because people see something within it that sparks creativity within them and they want to elaborate and expand on those aspects. The reason, it seems to me in my mildly uninformed opinion, is that for fanfic to work there has to be a canon , which usually comes about because of a singular voice, or by tightly-controlled editorial dictates. This would be incredibly hard to accomplish for a recently created public domain character, and nearly impossible with Jenny . Again, this may seem like a fault to you, and in some ways it definitely is, but that's the way we roll.

Which brings us to Future Boy. I think it would be great to establish a different model for a newly created public domain superhero. I would hope that someone would look at Jenny the same way that I looked at other supposedly free-to-use characters and modify the concept in various ways to accomodate different ways of working, including the possibility of continuity. So, I'm not trying to stifle the idea when I say that you may want to work out the rights issues before figuring out the character's favourite food. The description for Future Boy seems to indicate that there will be an official site, a canon for the character, and therefore there will be stricter editorial control. Will people be allowed to create Future Boy stories outside of the site, or will someone own the rights but dole them out to acceptable applicants? There's no wrong answer here, but you must determine these things beforehand otherwise you may run into trouble eventually.

Part of the reason that the Jenny project is the way it is was because, like you suggested, Qayln, I realized that there really is very little incentive in using the character. I mean, really, it's not hard to create your own character, or use one that's already public domain, or even use one that isn't. There are so many ways to create using characters already existing or not that I still have a hard time imagining why anyone would choose Jenny. But in establishing specifics to a character (such as relationships and goals) you are either going to have to retain some sort of rights to enforce editorial control or ignore inevitable misinterpretations or contradictions, such as, in Jenny's case, "the magic power to get out of absolutely any scrape you put her in" which was established from the beginning as something Jenny would never do. By doing the former, you're not creating a public domain character at all, and people may wonder why they should contribute to something with such rigid rules when they can just create something on their own much easier. And with the latter, you're right back where you started from.

One possible alternative, and one I find incredibly interesting, is to establish that the rights to all characters and concepts created within a particular setting, in its conception and in the future, be usuable by all, whether there's editorial control or not. This could get really messy real quick. I think part of the surprising popularity of Jenny is due to the simplicity of the concept. At no point will anyone ever be able to change their mind over ownership and render your hard work null and void. With the concept laid out above, you would at the very least have to get individual creators to proclaim all character and concepts for a particular story copyright-free, and keep track of which have done so and which have not to avoid confusion, legal issues and hurt feelings. And even then, there's no guarantee that a person won't sneak in someone else's creative property, whcih will be used by others, until such time that it's called into question and those stories will have to be dealt with, which will in turn affect all the other stories. It's beyond my means to think of a way to make that work, but it would be damn cool if someone could pull it off.
8===>Q: alyn
11:43 / 10.06.04
Sorry, Moriarty, I didn't mean to put you on your guard about Jenny. Jenny is great. If we're going to try this again, though, I thought we might try something radically different, not just superficially different. If my angle on this is unwelcome, anyone, please tell me to butt out. I won't be mad.

I'm not sure, but I think continuity and editorial control are probably not what I was talking about. God, retconning! No way.

Maybe I should try to be specific. Maybe Future Boy has noticed that people are pretty much the same wherever he goes. In fact, he keeps running into the same people. They might have different names or configurations, but his father is clearly his father, whether he is in Taiwan or Augustus' Rome. In fact, all of the time travel is oddly like a hall of mirrors, so each story is about the same people in different circumstances. There don't have to be a lot of these "regulars" and they don't have to all be introduced at the same time. There is also plenty of room for individual creators to come up with their own stuff.
Spyder Todd 2008
14:50 / 10.06.04
Moriarty, someone smarter than me needs to figure out the copyright things. Impulsivelad, you won’t happen to have any brilliant thoughts about this, would you?

“In fact, he keeps running into the same people. They might have different names or configurations, but his father is clearly his father, whether he is in Taiwan or Augustus' Rome. In fact, all of the time travel is oddly like a hall of mirrors, so each story is about the same people in different circumstances. There don't have to be a lot of these "regulars" and they don't have to all be introduced at the same time. There is also plenty of room for individual creators to come up with their own stuff.”

Qalyn, that sounds really cool. I want to work this into the project now.

I’ll have more later. Busy at work right now…
15:13 / 10.06.04
I’ll have more later. Busy at work right now…

Me too.
Jack Fear
23:56 / 13.06.04
Sounds a bit like BlackAdder, frankly.
8===>Q: alyn
12:37 / 14.06.04
Ha ha, that's true.
Spyder Todd 2008
19:26 / 14.06.04
Possible Supporting cast characters:

Neo-Post-Modernist Woman: Mentor Figure to Future Boy. Mid-thirties to Early Forties. Natural leader. Protector of the innocent, hero to the free colonies of Galaxy 7, Admiral of the Space Fleets of Tylson Prime. Big, important, runs her own show.

Quantunaut the Time Turtle: A super smart turtle who always comes up with the brilliant solutions to save Future Boy's ass. Quantunant is the brains of the entire operation, explains quantum-spatial jumping to the Future Boy and such, egotistical and arrogant because he's literally always right.

That’s what I've got so far. Anyone else?
Tryphena Absent
15:00 / 17.06.04
I can't resist this:

1) What's his real name?
Edmund William Bright. This is because Edmund's always get things wrong and they don't deserve it. Edmund's need to be given a break.

2) What planet was he born on?
Natch, all the planets have exploded, he was born in Space. Unfortunately that exploded too.

3) How does he travel through time?
His Auntie Lynn taught him how to do it, he carries a pencil that has been passed down through the generations, it's odd that he hasn't lost it really considering that everything has exploded but all he has to do is write the year down. There is no paper so he usually has to write on his clothes, the pencil has no eraser because if he erased the year once written he would literally erase the year so his clothes are covered in dates.

4) Why is he traveling through time?
Because he enjoys going back to a place where space and planets still exist.

5) What's his ethnicity?
There is no ethnicity, there is no earth.

6) Sexual preference?
He thinks sex is kind of gross because he's actually only twelve years old, hence the name Future Boy. This character is based around the trials of growing up in a time when there is no world and the experience of going back to a place where the rules are remarkably different.

7) What music does he listen to? (for future listening make up bands and types of music)
Explosions in the Sky... it's unfortunate really.

8) Favorite food?

9) What's his philosophy?
Well, he's a bit of a hedonist when it comes to food and the weather.

10) Who'd like to submit a sketch of this guy?
Not me.
16:08 / 17.06.04
He thinks sex is kind of gross because he's actually only twelve years old, hence the name Future Boy. This character is based around the trials of growing up in a time when there is no world and the experience of going back to a place where the rules are remarkably different.

You know, this has something to it. Instead of making a comic about a savy tweenager why not about an actual little kid. He can still have the egg shapped ruby in the gut and the quantum turtle but he'll be a boy. I'm picturing Astro Boy at the moment.

I'm still dying to see sketches of this.
Spyder Todd 2008
17:43 / 17.06.04
I'll have one up in an hour or so, depending on work...
Spyder Todd 2008
19:10 / 17.06.04
Here's a concept that I had time to do at work...

Barbelith's First Future Boy Concept Sketch
Tryphena Absent
19:24 / 17.06.04
Aww, carrying infinity around on his chest.

Personally I prefer my pencil idea.
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:44 / 18.06.04
6) Sexual preference?

I think he should make sneaky allusions to bisexuality and be willing to flirt with or even kiss other boys, but always fall back on heterosexuality because he has a powerful craving for the opposite sex's genitals.

Y'know, just like a lot of the Jenny Everywheres...
07:48 / 18.06.04
I always get a bit shifty around the "my machine broke and now I can't get home" backstory. It seems a bit thin... and weepy. Too much room for angst, rather than action. So why not make it a bit more Darwinian?

Future Boy is, indeed, a boy. He has the stomach ruby modification, as well as a bundle of other basic tools. He has the space turtle, which is tuned to the ruby and has to follow him on every jump (and isn't necessarily happy about it) - but the turtle is in fact an ambient, symbiotic device that exists to record his escapades. The reason for recording his escapades is that Future Boy isn't on holiday, and he isn't lost, and he isn't trying to get home. He's running away, but not because he hates it (although he might have some political objections to what it's done to him).

In the 38th century, children grow up fast. In the 38th century, children grow up dangerous. Society has introduced a process of selection to ensure that only the most dangerous survive - but grow up in a way that poses no threat to society as it is. On his 10th birthday, Future Boy had the (painful) stomach ruby modification, had his symbiote upgraded to "turtle level", and was shot through space-time with nothing but his wits to support him. His family have sent out various automatic agents to track him down and kill him, wherever he goes. The ruby triggers a jump whenever he accomplishes a goal (without necessarily knowing what the goal is), while the space turtle records his actions and gets on his nerves.

Future Boy has to survive. He has to thrive. And he has to do it with style. One day, he'll satisfy the social needs of the 38th Century, and be given control of the ruby, to travel where he wants - back home, or ever onwards. Until he does, he's all alone, plugged into the ultimate learning experience - the Universe!

p.s. boy, I'm really not sure about that turtle...
11:58 / 18.06.04
We're getting some great ideas here. I like the rite of passage thing better than the can't get home bit. It's almost shamanic... like the tribes that send young boys into the wilderness and they come back as men or not at all. Instead, they send him into the wilderness of time.

That's a great sketch, Spyder. I don't know about the infinity sign... it's too played out. Maybe a hole where we can see his glowing gut rudy? Still, nice work.
8===>Q: alyn
12:59 / 18.06.04
Running away is awesome! But tell me now why he is not running away because his mother likes his little sister better?

I guess because he'd eventually go back, right? Maybe he ran away because his mother loves his little sister better and then the 38th Century exploded. Kids are pretty resilient.
Spyder Todd 2008
13:07 / 18.06.04
Okay, as I'm getting ready to do a different sketch, what else should we change? Lose the Mobiuus strip, I got that, And maybe have a way to see the gemstone. Anything else?
(And just 'cause I'm curious, what do we think of the boots?)
14:26 / 18.06.04
Love the boots.
16:23 / 18.06.04
I was thinking along the lines of a bit part in Barbarella, but Anna de L's little kid thing is awesomely brilliant.

Make him look more like a KID.

Actually, the Jenny Everywhere in my mind is always a phenomenally well-adjusted 13- or 14-year-old, now that I think of it. WWBBD? What Would Billy Batson Do?
Spyder Todd 2008
18:00 / 18.06.04
Okay, so I haven't made him younger (yet)(I'll get to it...) but-

Future Boy Concept 2, with Quantunaut!

I know the costume is completely different (I call this the "Sweater-vest" variant) but I figure until we have a bunch of concepts, it's best to go in a lot of different directions on everything. Feedback please!
18:30 / 18.06.04
I suppose Boy Scout style knee shorts would just be wrong, huh?
19:08 / 18.06.04
Okay I like the ruby but I like the first outfit better (no FB, he's not a superhero costume, it's what people wear in the future)

Quantunaut- is all wrong. He needs to look like his name sounds... more hi-tech.

And grant, wouldn't the shorts make him look too much like Marvel Boy?
Spyder Todd 2008
20:00 / 18.06.04
Okay, I'm all good with revamping the Turtle (I thought the overalls were too garage mechanic anyway) But can he keep the goggles? It's the only design element of his that I like.

As for Future Boy, which pants did we like better: the kee pads or the stripe-things?
20:15 / 18.06.04
Sure the goggles are cool and I like the stripe thing.... but I'm not the only one here any other suggestions?
22:02 / 18.06.04
If I understood misterpc correctly:

FB's been fitted with the ruby by his parents so that he will be shot about through time and space where he will learn to be a good citizen.

They sent the turtle with him to record what he does. They will check every detail when he gets back (that'll be like his final exam).

They've also sent automatic agents (let's call them teachers) who will pop up every now and then to ensure that he has the right learning experiences, and will try to kill him to keep him on his toes.

So he could get killed by a teacher or by anything else. The ruby is not an automatic escape device, since it will only send him elsewhere when he as "learned his lesson"

Dark and nasty. We like it.
22:26 / 18.06.04
I have been understood correctly! This is a first, so I'm going to celebrate with some more tangents ...

Our Future Boy doesn't necessarily understand any more than we (the Readers) do about what he's going through. Space Turtle knows, but is he telling? Sometimes he's telling... and one of the thing that he's telling is that Future Boy gets points for his final exams from the following:

- Elements of Surprise
- Romantic Notions
- Educational Value
- Stylish Behaviour
- Witty One-liners / Ironic Putdowns

In fact (and this doesn't have to crop up in the actual stories, only in my clouded brain), Future Boy isn't out there to learn lessons for his own good, he's out there to learn lessons for his whole society. His life is the 38th Century's equivalent of a reality TV show. Future Boy - LET HIM ENTERTAIN YOU!

How about giving him a Robbie Williams hairstyle as some sort of hommage, eh?
22:55 / 18.06.04
p.s. - may need to think about a name change, or are we okay with copyright isht?

My vote goes for Imminent Youth - a close translation of his social status (bearing in mind that he won't be given a name until he "graduates" from his training programme).
20:21 / 20.06.04
Rather than the turtle, could we not give him a more exciting and original animal sidekick? Like, say, a talking tuna?

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