I can't believe you got a happy birthday from Johnson Chong on the first page Ariadne. Where is he now? Ah the memories.
And I'm sure that sports car with the big pink ribbon on it waiting outside the flat from Loomis must have perked you up.
Change of plan. After carrying the damn thing home (to keep the tires shiny) I found Ariadne complaining about how Edinburgh should've voted for the congestion charge and that the whole world should be forced to ride bikes instead, so I snuck it back to the shop and got her a lump of coal instead. A much wiser gift really: aesthetic and practical.
Happy Birthday. There's no snow on show from the conservatory... oh, wait, yep there is, a little splittter splattering of it, but it's not trying too hard.
Oh, and it shall. Just like the OG herself will be forever young. I am celebrating by ripping a 1977 10 years of Radio1 LP to mp3 and getting very drunk. Huzzah!