I would say you couldn't be more wrong Anna, if I hadn't read any of your previous posts. To believe that the Republican 'victory' was solely due to the fraud in Florida is utter claptrap. In any rational society Bush wouldn't get enough votes for whatever numbers his brother could hand him to even matter.
And if, by some chance, you really were brought up to think lying is a sin then surely wishing pain and suffering on others is as well.
But that point is, of course irrelevant. What is relevant, Flyboy, is that the Dem. and Rep. were NOT polar opposites. That's what I'm saying; the parties stir up hatred and contempt for the opposition with a few hot button topics.
How do you think people have 'allowed America to become a dictatorial state?' By being convinced that the opposition is evil and out to do you and everything you love harm as their primary goal. Look at Bush's comments about 9/11. Look at talk radio here in the U.S.
And, more distressingly to me because I expect more from them, look and so many people on 'our' side of the debate. My girlfriend works for the local alternative weekly and despite my respect for their views, integrity, and intelligence, I am dismayed at how quickly and easily they give in to onesided vindictivness. This is not based on any moral 'Why can't we just be polite' sense. It's based on the simple fact that this technique DOES NOT WORK. It reduces to a simple 'our side good, your side bad' mentally from which no progress will be made.
If you're not outraged you're not paying attention? No.
If you're outraged, you need to learn how to deal with reality better. |