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Fooly Cooly is fucking great, goddamit


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Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
02:44 / 05.06.04
I can't believe no one has started a thread on this yet. It's only been mentioned a few times in the Anime thread...

I loved this show the minute I saw it. Top-notch animation and kick-ass music. Nevermind the fact that I had no clue what was going on until I had all six episodes on tape and could view them back to back.

I introduced my friend Chris to the show a little while back. Before we watched, he asked me what it was about, and even though I finally had a good handle on what was happening in the show, I found it hard to answer. There is so much stuff in the show, all packed in together in just six episodes. Robots. Guitars. Vespas. Hidden agendas. Bitter pre-teens and flirting housekeepers/evil alien/space policwoman. Things coming out of people's heads. Truth. Lies. Some more robots.

Finally, I realized that it's about relationships. Generally. "Eew, cheesy" you say? Fuck you. That's the meat of the show, man. All the main characters go through such wicked ways of dealing with each other (with the exception of Naota's father, who pretty much remains a pervert througout the show). The robot fights are great, and there's plenty of humor, but all that is mere decoration. Fucking great decor, but nevertheless...

You may find it hard to get into. Very little is explained outright, not unlike Cowboy Bebop, but taken to a much more exreme level. You have to piece the vast majority of it together. Also like Cowboy Bebop, the music is fantastic. That's about where the similarity ends. It's pretty fast paced, so you have to pay attention. But hell, even if the main plot continues to elude your grasp, you can entertain yourself with the awesome animation and rockin' music.

So if you like sweet anime, go find FLCL. Even if you don't particulary care for anime, check it out. The closer you look, the better it gets.

You know, I almost wept when during the climax it's revealed that Haruko plans on devouring Atomsk and is willing to kill Naota to do it. She's finally revealed to be even more of a crazy bitch than even the dude with the eyebrows (Omarau? I have no idea how to spell some of these japanese names) suspected. Her anger and bloodlust make you think she really is the evil space bitch who has been using Naota since day one and only faked ( although so expertly you almost think she does have feelings for him) having an attraction to Naota. But then, after kicking the crap out of her with the power of Atomsk, he doesn't take revenge, but finally, finally, admits that he loves her. And then she lets Atomsk go! Awwww.
End Spoilers

By the way, did anyone else find Haruko a bit mod? You know, the Vespa, the Richenbacher, the quasi-mini skirt...
13:02 / 05.06.04
I was never a fan of anime...still not much of one, really, but a friend told me to watch the FLCL DVDs, and I did. Everyone I talked to described it as "Every anime ever, mixed together, and on crack" so I felt I should give it a try. I was surprised. It was quite good, and also very weird, and while I had no idea what was going on in the last couple eps, it was fun to watch.

My favorite eps are probably the second and third; nice character bits, funny robots, weird action. But then things just got stranger from there. The last two episodes were completely insane. Maybe I should rewatch it...

"Nothing happens if you don't swing the bat."
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
19:07 / 05.06.04
My favorite has to be the last episode. Sameji Mamimi has lost her mind (along with just about everything else worthwhile in her life), there's the cool manga bit at the start, and of course the climax, which I've already explained part of.

"Everyday in this town is a lifetime of dying slowly." I like whoever does the voice for Naota. It's deep (not in a tonal sense) and full of a sort of jaded bitterness, but the voice still sounds like that of a child.

By all means, re-watch them. Here's my take on what's happening in the fifth and sixth episodes:

More Spoilers
Medical Mechanica realizes that Haruko is planning on breaking out Atomsk, the Pirate King. To keep this from happening, they send that big-ass hand robot (via Naota's head) to activate the plant in town, which would destroy the planet, including Naota, whom Haruko is using to retrieve Atomsk. No one in the audience is quite sure why Haruko is so intent on breaking Atomsk out. Amarao thinks it's because she's in love with him (atomsk), but really she just wants his power. The robot Canti, when merged with Naota, can channel Atomsk's power. Naota's role in this is passive. He is merely the channel. When the robot "eats" Naota and turns red (meaning it contains atomsk and his power, which is why it is able to draw the pirate king's guitar from it's face) it kicks the shit out of the hand robot and knocks it's core out into the river.

Sameji Mamimi realizes she has lost Naota (or rather, "takun", an abbreviated form of "naota-kun". The "kun" suffix is put on the end of japanese names to indicate that the person being referred to is a child, or something like that. I'm not 100% on this). Not lost in the sense that she can't see him anymore, but in the sense that Haruko's presence has changed him so much, he's almost unrecognizable to her. After losing his older brother (Taskune) to american baseball, and then naota himself (her perverted link to Taskune), she's left with very little. Her "god" Canti (the first robot to come out of Naota's head) turns out to be just a robot. So she adopts the core of the giant hand robot, which is still active. After naming it "Takun", she begins feeding it. Like everything else in her life, it soon grows beyond her control.

Haruko has dissapeared with Canti/Atomsk to who knows where. But Canti can't remain all red and powerful for very long without Naota, so they return (this might be confusing, but I think the deal is this: because the pirate king is contained within Medical Mechanica, he almost escaped inside Canti during the first episode. But he wasn't able to get out of Canti once Canti himself was outside Medical Mechanica. Atomsk needs Naota as a bridge, sort of.) What has really happened is that once Haruko got what she wanted (atomsk) she ditched Naota, and only returned because she needs Naota again. Naota suspects she is only using him, but Haruko easily charms him. Her and Naota go on a little road trip to bond (although really, haruko just wants him nearby for the climax).

The core has grown very large, and has merged with Canti. Amarao is trying to stop it from re-connecting to the inactive hand hovering above the plant. All the core needs to re-activate the hand (which will itself activate the plant, destroying the minds of everybody on earth) is Naota. Amarao tries one last time to convince Naota that Haruko is merely using him. Naota either doesn't believe him or believes him and doesn't care. After all, Haruko is the only interesting thing in his life.

Haruko feeds Naota to the core/Canti, which activates the hand, which begins to activate the plant. Haruko eagerly stands by, waiting for it all to end so she can jump in and grap Atomsk. But before the plant activates, Canti seperates from the hand and from his head jumps Naota, glowing red and carrying both his Flying V and the pirate king's SG Series. Naota now has contained within him the pirate king and all his power (how did Naota escape Canti with the pirate king in tow, you ask? I think it's like the puzzle with the boat and the rice and chicken and the fox. You dig?) With all of her planning and scheming destroyed, Haruko flys into a rage. Her plan is revealed: she wanted to devour Atomsk herself the entire time. She tries to kill Naota, but with the power of Atomsk she is no match for him. He kicks her ass easily. But rather than delivering the final blow, he tells her he loves her and then releases Atomsk, whom Haruko neglects to devour, because with Naota's confession she realizes she's kinda sweet on him too. *sniff*...those crazy kids...
End Spoilers

Anyway, that's what I think is going on. Some of it is still unclear, like why the core, when merged with Canti, still needed Naota. Oh well. I'm pretty sure some parts of the plot were only there to make sure the right cast members are present at the right time.
This Sunday
04:51 / 10.06.04
A few years back, I was coerced into writing an article on 'FLCL' and '8 1/2', and even now, I want to know, why isn't there more? Not sequels or anything like that, but more storytelling fugues done on that level, with that method, or at least a method that provokes and evokes the same states, rates, and well, sates like they do?
From memory, FLCL had the same script writer as 'Revolutionary Girl Utena', and it is, in a much shorter timespan, the same sort of distilation of maturation/puberty/self-discovery and similar BS through a more-comprehensive-than-straight-narrative (which is even more BS, anyway) abstraction filter. Total field screen, or something. But from a male perspective.
I've heard endless numbers of people complain about the intensity and sheer volume that's thrown at you in a relatively short time, but I really don't think it could be effective in a stripped down form. The seemingly-random events coalescing into sort of inference-instance patterns, the totally awe-inspiring TV-headed big-brother-subsitute in silly angelic positioning, and even the ciggies with a cool phrase on them... taken alone, they aren't very useful. Nor, Ta-kun, learning to (alternately) conform/unconform, or shoeless girls dejected in scummy water.
The in jokes and visual refs were nice, too.
Actually, both FLCL and Utena seem like the right direction for film/TV audile-tactile suffusion - seems to be the way my head is wired more than, say, the latest reality show. It's like, filtered, pop-rendered methodology derived from 'Finnegans Wake' and while Utena scores slightly higher with me, because it had a monkey, swords, and prettier clothes, I have to admit, FLCL feels like a segment of being, say, ten to fourteen, again, or even better, it feels like feeling like being ten to fourteen, again.
I'm not advocating some intense homogenization, but why can't more TV be like that, just constant, instense, suffocating madness and allusion? It's bad enough that I can't watch 'Hedwig' without thinking 'gnostic parable passion play' and 'Sailor Moon' reminds me of 'The Invisibles' on too many levels, but really, aren't enough people on that sort of manic, massage-your-head, synchro-palliative gestalt-as-you-go to warrant more entertainment shaped to it?
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
20:24 / 10.06.04
I'm not advocating some intense homogenization, but why can't more TV be like that, just constant, instense, suffocating madness and allusion?

Hell yeah! Make me dig through piles and piles of neat, shiny, pretty things to find the story! I'm ready, I swear...

It's bad enough that I can't watch 'Hedwig' without thinking 'gnostic parable passion play' and 'Sailor Moon' reminds me of 'The Invisibles' on too many levels,...

I do that with Kids Next Door and occasionally I'll see class warfare or a message about a globalized economy in a seemingly innocent sitcom. Am I really that hungry for a more complex arrangement, or am I just too used to reading between the lines? Also I usually think someone on The Real World is secretly a ninja, but really, that's just to make it more interesting and to keep me from getting mad at the people in the show.

but really, aren't enough people on that sort of manic, massage-your-head, synchro-palliative gestalt-as-you-go to warrant more entertainment shaped to it?

I would like to think so (even though I don't know what "synchro-palliative" means). There's always going to be people who would rather bitch about how something doesn't make sense than wait and see if they can piece it together into anything, but as shows get relentlessly dumbed down to the point that fewer and fewer people can see it as something resembling reality, I'm hoping things start swinging the other way.

Heh. I just realized that a cartoon about robots and aliens is a more accurate depiction of a reality we all know than, say, The Real World.

I do hope mainstream television starts getting better at it. As it is, I can't watch those Law and Order spin-offs anymore. SVU has the characters explain out loud every episode exactly what the conflict is (they sound almost as if they're reading the plot outline from TV guide), and CSI is just a sharp fella making hunches that are always, always right. I don't know why he even has a partner.
10:00 / 11.06.04
I found FLCL deeply affecting in a way very few stories over the past 5 years have been. I always tear up in the final episode around two or three times - when she comes back to the house and he's talking to her while he thinks she's asleep, and after she lets him know she's awake how he just cries and cries in her lap "Why did you leave?" - the stare of hate on Haruko/Ruharu's face as she waits for Naota to kill her, and all does is say "I love you."

It's such a beautiful, powerful narrative about this terrible alien space pirate saving a hurt little boy's heart, even though she plans on killing him all along anyway. The deep and awkward longing the Secret Agency Guy With The Eyebrows feels for her when she tried the same thing with him years ago, that whole second episode where Naota goes oedipal and (sort of) kills his father, the way Ninamori sorts out her problems, the lonely bass note in Naota's empty room at the end that says Haruko's thinking of him, wherever she is... So beautiful.

And it's so dense you pick up something new even after like 4 watch-throughs. (I just recently realized that Haruko talks to Medical Mechanica through Naota's cat when he's not around).

It's one of the finest pieces of collaborative art I've ever been witness to.

The fansubs that were out before the DVD's were generally a higher quality translation than what ended up being released, and are worth a download if you can find them just for the different interpretation of the words - Haruko, most notably, words some things in interesting ways there. I'm not normally a Dub-Nazi, but I really can't enjoy the English dub of the series - it's too... obvious, and the Japanese cast is so much more genuine and vibrant.

If you get a chance, 'watch' the sub-titles for the commentary track for the series - it's insanely insightful, and gives a lot of fill-in detail (like why certain characters are left-handed and why...).
08:35 / 25.10.04
It's the yearning, pleading soundtrack that really does it. It's that that sells it on being about people and relationships, when you could easily get a bit sidetracked with the Rickenbacker and the giant robots in the head...

Can anyone tell me if it's worth getting the two volumes of the comic for about £8 in total? AND HOW DID THIS GET MADE?? Who wasted all their money on this shit?? Marvelous!

Does anyone else think it feels like a pisstake of Neon Genesis? Same studio, with the alarm bell on the train tracks and the way he doesn't care about how important his father was ('He wrote one of those Eva books!' 'Eba?'); same studio, and Kazuya Tsurumaki did sci fi settings for Eva (see how the base looks really really like NERV?), and did direct the sequal to Anno's Gunbuster...

The way it maintains the hyperstupid madness of the early eps of the other show, and yet still seems to be trying to tell you something really important...


The giant hand over Medical Machina takes the traditional form of crucified Jesus' right hand, and there are references to the iron being about ironing out the wrinkles in the human brain to make them mindless idiots, and as Canti becomes Atmosk, his armor moves away and it appears he's made out of a giant brain... Only seen it once. Will formulate more cohesive idea of Christian-bashing soon.
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
13:30 / 01.11.04
Can anyone tell me if it's worth getting the two volumes of the comic for about £8 in total?

If you really dig it, I guess. I found the art to be stylish but hard to follow at times. The story is more detailed, though, and there are some great moments that aren't in the series. "I always knew you'd be the first one to lose your mind, Mamimi."
The Falcon
23:12 / 01.11.04

I fucking love this. I never noticed this discussion cause of the deceptive title, but it is explosive telly (which I dl'd on my old comp.)

Are DVDs available in the UK, anyone?
07:52 / 02.11.04
You can buy a region free copy from E-Bay. The official UK release hasn't surfaced yet, because we're a million years behind the rest of the world when it comes to anime, for some reason.
solid~liquid onwards
19:44 / 02.12.04
If you have no problems with piracy you can get it on winMX. Its worht paying for though.
Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
19:10 / 03.12.04
Yes, FLCL is the shit. The fact that Cartoon Network managed to get both this and Cowboy Bebop on the air makes up for all crap they pulled in the future (like no more Home Movies).

Don't bother with the comic.
1. The art style is kinda cool, but the story is just a slowed-down, less manic version of the anime.

2. The anime came first. Most manga based off of anime exist only as a marketing gimmic (the eva manga being the exception).

3. The comic has a total of 0 (none) songs by the Pillows, while the anime has a bunch (lots).

For those who care, here's a cool tidbit- the cat was voiced by Hideako Anno, the director of Eva.
11:18 / 04.12.04
So what's in the Eva manga (by which I mean you say "Good shit" or "Shit shit," with a vague description ("Crazy religious shit" or "Henti shit") rather then actually telling me entirely)?

Also, maybe you don't see how cool the art is. And the fact that it goes backwards. It goes backwards and looks cool, and is short. Are these words just not going in?
Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
19:22 / 04.12.04
The FLCL manga looks nice, but has nothing new to offer.

The Eva manga follows a completly different timeline. the crappy episodes (9-13) are condensed to one volume, while some of the better episodes are streached out into full volumes on their own. So much of the comic is entirely new scenes, many of which clarify things for the anime viewers (for example, volume eight is all about Kaji's childhood). Plus, it's written and drawn by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, the character designer and number 2 man of Eva.

Sorry, that went on for a little too long. What I meant to say was, it's good shit. Back to FLCL.
08:21 / 06.12.04
Yeh. Can we have a discussion of whether it means anything, or is an affectionate piss-take of Eva meaning something now?
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
15:05 / 08.12.04
The fact that Cartoon Network managed to get both this and Cowboy Bebop on the air makes up for all crap they pulled in the future (like no more Home Movies).

Home Movies is the last show on the Sunday night lineup of Adult Swim. Still there, still great. All hail McGuirk, the WindCrier.

As for FLCL "meaning anything" or being a pisstake on Eva ...shit, I dunno. I'm not seeing too strong a connection between the two shows, other than them being done by the same studio and having similar designs. Yes, the "base" looked a lot like Nerv, but so would any dimly lit control center with three consoles manned by people in uniform in front of a giant screen.

Not that some parts weren't meant to mock Eva just a little, in a gentle way. But the show mocks a lot of stuff.
18:01 / 08.12.04
Yes, FLCL is the shit. The fact that Cartoon Network managed to get both this and Cowboy Bebop on the air makes up for all crap they pulled in the future (like no more Home Movies).

as much as i like ATHF and Sealab, it kind of irritates me that they get so much more attention than Home Movies and The Venture Brothers, both of which i think are, ultimately, better. Home Movies is like an animated Curb Your Enthusiasm, and Venture Brothers is just brilliant.

as cool as the [adult swim] audience is in some ways, they're sort of dense in others.
Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
21:57 / 08.12.04
Just to clarity, I meant no more new Home Movies. At least not on Cartoon Network. The company that made Home Movies is working on a show for MTV last I heard.

I've gotta stop rotting this thread...
10:19 / 10.01.06
My red kitten Takkun t-shirt arrived today! It's the shit!

Erm... not much more to say than that really. Apart from that if you haven't seen this show you really owe it to yourself.
10:45 / 10.01.06
Put it this way. It's the only telly show that I'd even consider buying in t-shirt form.

"T-shirt" makes no sense whatsoever unless it's capitalised, does it?
Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
12:54 / 10.01.06
"Lower-case" t-shirts are turtlenecks with short sleeves. I guess.
Mysterious Transfer Student
17:26 / 10.01.06
Seth - is your T-shirt's design anything like this one?

If so, you have my envy - I've been coveting one of those for ages.

(I also write "t-shirts" with a lower case T as a matter of habit. Doesn't really work logically/symbolically, now that you mention it, does it?)
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
19:54 / 10.01.06
I just got the soundtrack a few days ago. Mmmm. Pillowy.

The other day someone came into work with a FLCL T-shirt, black with a picture of Haruko eating ramen and waving from the first episode.

I will second the notion that this is the only television show that I would ever

a. wear a shirt related to said show

b. purchase soundtrack
03:37 / 11.01.06
Yeah, that's the one. I am wearing it right now. I'm going to marry the first girl to compliment me on it, with disastrous results.

Yeah, I too have the soundtrack. It's fabulous beyond fabulous. Remembering Canti taking off from the roof of the school while listening to Hybrid Rainbows... love love love.
Mysterious Transfer Student
05:18 / 11.01.06
That's it - next payday I vow to join Seth and TG's acquaintance in T-shirt heaven.

Need I mention that my suit name, too, is a semi-tribute to the beleaguered "TV boy"? One part domestic drudge, the other part dealer in rockem-sockem planet-saving mecha combat with a kicking soundtrack... who here can't relate to that?
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
13:56 / 11.01.06
I want the one with the noodles.
18:04 / 22.01.06
Thank you barbelith for putting me onto this fantastic

As I knew there was only six episodes (of complete madness I might add) the closer I got to the end the more I despaired of not being able to see these people again.

Like Evangelion it did get completely bonkers at the end (I had NO idea what was going on with the dad and the baseball bat and the whole end bit. Thank god for the interhighweb)

One thing I've noticed about all said internet references to it is how much affection this show engegners in its viewers, while a lot of them don't know why.

Anyway I too shall be looking for T-shirts now.
Thnaks again!
John Octave
19:38 / 24.01.06
I think the show benefits thematically by its unclear plot. When you're a little kid, adults will sometimes use big words and concepts that don't make any sense at the time, and won't think to slow down or ask if you're actually comprehending anything that's being said. The viewer is very much in this same position, forced to just sort of look at what's being presented without the benefit of Amarao sitting you down and explaining EXACTLY how N-O fields work or Haruko constantly letting you know what her real motivations are. It recreates the sort of uncomfortable lost and confused feeling children get when dealing with grown-up things. Which I think is great, but I can see why that'd be off-putting to some.

And I second Seth's lovelovelove of Canti's flight to "Hybrid Rainbow." It's also a marvelously sad and touching moment when Kitsurabami realizes Naota's just being manipulated by Haruko and says, "That poor kid," while "Crazy Sunshine" plays. The music works...somehow. And, of course, the intro to "I Think I Can" is a perfect companion to the visual of Atomsk-powered Naota revealed.

I just can't say enough good things about this show.
01:23 / 21.12.06
You know, there's just not enough talk about this show.
01:23 / 21.12.06
That was a *bump* BTW.
01:25 / 21.12.06
For no other reason that I feel an aching longing for FLCL when I'm not watching it, so I thought I'd inflict it on someone else for a change.

Is this the greatest coming of age text? Debate please.
John Octave
03:34 / 21.12.06
What makes it such a good coming-of-age story is that many such stories come off as trite because they view childhood from a distanced adult perspective with this nostalgaic things-were-simpler-then lens. FLCL, on the other hand, views the world of a child as baffling, incoherent and scarringly awkward, which I feel is a more interesting and honest interpretation.

The adolescent boy attitude about sex rings truer as well in that it's all-pervasive, confusing, often creepy but desirable, and none of the euphemisms make sense at first (or indeed at all). Any coming-of-age story that does that instead of slotting in the old bit where Young Jakey discovers his dad's Playboys is okay with me (seriously, did anybody find out about sex that way?)
10:55 / 21.12.06
Whohoooo! Someone who's actually heard of it!

I met a batch of guys once who had only seen Naruto and Bleach. I showed them this. It was so much fun watching their eyebrows go higher... and higher... and higher... I just love the shock value of this show! I listen to the soundtrack at work. There's no way you can't smile while listening to it! I mean, you hear the song that was playing in the background when Haruko shows up at the house, and you can just hear Naota screaming "HOUSEKEEPER?!"

Oh, um, could someone explain something to me? Why does Naota keep saying "it was an ordinary day, just like any other"? I mean, there is NOTHING ordinary about what was happening in his life. Maybe it was to delude himself as some kind of comfort factor?
11:02 / 21.12.06
I think it's either Naota's snot-nosed brattishness, all dismissive and no-big-dealish, or that the nutty sci-fi psychosexual elements are to be taken as all in his head and so attributable to his imagination helping him through a really dull adolescence. Possibly both. How many times does it keep coming back to kids hanging out down by the river, with nothing to do?
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
13:12 / 21.12.06
I've got the first and third discs from like a year ago and I've been waiting fucking FOREVER for the second disc so I can WATCH this thing. It makea me crazy.

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