My favorite has to be the last episode. Sameji Mamimi has lost her mind (along with just about everything else worthwhile in her life), there's the cool manga bit at the start, and of course the climax, which I've already explained part of.
"Everyday in this town is a lifetime of dying slowly." I like whoever does the voice for Naota. It's deep (not in a tonal sense) and full of a sort of jaded bitterness, but the voice still sounds like that of a child.
By all means, re-watch them. Here's my take on what's happening in the fifth and sixth episodes:
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Medical Mechanica realizes that Haruko is planning on breaking out Atomsk, the Pirate King. To keep this from happening, they send that big-ass hand robot (via Naota's head) to activate the plant in town, which would destroy the planet, including Naota, whom Haruko is using to retrieve Atomsk. No one in the audience is quite sure why Haruko is so intent on breaking Atomsk out. Amarao thinks it's because she's in love with him (atomsk), but really she just wants his power. The robot Canti, when merged with Naota, can channel Atomsk's power. Naota's role in this is passive. He is merely the channel. When the robot "eats" Naota and turns red (meaning it contains atomsk and his power, which is why it is able to draw the pirate king's guitar from it's face) it kicks the shit out of the hand robot and knocks it's core out into the river.
Sameji Mamimi realizes she has lost Naota (or rather, "takun", an abbreviated form of "naota-kun". The "kun" suffix is put on the end of japanese names to indicate that the person being referred to is a child, or something like that. I'm not 100% on this). Not lost in the sense that she can't see him anymore, but in the sense that Haruko's presence has changed him so much, he's almost unrecognizable to her. After losing his older brother (Taskune) to american baseball, and then naota himself (her perverted link to Taskune), she's left with very little. Her "god" Canti (the first robot to come out of Naota's head) turns out to be just a robot. So she adopts the core of the giant hand robot, which is still active. After naming it "Takun", she begins feeding it. Like everything else in her life, it soon grows beyond her control.
Haruko has dissapeared with Canti/Atomsk to who knows where. But Canti can't remain all red and powerful for very long without Naota, so they return (this might be confusing, but I think the deal is this: because the pirate king is contained within Medical Mechanica, he almost escaped inside Canti during the first episode. But he wasn't able to get out of Canti once Canti himself was outside Medical Mechanica. Atomsk needs Naota as a bridge, sort of.) What has really happened is that once Haruko got what she wanted (atomsk) she ditched Naota, and only returned because she needs Naota again. Naota suspects she is only using him, but Haruko easily charms him. Her and Naota go on a little road trip to bond (although really, haruko just wants him nearby for the climax).
The core has grown very large, and has merged with Canti. Amarao is trying to stop it from re-connecting to the inactive hand hovering above the plant. All the core needs to re-activate the hand (which will itself activate the plant, destroying the minds of everybody on earth) is Naota. Amarao tries one last time to convince Naota that Haruko is merely using him. Naota either doesn't believe him or believes him and doesn't care. After all, Haruko is the only interesting thing in his life.
Haruko feeds Naota to the core/Canti, which activates the hand, which begins to activate the plant. Haruko eagerly stands by, waiting for it all to end so she can jump in and grap Atomsk. But before the plant activates, Canti seperates from the hand and from his head jumps Naota, glowing red and carrying both his Flying V and the pirate king's SG Series. Naota now has contained within him the pirate king and all his power (how did Naota escape Canti with the pirate king in tow, you ask? I think it's like the puzzle with the boat and the rice and chicken and the fox. You dig?) With all of her planning and scheming destroyed, Haruko flys into a rage. Her plan is revealed: she wanted to devour Atomsk herself the entire time. She tries to kill Naota, but with the power of Atomsk she is no match for him. He kicks her ass easily. But rather than delivering the final blow, he tells her he loves her and then releases Atomsk, whom Haruko neglects to devour, because with Naota's confession she realizes she's kinda sweet on him too. *sniff*...those crazy kids...
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Anyway, that's what I think is going on. Some of it is still unclear, like why the core, when merged with Canti, still needed Naota. Oh well. I'm pretty sure some parts of the plot were only there to make sure the right cast members are present at the right time. |