For those of you just joining us in The Twilight Mystery Theatre (*grin*), this thread is quickly departing from its somewhat glib thread summary into something more evanescent (and journal-ish).
It seems that there are a very few of us actually involved in the thread, but I wonder if there are others that are quietly following it with interest? If, indeed, we are merely conversing amongst ourselves for our own benefit, then we can find a place to take our conversation off-board. If, on the other hand, this unfolding mythopoesy is relevant to your experiences, or if it offers a glimpse into a certain way of relating to the magickal world, drop us a line in the thread or via PM, and we will continue to share.
We are dancing somewhere in the Interzone between "narrative hypersigils" and religion, embracing synchronicity as omens, wandering into sacred driftwork, calling on entities both pop-culture and ancient, and warding off the temptation to indulge in obsession and self-importance. If nothing else, it's a way to synthesize in practice many of our common discussion topics on the 'lith. Call it a 'lab section' in our Invisible College curriculum. 
Does anyone remember how it was in this thread, when you realized that you weren’t the only one having those kinds of dreams, and all right around the same time? This is kind of like that. It’s kind of like the feeling you got while reading The Invisibles or Cities of the Red Night for the first time, then looking up from your diner booth or park bench and seeing everything in hypercolour.
Now, do we maintain that Queen Mab and The Pumpkin King are banding together and mustering an occult army to fight in the coming Doomsday Battle? No. (Why, what’ve you heard?? ) That kind of Apocalypticism is dramatic and tempting, but really doesn’t do anyone a whole lot of good.
What I do suggest, though, is that there are people who are having interesting “weird” experiences, and that these experiences seem to increase in intensity and perceived significance when these people come into contact with each other and cross-pollinate (or syncretize) their personal mythospheres --- we can speculate on an “objective underlying reality” or wider “real-world” significance and impact, but this is all that we can say with any confidence. (Myself, I’ve been through the “what does it all mean, and is it real” stage many times, and I’ve never come out of it any happier – it just pushes me back out of the flow, so: fuck it, for now.)
Now, some of these experiences also seem to be related, with people being joined together in apparent webs of synchronicity, and this thread (and its predecessor) focuses on one (increasingly broadly defined) “current” or imagery-set that some of us seem to have an affinity for. And the points of intersection (the nodes of the web, if you will) seem to be where the action really is.
Like GM said in an interview quoted in yet another recent thread, ”’life’ plus ‘significance’ equals ‘magic.’” Setting aside for the moment potentially tangled definitions of “significance,” this seems particularly relevant here. This is our magic, this is our significance, this is our life, our personal mythos – by which I don’t mean that it is exclusive (or exclusionist), but that it is being lived and experienced by us now instead of being handed down.
So, I guess the thread is at a turning-point. Does it spark anything in anyone reading now? Do you care to add your own spice to the blend? Let us know if you’d like to see us continue, otherwise we will wrap up our show (then it’s off to the cast party… heheh).
If we shadows have offended,
Think but this, and all is mended,
That you have but slumber'd here
While these visions did appear.
~L |