Left, right, it all leads to totalarianism when taken to the extreme. Having been raised leftist, all I can ask is why aren't North Korea, the P.R.C., Cuba, Vietnam, or old communist Russia the vegan zen macrobiotic permaculture animal liberationist feminist racial equality paradise we were promised? Never seems to work, and forget the right wing, that goes without saying. I see the real problem as extremism, Buddha has his "Middle Path", Aristotle his "Golden Mean", but balance never lasts, either, does it? Got to be a dynamic, self-governing system that self-adjusts like a thermostat or biological process, Fritjof Capra's definition of "Mind" applied to the political arena. Of course, we already have it- it's called "democracy"- I like it. Recognizes the need for change- one party screws up too bad, the other guy gets in next term. (Not what the Greeks had in mind, they wanted everyone to vote on every decision, but fuck that, I didn't buy it when Timothy Leary was pimping the idea, either. Logistical nightmare, and imagine the consequences of letting the sheeple drive the bus when the goons we train and select for the job can barely manage at times?) Democracy is not without it's drawbacks, of course, hard to develop a ten-year plan when you could be out in four, politics is more a popularity contest than anything else these days, and there are never enough safeguards against an elected leader subverting the democratic process, like Hitler, or Australia's own Sir Joe Bjelke-Peterson, who ruled Queensland with an iron fist full of peanuts by the wonderful concept of gerrymander, where, thanks to some creative rearrangement of district boundries, people who vote for him (farmers)'s votes counted for more than anyone elses'. Slippery old bastard managed to hold on through Royal Commission after commission into his corruption until he was as senile and looney as Reagan, and invariably gave answers to interviewers that were complete gibberish (coined Johspeak by the media) more often than not...
At any rate, what is far more important to me than the Left/Right scale of political position (which I see as more a matter of ECONOMICS) is the axis of Libertarianism v.s. Totalarianism in a country. Both axii need adjusting for the climate, there's no perfect setting for all times and places, so that's why you always need some kind of force-feedback system in place, so the governed can decide how they're governed. Democracy is a compromise, but it's a workable compromise, whereas Communism/Socialism, despite sounding good on paper, always turns into a big pile of shit, unfortunately. Could someone please explain to me why this path seems so inherently corruptable? Is it, as I surmise, simply lack of popular control? Could you trust an elected Communist government to leave the democratic process intact, or would it be just as insane as voting the Nazis in?
Grist for the mill:
The Political Compass
I come up slightly to the right of Ghandi and Mandela. (Sigh) Well, that's dashed my hopes of being the next Victor Von Doom. |