Here’s a quick summary of my post below: I personally can’t deal with break-ups but I’m sure your girlfriend is a normal, rational, sensible and well-rounded person who will deal with it just fine. You don’t need to read any of the stuff I’ve written below.
I have no idea how people deal with break-ups, I really don’t (in case you haven’t guessed - I’m a dumpee not a dumper). I admit that I’m quite emotional and insecure so if someone breaks up with me, I immediately think I’m useless, boring, no good in bed and basically completely insufferable. This is irrespective of the length of the relationship. I can’t imagine ever breaking up with someone, I usually make my mind up about people quite quickly (before I have a relationship with them) and I think it’s wonderful to have someone who cares about you and who’s there for you. I can’t stand being single, although I’m pretty used to it by now. I don’t have any close friends, so a boyfriend will also always be my best friend, the “first port of call” when I’m feeling down and the person I can confide in and share my feelings with.
I do realise that I’m emotionally more fucked up than most people but just think about all those practicalities – all those places that will remind you of your ex* on a daily basis, certain pubs and clubs that you will no longer be able to go to (which is okay if you live in London or a similarly big city, bit more annoying if you live anywhere else) plus all those people that will remind you of him/her, friends you will no longer see... It’s so much hassle. Two more break-ups (assuming that these guys have a similar taste in music and go to the same clubs) and I will no longer be able to go anywhere and will have to choose between not leaving the house ever again or moving to another town.
Btw, I’ve tried staying friends with exes – it didn’t work (I will spear you all the gory details).
Some people believe that time heals all wounds but I haven’t experienced that yet. I actually felt quite okay shortly after the break-up, the first year wasn’t too bad, the second year was a fucking nightmare (I even fantasised about slashing my wrist with a broken pint glass in front of him if I ever saw him with another girl – can you slash your wrist with a broken pint glass? Has anyone ever tried it? Aren’t most pint glasses made of plastic these days?), I’m feeling a bit better now and have pretty much learnt to deal with it but I still think of him on a daily basis. The more time goes by, the more I realise that I’m never going to meet someone like him again.
He once told me that people broke up all the time, moved on, had another relationship, broke up again – that that’s the way it worked and that it wasn’t such a big deal. I’m willing to accept that I’m a bit more sensitive (and a bit more insane) than others – what I don’t understand is the following: If it’s really not such a big deal, why have so many books, poems and lyrics been written about love (sometimes involving suicide or murder)? Why are there so many films about love? Why does it seem to be on every artist’s mind? They can’t all be foolishly obsessed lunatics surely?
Maybe there’s a certain way of dealing with break-ups and I’m the only person who isn’t aware of it (go on, please tell me the secret…) but I don’t think I will ever have a relationship again. If I do, it will be with someone I’m sure I will never fall in love with or someone I only see once a month or so. I just wouldn’t be able to deal with it otherwise.
* bloody Southampton clock tower, I fucking hate that thing. I remember one night – it was shortly before we started going out with each other, when we were still just friends but there was a certain tension and anticipation in the air when we were together. Everything was just wonderful and perfect. He was walking me home, we went through the park and the fog was so dense that all you could see of the tower was the clock face floating in the air – such a strange and memorable sight. Now everytime I see the tower I’m reminded of him and how we got together and how happy I was back then. And for those of you who don’t know, Southampton is quite a small place, there aren’t many high buildings and it’s pretty impossible not to notice the tower. I hate that thing so much. |