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Atkins-friendly restaurants in London?


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10:52 / 23.05.04
So... after much deliberation, equivocation and examination of rates of renal complication, me and Xoc are 'doing Atkins' - pretty much because we'd like to be able to wear trouser waist sizes that neither balloon over the hips nor give one that charming sausage-meat look.

We've swallowed the supplements, chucked out the crisps and stocked up on bacon, cheese and breath-fresheners. And bought a pair of bathroom scales and a veritable Giant's Causeway of Tupperware.

The one thing that's gonna be re-e-eally tricky (other than avoiding alcohol altogether for at least two weeks) is finding places to eat out. Sure, one can cobble something Atkinsy together by buying a bacon cheeseburger and tossing the bun, or interrogating one's waiter on sauces, gravies and what, exactly, is in those sausages, but it'd be nice to go somewhere we didn't feel like failed anorexics. Hamburger Union was fine, as far as it went, but not terrible imaginative.

Does anyone (with more Google-fu than me) know of a list or database of London restaurants which are particularly Atkins-friendly?
18:58 / 23.05.04
I doubt this will be music to your ears, but I think Yates Wine Lodges have an Atkins menu. And I think this even includes low-carb beers (which, if not Atkins-friendly, might at least be on nodding terms).
20:07 / 23.05.04
Ah... I guess that someone on the message boards here will be able to offer suggestions. Actually, it might also be worth your chatting with other folk who are low-carbing... it could prove useful cos I suspect it ain't gonna be easy.
13:59 / 24.05.04
Cheers. We've also since discovered the whereabouts of Bodean's, which sounds like it'd also fit the bill...
pointless and uncalled for
14:02 / 24.05.04
Ahhh, Bodeans.

There is no way on earth that you could ever refer to that place as healthy. They don't even serve your food on a plate.

Tasty though, very tasty.

What do you have planned after the weight loss, will you remain on Atkins or shift to something a little more balanced.
14:11 / 24.05.04
Myself, once I've established that I can lose weight via a ketogenic diet, I'll likely introduce bits and pieces back in again. Depending how it makes me feel (and, on Day Three, I've lost a kilo and feel considerably less daytime fatigue), I'll probably aim for a modified version.

Hopefully, it'll make me a little more confident about swimming/gymming too, so I'll be able to re-establish that routine again...
14:12 / 24.05.04
(What do they serve your food on? Other than "the bone"?)
pointless and uncalled for
07:35 / 25.05.04
It's a dripping meat on wax paper lined trays event (upstairs anyway) and they show hockey.

woo hoo.
Mourne Kransky
13:02 / 25.05.04
So macho-o, it's gotta be so macho-o-o...

I didn't know there was this manly-sports-watching incidental benefit to this fabulous weight loss regimen. I wonder when my new butch-er persona will kick in?

I haven't begun to feel the urge to bite the tops off beer bottles with my teeth but then I can't drink any beer for a while - thus spake Dr Atkins.

Buying the Sun will be cheaper than buying the Guardian right enough. I will be able to talk to my baby sister about her love for Celtic FC at long last. I will understand what Haus' football threads are all about...

I could start hanging around in locker rooms, just in case. I can lounge around on the couch in my underpants, like Homer! Wait, I do that already.
pointless and uncalled for
13:12 / 25.05.04
I am never sitting down in your house again.

No that does not mean that you can hoist me from the ceiling.
Psi-L is working in hell
13:55 / 25.05.04
Xoc darling I think you are supposed to actually watch the sports....not just the men in their tight fitting know keep you eye on the ball etc etc.... get back on topic...I noticed that the new Hamburger Union in Covent Garden (think Macdonalds crossed with a gastro vendor at Borough Market and you're close) do a 'protein option' for those people not allowed to eat the burger bun/ I guess that means you just get the meat...not the swishest of restaurants granted...but you can't go wrong with their chorizo and rocket sandwich....

I salute you both for giving this a go....I'd be crying in my padded cell after a few hours of not being able to eat bread I think....
14:16 / 25.05.04
I am never sitting down in your house again.

We wear underpants on a cool day...

Yeah, we discovered Hamburger Union - which was nice - and an equivalent (with a slightly more varied menu), Gourmet Burger Kitchen, in Westbourne Grove. I had lunch there today, and subsequently feel like a bloated bastard but hey, I'm a bloated thin bastard!

Weirdly enough, I'm not suffering nearly the amount of craving I expected. Chocolate, occasionally, or cake - and the cinema was touch and go - but generally, it's been okay. Probably because I'm shoving meat and cheese down my neck every other hour.
pointless and uncalled for
14:25 / 25.05.04
And the exercise? Have the residents of London witnessed your goodselves sprinting through Hyde Park in nought more than a posing pouch?

The key to any fitness/body management programme is the exercise.
the Fool
00:54 / 26.05.04
A meat and cheese diet? That sound really odd? What is this Atkin you speak of? I find just drinking less beer seems to wonders for me, lol!
02:23 / 26.05.04
Well, as I understand it, the proper Atkins (as opposed to the low-carb-sheep-diet followed by many Americans, where you vaguely hear that carbs are baaaad and you should avoid them, but don't really know what they are anyway so just spend more money on food which says "low-carb" on it) means you only spend a couple of weeks on absolute carb avoidance, followed by a more sensible diet generally.

So is it really a problem? Or can you urbanites not spend a fortnight without restaurants? Or have I misread the whole thing?

(The canteen at work now regularly offers a "protein platter" consisting of cheese and tuna, it seems. But so-called low-carb stuff over here is good, because it basically means "not filled with corn syrup", which is added to everything, even tinned tomatoes, I do not lie.)
No star here laces
06:00 / 26.05.04
Ganesh - easy way to do this is to go to chinese restaurants and not order any rice...

Alternatively: Bread and Wine on Commercial street has meat dishes with no sides that you can order.

Also Moro, in Clerkenwell.
08:01 / 26.05.04
Cheers. We've avoided Chinese restaurants thus far for fear of deep-fried batter, sticky sauces, etc. But yeah, we're bound to need more variety, so we'll probably look for one that's a littler rawer.

Fridge: it's the proper Atkins doodah ie. no more than 20g carbohydrate per day for at least a fortnight, then gradually reintroduce fruits, nuts, etc., etc. We're now five days into that first really strict bit - and it's not so much a case of having to eat out as getting bored avoiding pubs and restaurants, and looking for a little variety.

I'm now pretty ketotic (the Ketostix never lie) but don't seem to be having problems with bad breath, etc. (I've asked brutally honest colleagues, and they haven't noticed, anyway).

Exercise-wise, I've joined the local swimming baths, and packed my trunks (nelly elephant style) for an after-work swim. Xoc, on the other hand, has taken to setting out an hour early and walking everywhere. Will probably investigate the gym over the holiday weekend too.

Fool: you really haven't heard of Atkins? Where have you been?!
No star here laces
08:10 / 26.05.04
D'oh, the obvious answer is to go to conveyor belt sushi restaurants and eat only sashimi...
08:50 / 26.05.04
True - but I hate sashimi, so would probably invert my upper GI tract.
09:04 / 26.05.04
I've done Atkins a few times and it's fantastic. I loose heaps of weight and it's totally live-on-able but, I have cholesterol and blood pressure problems and I can't do it anymore for medical reasons. This might tell you something.

You do not, however, have to give up alcohol. It all depends on what version the the Atkins diet you go for. The first version and secons versions, the nes I subscribe to, allow you to dink as much alcohol as you like, as long as it's red wine or spirits. You can't have mixers like CokeĀ® but you can certainly have whisky. The only reason the alcohol restrictions came in was as an attempt to make it a bit healthier, probably due to the hypetension and high choesterol issues. If you don't have either of these problems, drink away, it doesn't affect the weight loss.
09:21 / 26.05.04
Hmm. The reason I've been given previously for the no-alcohol thing was "in addition to having seven calories per gram vs. the normal four, they primarily re-glycogenate the liver, which really knocks you out of ketosis."
09:59 / 29.05.04
Be prepared to balloon back up again once you go off Atkins.
10:29 / 29.05.04
Cheers for the encouragement, Triplets. The idea is, one never fully goes "off Atkins", but gradually reintroduces certain fruits, nuts, etc. - but avoiding the starchy, processed stuff.
Tryphena Absent
13:13 / 29.05.04
The key to any fitness/body management programme is the exercise

I'm sorry SK but you seem to be under the impression that the Atkins diet has something to do with health because cutting all natural fibre and carbohydrate out does good things for your body... obviously.

No, this is about weight loss and the way to lose weight isn't to start doing exercise because that takes far too long. The way to get thinner is to stop eating.
14:49 / 29.05.04
All kinda falls under "body management", though, doesn't it?
Bill Posters
16:25 / 29.05.04
Please don't die, guys, please don't die.
20:18 / 29.05.04
Omigod! And I hear that suicidally depressed people on antidepressants sometimes kill themselves! Is nothing safe?!
Bill Posters
17:14 / 01.06.04
Fine, be like that. Just don't come running to me when you have a heart attack. (Ba-doom tish, etc etc.)
Mourne Kransky
19:22 / 01.06.04
I shall soon weigh so little that a gentle Summer breeze will be enough to blow me right off my feet. I may die by means of falling over in the street like Dr "Fat Bob" Atkins. My last, whispered words, overheard by a passing stranger, will be "I should have listened to Bill... nnnnngh"
Bill Posters
11:04 / 02.06.04
When R.D.Laing collapsed with a heart attack during a game of tennis, his opponent rushed across, leaned over him and said, "Ronnie, shall I get a doctor?" Laing replied, "I am a fucking doctor," and promptly died. Not in anyway relevant to this thread, of course, but Laing's are some of my favourite last words ever, and deserve to be better known.
11:14 / 02.06.04
Hmm. Perhaps you should start a 'Physican, Stop Thyself From Dying' thread, specifically for dead doctors and their pithy last words...
21:55 / 18.06.04
Wellll, despite having both resumed drinking alcohol (sticking to white wine, champagne and vodka tonics), eating fruit, nuts and the occasional, er, chips, we both seem to be managing to keep the weight off. I'm hovering around 73kg, Xoc around 90. More to the point, in preparation for Berlin, we've dug out the leather trousers which had previously been banished to the back of the cupboard for Crimes Against Delusional Thinness - and they fit! They're even comfortable!


(Wardrobe dilemma: should I wear the nice but heavy-ish 501-style pair, or the lighter-but-visibly-pervier pair with the sailor-style double-zip drop-down panel in front? I'm thinking the latter...)
01:28 / 19.06.04
You don't really need telling that a visible perv panel makes any trouser superior, surely?
10:20 / 12.07.04
As a sort of update, we're both still Atkinsing, but in a much-modified (in my case, frankly 'cheating') form. Still adhering to the broader principles of low carb and, secondarily, low fat, but now eating fruit, nuts and, in my case, crisps. Occasionally. And pizza. Very occasionally. And, at the cinema yesterday, erm, ice-cream.

Continuing to drink, but still avoiding beer, by and large, and tending toward white wine, champagne and vodka (with tonic or Diet Coke).

Exercise-wise, I've not been doing so much swimming in the last week or so, having (in true Ahmed-from-Big Brother style) developed an upper-respiratory coughy-spluttery thing that makes me disinclined to go near water that's less than steaming. Likely to get back into the routine again this week.

Annnnd... we both appear, gratifyingly, to be losing weight. More slowly than in the initial fortnight, but that's to be expected, given the liberties we've both taken with the Atkins model. I'm generally between 70 and 71kg, and am aiming to stay around this weight (but perhaps try to redistribute it a little via renewed gym-bunnying). Xoc's 87-88kg, and aiming, ultimately for 80 (and, with better self-discipline than me, has a good chance of getting there).

We're both finding it all still quite 'doable', with minimal cravings or unpleasant effects. The most notable downside that I've noticed is that, whenever I tell anyone I'm on it, they try to talk me out of it - usually from a position of little to no evidence-base, on the grounds that it "doesn't sound healthy". Which can be annoying.
pointless and uncalled for
10:41 / 12.07.04
Having raised my concerns regarding the design of the diet (and even the construct of dieting altogether) I will leave that alone. But, on the exercise thing I would strongly recommend taking up cycling.

It's nearly as good for you as swimming and carries fewer of the health related dangers such as verrucas, infections and big brown sharks. On top of that you also live nice and close to the river, which in cycling terms equates to a long, flat stretch of emminently cyclable land surrounded by pleasant scenery and littered with swanky cafes that just love to sell "Atkins friendly" snacks.

What are your plans for the post ideal-weight-attainment? Do you intend to continue with the Atkins prescribed eating habits or do you envisage a more balanced version of your previous consumption rates combined with a continuation of your new found love of water sports?

As an aside you subscribe to the theory of bio-normalisation , whereby a body on an unbalanced diet become used to the intake and will ultimately revert to a gain cycle.

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