Oh God, here we go again...
I'd like to apologise to anyone who's been at the receiving end of unwarranted hostility or personal abuse from me in the past year or more. I don't want to apologise for calling out what I've seen as prejudice, or disagreeing with people strongly, or taking a dim view of certain theories or 'arguments', but I would like to apologise for being generally more ready to spit flame than give people the benefit of the doubt. I recognise that there's a balance and I've tended to veer waaaaay too far towards 'aggressive'.
I'm thinking of Robby Frost, who I went off on after he had been very annoying, but who I still went off on in a needless fashion - I should have said this instead. So apologies to Frosty, and many others. If you thought "that Flyboy obviously has a lot of personal anger issues to work through" - you were wrong about many many things, but not that. |