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Apologizing to the barb


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02:06 / 23.05.04
Ok, so I wanted to apologize for being an insensitive self absorbed cunt. The "art" that I made was a way of coping with the situations that were going on in the world. It was pretty fucked up of me to design something like this without finding out who Nick Berg was. After doing some research, I must say that I'm feeling pretty rotten about the whole thing. He was an independent business man who went to Iraq to help with communications. A lot of people are questioning the validity of the video, but still. The man is gone. Recently I've become more sensitive to the pain that other people are feeling, and it's starting to dawn on me that self absorbed arrogance alternated with self absorbed depression is not the way for anyone to live.

So ya, it's time for me to grow up. A lot of people found the picture I made hilarious, but due to the large amount of posters who did not, I came to the conclusion that something was very wrong. You guys were extremely harsh on me, but maybe this was what I needed to snap out of my junk. After all, I had never wanted a thread of mine deleted like that.

I'd like to turn this thread around by asking anyone who has ever posted anything they are ashamed of to apologize. Let us all start fresh and new. Let us hold no preconceived notions about each other. Let each and every one of us give each and every one of us a new chance.

This thread has been laced with zero sarcasm.
04:08 / 23.05.04
While I think I apologized to everyone directly involved, I'd like to apologize for becoming a righteous prick a few months back in the Androgyny thread in Head Shop. Initially I was only mildly self-involved, as I was becoming embarassingly personal in my discussion of the issue, or rather, of a personal issue that only parenthetically had to do with the thread's issue. The board had some malfunction one day soon after, and before I determined that it was an across the board fuckup I leapt to the assumption that it had been deleted by mods. When I realized my error I apologized profusely to everyone I'd dragged into the affair, and generally keep out of Head Shop these days, doubting my social graces as seem to be required within.

Rage, I'd not seen your Nick Berg image, but that's a tough issue to make light of. I tend not to give a shit who I offend when I crack wise, so long as I feel I'm making a legitimate point. The more I learn about the incident, including all of the reasons why it may not be what the media claims it is, the less amusing I find it. You simply backed the wrong pony, is all. Better luck next time.

07:27 / 23.05.04
Just in case you missed it when all the fur was flying, I did say sorry in that thread.
Rage, my post was not supposed to be an insult (although it certainly looked like one) but an attempt to get you to see why what you posted was a bad thing.
Thankyou for posting this thread, and just to say it again, I don't think you are one of [ahem] _those_.
rizla mission
11:18 / 23.05.04
Rage being 'mature'?

Who'd have thunk it.

I think you should apologise for apologising.
14:23 / 23.05.04
No you don't, Rizla. You think I should go for a walk in the park.

A Nice Walk in the Park

So gallantly I stroll
Little birdies go tweat
Such a nice special treat
To be here in the park
16:15 / 23.05.04
I feel the need to apologize cause I've no idea what this thread is about. I've been out of the loop. ( <-- GASP! A smiley! That's frowning! A frowney!)
Lord Morgue
12:32 / 24.05.04
I want to apologise for rotting every thread I post in, even the ones I start, for spamming, post whoring, trolling, flaming, endlessly posting song lyrics with little or no relevance to the topic, tormenting mods (all this and I'm a mod myself!), making fun of Brazilian Jujitsu exponents, forcing everyone I know to watch "Enter the Basset" with me, getting drunk and singing "Angels Brought me Beer" offkey, linking to just to make people want to gouge their eyes out Event Horizon style, mentioning Event Horizon, stalking everyone who flames me, singing TISM songs at work, knowing the lyrics to TISM songs, marking out to Chris Jericho, eating kimchi flavoured instant noodles and pretending I have "Evil Plastic-Melting Kimchi Breath", and eating those Corn Thins I found in my Men's Health showbag from the Royal Easter Show... BEFORE last. I'm a bad, bad, man. I, I...

Since I was no bigger than a weevil they've been saying I was evil
That if "bad" was a boot that I'd fit it
That I'm a wicked young lady, but I've been trying hard lately
O fuck it! I'm a monster! I admit it!
15:35 / 24.05.04
By the way, I don't think that thread's been deleted, Rage -- it's over in the Creation. At least it was a few minutes ago.
Jack Denfeld
04:26 / 25.05.04
I want to apologize for kicking ass and chewing bubble gum. Cuz now I'm all out of bubble gum.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
04:56 / 25.05.04
I want to apologise for Chuck Austen. Not because he's my fault but because someone has to.
the cat's iao
05:06 / 25.05.04
I want to apologize for kicking ass and chewing bubble gum. Cuz now I'm all out of bubble gum.

Now c'mon...I don't think ole rowdy roddy would be apologizing for anything: that's like pouring perfume on a pig!
05:20 / 25.05.04
I feel a strange need to apologize for letting other things get in the way of my 'Barbelith Time'; family, work, relationship, nature, writing, gaming, art, and so on...I feel as though I haven't been making the time commitment that membership in this board richly deserves.

I love you Barbelith.

Yes, I am a little drunk.
unheimlich manoeuvre
13:39 / 25.05.04
being British and European i'd like to apologise for my ancestors part in the creation of the USA. they have been very BAD and should be disciplined most severely.
pointless and uncalled for
13:50 / 25.05.04
I'd like to apologise for having mental images of disciplining americans.

I feel it's discriminatory of me so now I'm having images of disciplining everyone.
+#'s, - names
15:27 / 25.05.04
I would like to apologize for being an American citizen because we are all awful and we eat your babies. The parts left over from the babies we use to bind explosives to rockets that kill more babies for us to eat.

I would also like to apologize for making Tony Blair our puppet. Well, no, I don't want to apologize for that. That was fun.
Cat Chant
15:31 / 25.05.04
Most of the things I regret at the moment about my posts on barbelith have been times when I didn't make it clear enough to other posters how much they were pissing me off, so I feel a bit unapologetic currently - though I also feel like, in the spirit of this thread, I'm going through a process of examining my practice on the board. So I just wanted to say here that I thought Rage's initial post was really, really nice and I appreciate the reminder that criticism/self-criticism can be a useful and challenging part of what goes on here.
16:16 / 25.05.04
Yup, definitely a good move...

in the spirit of this whole mea culpa thing, I'd like to apologise for each and every time I've dumped my psychological/drinking problems on the board. I can't say it won't happen again, but I always feel a bit shit for doing it.
18:02 / 25.05.04
Actually, I don't think that requires an apology at all. I mean, unless you were doing it in the middle of a Switchboard topic on Bush's State of the Union Address, in which case it would be a little disconcerting.
Eloi Tsabaoth
18:19 / 25.05.04
I think psychological and drinking problems should be central to any thread about Dubya.
08:26 / 26.05.04
Good on you, Rage. I cannot remember doing anything on here that I want to apologise for. Maybe I'm in denial. Does anyone want to remind me?
pointless and uncalled for
08:50 / 26.05.04
*does splits, backflips into one handed handstand, flicks Caroom piece into Potus's throat*

You're on.

09:05 / 26.05.04
When I get my board round at my flat, I'll flay yo ass. No question.
pointless and uncalled for
09:13 / 26.05.04
I'll accept your apology when I stand triumphant over your broken form.
Haus of Mystery
12:04 / 26.05.04
Your styles are unorthodox but effective.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:19 / 27.05.04
Oh, go on then... I suppose this is the best place for me to apologise to Lord Morgue for appearing to threaten him: I was mostly riffing on a previous misunderstanding (when toksik appeared to be under the impression that I really actually thought we should shoot people) to create a fancy way of saying "good job these decisions aren't entirely up to me because I'd write someone off just for using this term". But even with the context, it was a bit unpleasant, and without the context it no doubt seems entirely unpleasant, so I'm unconditionally sorry. All I ask in return is that we keep the discussion of what a bad person I am here or in the Policy, and leave this Head Shop thread for discussion of the term 'feminazi' itself.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
13:01 / 27.05.04
I'd like to apologize for spending money to see Van Helsing, which means they may make more movies like that.

I know there is no way to forgive me for that.
17:10 / 27.05.04
I would like to apologise to Flyboy and Jefe de Jefelaces for my inane comments in a thread about Jay-Z.

I would like to apologise to Haus for passing comment on his contributions to a certain policy thread in a presumptuous manner, and to Tom Coates and anyone else who was annoyed by that.

I would like to apologise to everyone for tending to jump on what other people have said that I don't like, rather than coming up with something better myself. Also for posting things to get attention rather than to make a useful contribution. And thinking too highly of my own opinions. [see Jay-Z thread on all three counts]
11:27 / 15.08.04
(sigh) am i the only one who ever does anything wrong around here?

THis is way overdue, but I would like to apologise to Flux for what I said in the festival thread. It was very mean, and Qalyn was right to be pissed off with me. I just had my head up my arse at the time and wasn't really thinking about how my words might affect others, so sorry.
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:00 / 25.10.04
I would like to apologise to dizfactor although I can't remember what for; I'm pretty sure we had beef at one point though, and now reading yr recent posts, it's pretty clear that you rock. Plus, aren't you the guy who looks like Connor (not Oberst)?

Yeah yeah, I should learn not to pick fights... Maybe.
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:05 / 25.10.04
Of course, my mind could just be playing terrible, terrible tricks on me. Like that episode of Angel where Cordy is in the alternate universe where she never met Angel in LA:

"Sometimes he sends us out to save people he killed years ago."
19:13 / 25.10.04
I would like to apologize for my recent deluge of moderation requests.
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:19 / 25.10.04
Oh, shit, I just found it - The Problem With Adbusters. "if you hate the working class that much..." - I could probably have been a little less accusatory...
eddie thirteen
19:22 / 25.10.04
I would like to apologize to the guy whose ear I cut off and took as a trophy when I first came to Barbelith. Your world was bright and strange to me, and I was very very scared.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
20:06 / 25.10.04
I'm sorry for venting anger in inapropriate places round these parts over the last year and change - while I still stand by most of my opinions in terms of basic binary like/dislike I tended to let too much of my daily stresses/strains affect what I posted. Which just made me look stupid. I like to use the internet to keep this stuff out of my day to day life, but there's a time and a place, obviously, and I intend to keep a cooler head around here in future.
20:13 / 25.10.04
I'd like to apologise to Tony Blair for wishing him dead of fatal cardiac arrhythmia. In retrospect, that'd be a bit too quick.

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