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I Have Decided To Invade MOLDOVA [PICS]


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12:24 / 13.05.04

Don't attempt to stop me.

I need some good men willing to fight Swarfega-covered Amazons.

Report to the duty office:
Grey Area
12:33 / 13.05.04
I will join you on the condition that I be given Balti as a personal fief, to do with as I please, and be granted governorship over Tighina. Why? Because I like the name. Also I request 8.753% of the GNP as remuneration, to be adjusted for inflation tri-annualy.

Acceptance of my terms puts my army of robotic ants at your disposal.
13:02 / 13.05.04
8.751. No higher.

And you may have Gagauznia. The Peasant Women are famous for their legendary Wood Pies.

Tighina has notoriously chaotic Clotheslines. A man could go mad there. And callous groups of Revolutionaries roam the streets. Kitties are strangled every day.

No, no Tighina is going to be the site of a SOCIAL EXPERIMENT.
13:09 / 13.05.04
I've been thinking that by setting the whole district of Stanga Nistrului ablaze, we might set up a nice DIVERSION.
13:14 / 13.05.04
Meanwhile trained GIANT SQUID will be released from beneath my U-Boat at the mouth of the Black Sea:

13:22 / 13.05.04
Grey Area
13:28 / 13.05.04
8.5727 is the lowest I can go. I have an army of robotic ants to charge up you know...

I accept Gagauznia in lieu of Tighina. Can I to assume that I am also receiving my fiefdom of Balti?
13:43 / 13.05.04
VK, are you sure you've thought this through? Moldova's denim is of a notoriously shoddy quality.
16:23 / 13.05.04
Yes yes have Balti, have your CUT, just give me the fucking ANTS FOR GOTTS SAKE DONNER UND BLITZEN AIEEEE.


As far as I am concerned, that veers dangerously close to TREASON.

I will agree that in most peasant markets, in the underdeveloped and backward bomb craters of Moldova,Denim is of a poor and unserviceable quality, a predilection with Stonewash turning the unwary shopper into a beMulleted Scorpions fan in an instant.

But deep in the Forests of Ungheni and Orhei there are rich Denim deposits, great veins in the Earth that pulsate with Suppurating Blue Subversion...


*sets man-eating Turtles on Stoatie*
16:55 / 13.05.04
I used to have some furry dwarves who got off on pretending they were squirrels, back when we had a Barbecastle around these parts. If I manage to find them, maybe you'd be interested in using them, they're usually oiled and eager to be of service. Just don't let your boots anywhere near them, they'll chew the fuck out of them.
16:57 / 13.05.04
There's a lot of Moldavite.

Which is a bit like Kryptonite, in that it has a vaguely extraterrestrial origin story and looks like corruscating semiprecious snot.

Could you send me a lump? I'll swap it for anything small consumer goods you begin to miss as an ex-pat dictator. Cadbury's, Marmite and so forth.
Grey Area
19:16 / 13.05.04
I accept your terms. My legions of robotic ants are at your disposal, Herr Kaptiaen.

Note: Image not to scale. Actual size of robot ant is 15m x 45m x 20m. Robot ants are impervious to everything. No exeptions. Robot ants require charging before use. We recommend charging for at least 4-6 hours using standard 220V household current. Robot ants require user to master remote control unit, sold separately or available under lease agreement from Robotische Ameisen GmbH of Hamburg. Robotische Ameisen GmbH does not guarantee successful outcome of any ventures undertaken with, for or by robot ants or their users, either actual or implied. User assumes all responsibility for political, humanistic and financial repercussions resulting in the use of robot ants. Contains small parts. Not suitable for ages 3 and below. Regular maintenance is highly recommended and is the responsibility of the end user. Failure to maintain regular maintenance will result in failure of robot ant units and voiding of warranty. Maintenance only to be carried out by trained personnel of Robotische Ameisen GmbH. Maintenance arrangements are not included in original sale or lease contract and must be negotiated separately. Robotische Ameisen GmbH is not responsible for initiating dialogue to arrange maintenance arrangements. Do not taunt robot ants.
Saint Keggers
19:35 / 13.05.04
What an odd coincidence! I just happen to finish my work on the worlds first robot ant-eater.(yes, its blue)
William Sack
19:58 / 13.05.04
Great. You and Grey Area can sell your ant-eater to the Moldovans.
Mourne Kransky
21:10 / 13.05.04
As instructed, Herr Kommandant, I have insinuated myself into the good graces of the Moldovan Minister of the Defence of the Motherland. He knows a good blow job when he gets one and will do anything for me. I asked him to scuttle the navy and he pointed out that there isn't one, Moldova being landlocked. He says he is also Minister of Agriculture and will order the root vegetables to disarm, if I promise to stimulate his phrenum with a tuna steak.
pointless and uncalled for
06:24 / 14.05.04
Agent 00seldom at your service.
Located in southern wastes of Cahul.
Await orders.
Glory To The Emotionally Autonomous.
Hattie's Kitchen
10:59 / 14.05.04
Agent Fi-Fi Provocateur reporting for duty, my liege. I intend to disguise myself as a wistful mountain sheperdess, infiltrate the barracks of the Moldovan crack commando unit, distract them with nubile sheep, which will then sleep with them and infest them with a small army of robotic lice, rendering them helpless in the face of your mighty onslaught.
Baz Auckland
13:28 / 14.05.04
Maybe you can do something with that sad country when you're ruling it...those poor Moldovians... Oooh! Be Dr.Doom! Dress up in a robot mask and rule with an iron fist!
14:27 / 14.05.04
Iron fists are out of style this season. I'd suggest a nice bronze, or maybe a steel if you're not a flashy kinda guy.

My homemade trebuchet is at your service, as is my brother's roommate's yippy little dog (with or without permission). Hopefully I can train him to fire it a little quicker before the battle ends.
Mein Leben ist Kreig, weil ich ein bisschen Verrueckt ist!
Saint Keggers
15:11 / 14.05.04
Might I suggest using the trebuchet to fire the little yippy dog? (oh, like I was the only one thinking it!)
17:27 / 14.05.04
As enjoyable as that may be, it would require additional labor to fire the trebuchet, and I'm sure as hell not goin to Moldova. Besides, this way Moldovian troops can swarm in on him, and he can be destroyed in a blaze of glory, and be hailed as a hero back home. And everybody loves puppy heroes!
Char Aina
17:45 / 14.05.04
-intercepted message-

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-end of legible excerpt-
08:54 / 16.05.04
The Trebuchet wiil indeed make a most welcome DEATH DEALING DEVICE OF SUBJUGATION. Fuck the yippy dogs, I intend to fire ROBOTIC ANTS at the bastards.

Xoc: Get the Tuna Steak. Be all you can be.

00seldom: Await the arrival of LEMMY the General of my SQUIDSQUAD. He will be the bloodsoaked angry one. I have enclosed a Squid Interpretation Manual with the Thermos of Lighter Fluid I am sending you.

Baz: Doctor Doom. How very quaint. No, I tend to dress in an informal manner, which I find lulls the populace into a sense of apathy and cuddliness. I have a recent picture of myself somewhere...ah yes:

But I DO like the Castle angle. I'll bear that in mind.

LATEST DEVELOPMENTS: I am at present in negotiations with the MORLOCK NATION. We may yet attack from BELOW.

ALSO: Agent Quintero has transmitted from the Andes suggesting that a QUETZAL alignment could be forthcoming.


Let the blood flow freely, my brethren.

Soon we shall be building KOBRAN LODGES in the Moldovan capital.

Fi-Fi: A briliant plan. Please dress in Denim and Fur and await my signal. Or you could start stealing Tanks for me. I plan to set them alight with Napalm and drop them on the Moldovan forces from a great height. Does anyone have a spare Luftwaffe, by the way?
Grey Area
17:01 / 16.05.04
You intend to fire my robot ants from a trebuchet??? This was not part of our original agreement! If you insist on proceeding down this path, we will have to come to some sort of financial settlement and time-table adjustment that will allow my technicians to strengthen the ants' exo-structure and reprogram them to expect short flight-times. know, this whole business reminds of a customer we had back in the 80's. Of course, back then Robotische Ameisen only sold laser rifles and cannons which fired blue or red beams with no obvious effect. We have fond memories of this old customer. Let's see if I can find a picture of him in our files...ah yes:

Phex: Dorset Doom
17:59 / 16.05.04
Comrades, this situation is not acceptable. My Koga-Ninja strike team has been waiting in the Gents urinal designated as the duty office, as per our previous communique, for six nights now. Tachigawa-san has developed dysentry, Onijaku can't sleep for Ryu's nunchuka clinking. Furthermore our daily tea and meditation has been disrupted by what sounds like loud partying and the servo-mechanics of some large, mechanical insect, possibly a beetle or scorpion, coming from the large yellow building behind us. A man wearing some kind of Nazi-Gimp outfit has been seen entering and exiting the building at strange hours, we can only assume it is a gay S&M bathhouse which specialises in unnaturable copulations with mechanical insects.
We remain hopeful that this dishonorable situation will be rectified immediately and the shipment of Moldova's famous high-quality denim you promised us reaches our Tokyo offices.

19:18 / 16.05.04

23:03 / 16.05.04
Can I work on your campaign of fear? I'm good at propaganda, and I have lovely table manners.
Grey Area
08:10 / 17.05.04
Von Kobra, after working all night long (ahem), my technicians have come up with a modification that will allow you to fire the ants from a trebuchet. However it must be a trebuchet. Not a catapult or variant of ballista. I stress the importance of this condition.

(aside: I hope this turns out better than the last operation involving von Kobra)
Lord Morgue
10:29 / 17.05.04
As the resident Evil Scientist, I feel I would be remiss in my duties if I did not provide our glorious Barbelith Peace Keeping Forces with at least ONE weapon of mass destruction.
I presume all present are familiar with the flammenwerfer? I have gone one better! Gentlemen, I give you... THE WERFERWERFER! It throws things... that throw OTHER things! EEEEEHEEEHEEEHEEEHEEHEEE!
Grey Area
12:40 / 17.05.04
A truly inspired creation Lord Morgue. But it begs the question of what the thrown throwers throw. If it isn't sufficiently destructive, all we will be doing is providing our enemies with weapons to use against us...unless of course you are planning a Zorg-esque, evil scheme of exploding weapons.

And in the interests of public safety, the following visual aid will make my point for me:

Phex: Dorset Doom
16:39 / 17.05.04
Von Cobra corporate HQ
Phex: Dorset Doom
17:12 / 17.05.04
...Von Cobra corporate HQ. 2300 hours.
Baron Von Cobra, his tight vinyl outfit creaking under the strain of movement, looked down on the LCD display. His forces, robotic ants equipped with two miniguns apeice, supported by endless battalions of Werferwerfers, were crawling their way through Moldova, as if each battalion were a cancerous skin cell infecting all others around it. Von Cobra knew that soon Moldova's precious supplies of Denim would be his. Lighting a cigar he reclined into his leather chair, vibing off the juxtaposition of the feitshy fabrics that made up both his clothing and his upholstery.
The cigar dropped from his lips before it could be lit. A short blade, a kiroshi knife, was held to his throat. The perpetual gloom of his office had proved to be his undoing.
Reaching to his intercom he gasped "Security, intruder in sector-"
He was met by a wall of static, followed by a sound he knew too well: taut piano wire against the throat of his personal guard, becoming harsher and more urgent as breath and life deserted him.
"You'll find your security is quite useless."
The speaker, a Japanese man old beyond estimation, stepped forth from the shadows, picked the cigar from Von Cobra's desk and lit it.
"We have killed a hundred, maybe two hundred, in reaching your office, Cobra-san. We do so for the honor of the Koga-Ninja. We were promised denim of the finest quality in exchange for the state of Moldova. Instead, you have supplied us with this stone-washed trash. Furthermore you have chosen to employ a series of increasingly bizarre inventions to further your strategic ends, further dishonoring the Koga-Ninja. To do so would mean death for a lesser man."
The elderly man pressed the cigar against Von Cobra's obsidian ashtray, as if to punctuate his threat.
"My ninja-strike-force have chosen not to dirty ourselves in the realm of simple politics" he spat the word as if a whore would blush to say it "But remember always that we watch from the shadows, and your life is ours"
Von Cobra gasped as the knife was withdrawn from his throat. As the ninja wiped his guard's blood from their katana, Cobra fell to his knees and wept.
Like a little bitch.
Lord Morgue
14:14 / 18.05.04
Von Cobra! This is intolerable! I have had the sanctity of my secret laboratory violated by that costumed buffoon, Captain Moldova! He broke all my stuff! You know, the thing with the lights, and the other thing. I stood on my catwalk and I pointed my finger RIGHT AT HIM and I said "Stop him, you fools, he's only one man!" and then he did this jump like WHOOOSH! And we were all WOAH! And he hit this guy with a test tube rack, it was brutal.
As a result, development of the new Werferwerferwerfer unit has been delayed until I get a new phillips head screwdriver. Do you have a phillips head screwdriver? I tried using a butter knife, but I think I was turning it the wrong way.
Grey Area
15:37 / 18.05.04
I have one. But you're only going to get it if you return the device you 'borrowed' from my lab when you came over to discuss fitting my robot ants with Werferwerfer attachment slings. Which won't work, by the way. They get in the way of the tertiary hydrogen sub-system coolant vent.
Lord Morgue
13:10 / 19.05.04
The tertiary hydrogen sub-system coolant vent is the bit that does the werfing, you demented tinkerer! And no, you said I could have the Oscillation Overthruster. I'd call you an indian giver, but you never gave me any of them, either. And I so wanted my own Indira Naidoo! Sigh.
And anyway, I am completing work on the Autowerfer, which will render all other werfing devices obsolete, by throwing ITSELF! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Deal with THAT!

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