Not only does the US cynically use its UN veto to aid Israel in its multiple human rights abuses (and it's broken more Resolutions than any other nation since the UN began), but it continues to bankroll Israel financially and militarily to a degree that is frankly obscene.
That may have something to do with Evangelical Christianity's lock on American Foreign Policy that's leftover from the Reagan Administration. The state of Israel has to exist in order for the Temple Mount to be rebuilt blah blah blah etc etc. I really wish that the US supported Israel because it's the only democracy in the region, but that's just not the case.
Lately I've begun to think of Israel as a state founded on terror. Ethnic cleansing and other atrocities against Palestinians, the King David Hotel bombing, the bombing of the British Embassy in Rome, numerous other incidents committed by the Stern Gang and the Irgun and other "freedom fighters."
The Jewish people, especially in Europe, have been on the receiving end of a couple thousand years of hatred and suspicion. I can understand the desire for a Jewish homeland. But these methods are never justified. Not in British Palestine, not in Ireland, not in the Basque regions, not in the West Bank. Nowhere. |