If the Israeli government is encouraging people to stop separating Jew and Zionist... shouldn't all these "progressives" (there we go) stop eating up their bait?
I really don't know what you mean by this?
You can hear some of them being all PC about it too and trying extra hard not to use the word "Jew" but some of them end up slipping and make *signs* that say shit like "End the Jewish monopoly on freedom." How do the Jews have a monopoly on freedom? Most Jews are liberal human rights activists who oppose all militant occupations that are currently taking place.
I've not encountered that myself. I think part of the reason for this confusion of Jews and Zionists is that Israel is a Jewish state. If you're Jewish, you have a right to live there. Incursions onto Palestinian lands, and much of what has happened has been justified by religion and theology. There isn't a seperation between state and religion, in real terms, because the state is religious. Israel's citizens and founders have themselves created this situation where, to some extent, Israel is the state of the Jews, and thus in some way representative of the Jews. It's roughly equivilent to equating Germans with Nazis during WW2: both the flaws in that comparison, and the justification for it.
Thus, the confusions. However, many Jewish people *are* anti-Zionist, and critical of Sharon etc's appalling policies. Me, for example. Although I'm not religiously Jewish. Members of my family live in Israel, are palpably threatened by the bombing. I'm not an anti-semite. And my uncle is a good example. He refused to do military service in Israel many years ago, and went to prison for it.
However, I would agree with the concept that most (Israeli) Jews, and often Jews in the international community, have an ingrained idea that freedom for them is a justification for depriving palestinian and israeli arabs of that freedom. Israelis did elect Sharon, even though he was a convicted war criminal. Its worth noting that, generally speaking, Jews that come to live in Israel, often from a religious imperative, often have much more hard line Zionist viewpoints than native Israelis.
When I've visited Israel I've also encountered the attitudes towards Arabs that Ganesh described. My aunt will cross the road if she sees an arab. My small cousins casually fling racist remarks around. To some extent this has been fostered by the violence between the communities, but on the other hand, it's important to understand Israel's role in this. Joe Sacco (SORRY for poor spelling by the way ) is the way to go to find out about this. Or just read a history book.
This is wrapped up in the religion, culture and society of Israel. |