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Gilmore Girls: Lane and Jess should hook up


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Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:09 / 01.05.06
Yeah, there are no such things as idyllic New England towns. Not even Stars' Hollow.
18:27 / 01.05.06
"And it was under a horned waning moon that I saw the city for the first time. Still and somnolent did it lie, on a strange plateau in a hollow beneath strange stars. And in its center, where marble streets intersected weblike I saw a curious gazebo of ghastly white..."
19:37 / 01.05.06
"...and a flickering crosswalk of horrifying speed which blinked regularily with a steady tattoo, completely juxtaposed against the quickly irregular and frightening beat of my fearful heart. There I saw perhaps the most gruesome of all... a terrifying and paralyzing Ice Cream Shoppe."
12:45 / 10.05.06
Anybody see the season finale last night (if it was the season finale)? I missed a good chunk of it because of other commitments, but I saw that one of my all-time favorite characters (and source of never-ending conflict) returned: Christopher. During the bathroom scene, it became painfully obvious that Lorelai still loved Christopher in that same original way. I sort of missed the ending, but I saw Lorelai in bed with Christopher. Anybody want to fill in the blanks for me?
12:46 / 10.05.06
That was a fair season finale. I'm a bit annoyed that Luke and Lorelai are overreacting so much, but on the other hand, I've always liked her with Christopher, so I'm pretty much fine either way.

Best part was all the musical guest stars. I saw Yo La Tengo, Sparks, Sonic Youth, and Sam Phillips (who does most of their incidental music). Plus the two previous troubadors, of course: Grant Lee Phillips and that teacher from Freaks and Geeks. But I'm sure there were some that I missed. Anyone catch who the others were?
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
14:01 / 10.05.06
I saw the season finale:

Lorelai essentially gave Luke an ultimatum. Luke was very non-committal and Lorelai walked away. Of course, where does she go when she needs "comfort"? Christopher, whom personally I think would be fed up with this woman deciding to come back into his life when hers goes to crap. But maybe that's just me.

The bit with Logan leaving for London and Rory all sleepy and crying made me tear up. I know that feels.

You can tell from the way it ended that Lorelai doesn't really want Christopher, she just wanted to feel like she was wanted. Which, again, would piss me off.

And while I loved catching all those indie acts as troubadours, give me Grant Lee Phillips any day.
16:35 / 11.05.06
I wrote up a review here, perhaps going more into depth than is required by an episode of Gilmore Girls. To sum up, I have some major issues with how Luke was treated this season. I really liked Lorelai's arc, but I think it might have been more effective if we had a better idea of what's motivating Luke's odd behavior. The stuff with April is some justification, but not quite enough.

Still, I thought the final fifteen minutes or so were excellent, really powerful stuff. I'm not sure about the final twist, but it certainly leaves the new showrunner with plenty of possible plotlines to explore. Of course, the fact that Luke is a regular on the show while Christopher isn't signed to any sort of long term contract could hinder the story direction.

At this point, I just wish that CW hadn't been dumb enough to let the Palladinos go. Now we'll never know where the characters' creators intended them to go.
02:56 / 12.05.06
Can anybody give me an update on the whereabouts of the Dean? I have missed most of the previous two seasons thanks to work so some info would be appreciated. I know that Padalecki's off on the road with his brother in search of ghosts or whatever bullshit the TV industry has him doing. But what about Dean?
19:44 / 13.05.06
I believe the last time we saw him was outside of Richard and Emily's house, when Rory goes off in a limo with Logan, embracing the wealthy glamourous life over the Stars Hollow values of Dean. So, Rory basically left his life in ruins, having broken up his marriage. I'm not sure what's happened to him, but I'd guess he's still kicking around Stars Hollow somewhere.
Dead Megatron
20:21 / 13.05.06
Dean has been hunting ghosts with Lana Lang's ex-boyfriend.

See what those heartless women do to those poor guys?
02:26 / 17.05.06
Well, even though I have no money, I bought Seasons 4 and 5 and am currently on disc 3 of S4. I forgot how many of these episodes I had seen on TV in syndication. Still funny however. S4 seems to be a slightly frustrating dance around the inevitable: L and L getting together. Luke with the divorce that he postpones, and Lorelai with the repulsive anti-Luke, Digger Stiles. Oy. I can't wait for them to shag. Luke and Lorelai, I mean.
13:52 / 17.05.06
Repulsive? Digger was great! (Although, admittedly I love Chris Eigeman to the point where he can do no wrong.) In many ways, he struck me as a male version of Lorelei, which may be exactly why she rejected him him in the end.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
13:54 / 17.05.06
Yeah, Jason wasn't a bad match for Lorelai. They both had sort of the same attitude about her parents and the world they lived in, etc.

I'm watching the first season AGAIN and watching those magical pre-L & L-hook-up moments where you could see the adoration in Luke's eyes. *sigh* Y'know, back when I still liked him, instead of now, when I want to punch him. And of course--my all time favorite--CuteDean!!! He was such a sweet first boyfriend!
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
15:47 / 27.09.06
Season premiere last night.

No real surprises. The morning after for Lorelai in Christopher's bed. The look on her face when she realizes she's majorly fucked up. Poor Christopher. He thinks it means something. Luke struggling to comprehend Lorelai's insistence it's over. Rory's confusion over Logan's present--and by the way, the eventual explanation is just silly. Kirk wrecking Luke's diner. And of course....the look on Luke's face when Lorelai confesses she slept with Christopher.

The writing not as quick as the Palladinos, but still a welcome thing to have back, even if it may be the last season.
17:10 / 27.09.06
I missed the premiere, but your remark about the speediness of the Palladinos being missed is a remark I am noticing in most reviews. Most critics say that the new guy is good, but he's not a Palladino. Hopefully this is the last season and Luke and Lorelai can marry. Or Christopher and Lorelai can marry. It's always that choice, isn't it? Always has been.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
17:21 / 27.09.06
I'm still hoping Christopher grows a pair and tells Lorelai to go fuck herself.

But oh man, the look on Luke's face...I felt so awful for him...
18:45 / 27.09.06
Some of the Paladino magic was missing, but not that much.

I actually felt like Alexis's acting has never been better.

Also, on the plus side, last night was the first episode in years where Suki was on screen and I wasn't wishing death upon her.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
19:03 / 27.09.06
I like Sookie! She's a lovely character.

I miss Lane. I hope the honeymoon ends soon.
20:31 / 27.09.06
I hope to see Christopher and Lorelai have some non-angsty dating for at least a few weeks this season before she goes running back to Luke.

Although I'd be happiest of all if they brought back Jason/Digger as her love interest.
20:37 / 27.09.06
I thought it was generally successful, Rosenthal had the characters' voices down pretty well and I think he did the best he could with the corner he'd been written into by the Palladinos. But, there was something a little bit off, and I think this episode in particular was hurt by its focus on the town supporting characters. The older Gilmores or Lane and her crew are much better. I'd love to see a Lane spinoff, her stuff's always great.

At this point, I'd like to see Lorelai try again to have a real relationship with Christopher. If this is the last season, I think they could do a good separation, then Lorelai definitively breaks up with Chris and returns to Luke. If it isn't the last season, it'll be a lot tougher to figure out a way to keep that dynamic fresh.

There's more up at my blog.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
20:44 / 27.09.06

I hear we get a return to the angst as Lorelai's glibness fails her when she realises what she's done to herself and to Luke.

And Lane has a surprise.

12:29 / 04.10.06
I was disappointed in the way they wrote Lane's chracter last night. They sapped almost all the rock and roll out of her. The Lane I know wouldn't be worried about silver prams and testing the temperature of milk. She would have been like "Rory, how I can I take a baby out on tour? There's no daycare at Woodstock! And what about rehearsing! A baby can't sleep in a house where someone's practicing their sixteen minute drum solo!" I'm glad they mentioned Courtney Love, but she should have been in it from the beginning, with Lane fretting whether she'd be a Kim Gordon kind of mother or Courtney Love kind of mother and such. And the thing with the "oh, celebrities give their kids the weirdest names" bit was tired. Especially, when there was so much rich material they could have mined about kids of rock stars.

I know I'm ranting, but when you take the rock and roll out of Lane, you take almost everything. She becomes a second rate version of Rory.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
13:13 / 04.10.06
I almost thought the show was going to there, and by that I mean, I was sure Lane was going to tell Rory, "Listen, I'm just not having this baby. Not right now." Sometimes it annoys me that this show sort of goes pro-life in a way. That the only option Lane has to have the baby because it seems like Rory is very much, "No, you'll be okay, just have the baby. It will all work itself out." As is Lorelai.

Yeah, Rock'n'Roll Lane looks like she's gonna missed this year.

And my sympathy level for Lorelai is still nonexistent.
15:08 / 04.10.06
Yeah, I was muttering to the screen, "Hmmm... if only there was some way of terminating unwanted pregnancies..."
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
16:13 / 04.10.06
It's just interesting that they never explore the option of abortion on this show. I mean, they really never had a need to--we sort of expected Sookie and Jackson were never going to consider it anyhow--but now they have a chance to do so. I think they won't because this is considered a family show and God forbid the right-wing Christians petition to pull sponsors.

Man, I am so irritated right now.
23:11 / 05.10.06
Yeah, having the storyline crop up at all is a mistake. I don't know what it is about TV producers that makes them think pregnancies and weddings are what people really want. But beyond that, Lane's whole arc has been aboout rejecting her mother and constructing a new identity for herself free from the strict bounds of familial expectation. I think there was a lot of interesting stuff left to cover with Lane's band, in fact of all the characters on the show, I feel like she had the most fresh territory left to cover.

So, it makes no sense to saddle her with a pregnancy and effectively kill the character's forward momentum. I too was thinking for a bit that maybe we were going to see Lane go down the abortion route, and I think that'd have been really bold choice that would totally reinvent the character in a potentially interesting. However, as it is now, we're looking at Lane likely becoming her mother. Considering the way they presented Zach here, I feel like the arc might involve Zach not being able to function as a father, prompting Lane to run back to her mother, essentially the opposite of Lorelai's journey with Rory.

But, the most likely thing is for Lane is remain a light comedy character and have various wacky adventures on her way to having a happy home life with Zach and child. Though I'm not sure how they'll pay for this kid's stuff, are Luke's Diner wages that high?
02:05 / 06.10.06
Oh, yeah. Nothing says "entertaining" like terminating a pregnancy. Have they explored the issue of paralysis? I'm disappointed that Luke wasn't made into a quadriplegic when the car crashed into the diner window. The show really took the cheap way out.
02:56 / 06.10.06
They've got to have something to put the drama in dramedy, right? In this case, I don't think Lane goes through an abortion would have been a good plot, but I think Lane becomes a mother is an even worse one. It's the plotline itself that should have been aborted.
09:28 / 06.10.06
I can get down with that idea, Pattycakes. Motherhood isn't very rock 'n roll.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
13:10 / 06.10.06
And if anything, all we've ever heard Lane talk about is what is and is not rock'n'roll.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
13:25 / 11.10.06
The lack of Palladino writing is starting to become evident. At least the current writers have Emily down pat.

Logan and Rory "sexting"? Ewww. Takes me to a very uncomfortable place.

I guess we have to play out the Christopher and Lorelai storyline one last time.

So far? Not impressed with the season.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
13:09 / 18.10.06
Last night's opening dialogue--involving "Snakes on a Plane," no less--was the worst I have heard. So far this season is coming very strained, as though the writers are trying too hard to sound like SherPa's dialogue and failing miserably. Lauren Graham and David Sutcliffe have always had great chemistry but last night was the first time it felt forced. The entire episode felt flat. I am becomingly increasingly disappointed in this season and while I won't stop watching just to see how this all turns out, I am hoping this will be the last one.
14:10 / 18.10.06
Lauren Graham rocked the picking Emily up at jail scene. And I'm amused that Gia from Veronica Mars is gong to be one of Rory's friends now.

But in general, yeah, what gets me most is just how meandering this season is. Without any real plot, it's just turning into voyeurism. It's like the early days of MTV's "The Real World," but with better actors.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
14:16 / 18.10.06
I hate to be disappointed in what has always been a great show. I realize last season was okay as far as SherPa still being around went, but this season is just dismal. I don't feel like it's going anywhere.

I really don't like the concept of Rory having "arty" friends because I wouldn't buy it for a second.
20:51 / 18.10.06
Rory's scenes felt like she'd wandered into Six Feet Under seasons three and four. There's certainly some interesting territory to cover with her getting some new friends, people who she actually likes, unlike every other group of people she's hung out with over the years.

However, I'd agree that something's off. I think the Lorelai/Christopher relationship is entertaining, but it feels too much like fanfic. It would have been more interesting to keep Lorelai single for a little while. I feel like the Christopher storyline is too obviously headed to some sort of catastrophe, yet the way the show's constructed now, it's making Chris very sympathetic. So, there'll either have to be a sharp turn in his character or an unmotivated breakup.

Ultimately, my big issue is that the season is not following up on Lorelai's character arc from last season, they addressed the narrative consequences, but not examined the deeper sadness that underlied her breakup with Luke. What they could do is explore the idea that she's just with Chris to fight her fear that she can't have a satisfying relationship. Chris is the ultimate comfortable guy, wealthy, known and clearly devoted to her. But, their uneven levels of affection will presumably undermine the relationship down the line.

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